Baabcat 1,646 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 Two days to go !!! Yeah, personally cant wait for 6pm UK Saturday to get stuck into VoG again, and been doing a bit of reading and thinking about strats/ loadouts/ advice / prep etc. This will naturally have some spoilers in so anyone wanting to go in blind, good luck!!! Firstly - Contest mode - for those who dont know our light level will be capped at 1300 through out the raid, whilst the Vex will be higher - i would expect they'll start 15 levels above, and by the Boss room they'll be 25 levels above - sort of GM level, but without the extra modifiers that GM's bring. So easier than GM, but not easy. Personally I'll be looking to stay alive as a priority, so things like: high recovery stat variety of solar / arc / void chest pieces to easily up damage resistance depending on each encounter (think i saw somewhere that VoG is mainly void and solar, but who knows whats changed) mods like protective light and ability to carry a few stacks of it (, extra charge, stacks on stacks etc) I'm sure many of us remember VoG very well (and assuming its not changed too much) but worth thinking about things that have changed in D2 which will have an impact, such as: champions and anti-champion mods. I'd bet my life on overload minotaurs on the 'opening the door' starting encounter, and bound to be a few more throughout (unstoppable wyvern anyone?) dont forget anti-barrier is not just for champions - Hobgoblin snipers are hopefully going to suffer, the bane of many runs ! swords - werent really a thing back in VoG's day, but potentially super useful now some of the go to high level supers werent really a thing in original VoG, so well and tether and stasis might help a ton, and thundercrash maybe (not sure about this cos of the Relic) deaths - 6 revives only, not the constant revives we could do, stay alive!! mods - the whole mod system is new, warmind cells might be super useful, protective light and powerful friends etc - I'm going to try and get some synergies across my team just to try and keep people on their feet grenade launchers didnt exist, and i bet Anarchy gets a lot of use this weekend - try to unlock the top right mod on the seasonal artefact, seems to promise a lot of anarchy fun. Rockets dont go through the relic shield, but i wonder if GL grenades do? Can always jump! Add-clear - VoG of old is very mechanic light compared to todays raids, the main issue was staying alive in the face of huge waves of adds, so add clearing exotics like Riskrunner and Trinity Ghoul might be good calls, and add clearing supers will be helpful for a lot of the early stages Two other top tips from back in the day Bubble titan with helm of saint 14 was a total joy in dealing those vex coming up the steps! At Aetheon, even if your screen to totally black, you can still see your fireteam's names - JUMP TO THE NAMES Feel free to add more -long time since VoG and I've got the memory of a goldfish ! Greboth, GazzaGarratt and RenFengge 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispymorgan 1,067 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 Hopefully my trinity ghoul will be OP. RenFengge 1 20 hours ago, crispymorgan said: I shall also buy a monkeybike...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teenwolf25 327 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 Good write up Bob, I agree on a lot of what you’ve said. There’s going to be overloads etc without a doubt. There’s wyverns but we don’t know if they’re going to be champions or not yet. risk runner is an awesome shout for clearing but it’s gonna be a gamble if it’s going to be worth losing an exotic space. I wouldn’t bother with trinity ghoul as no doubt an arrow even with lightning conductor active won’t kill the vex. Once modifiers have gone it’ll be good tho. I’m gonna be a well warlock but with the new boots so I can continuously have a rift out and my teammates will constantly be bombarded with them healing seeking orbs. I haven’t quite unlocked breach and clear yet but that is gonna be the main play for boss dps GazzaGarratt and RenFengge 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teenwolf25 327 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 Just now, crispymorgan said: Hopefully my trinity ghoul will be OP. It will probably be useless. Load into a master NF today and see if the lightning perk actually kills stuff or leaves them weak? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted May 20, 2021 Author Share Posted May 20, 2021 Fair points Clive gut I’m hopeful for TG , fully master worked it does a lot of ancillary damage which then held chain the next lightening conductor. I’m not wedded to it but will probably give it a try I. The opening encounter and see how it goes. RR was @RenFengge’s idea and I think could be awesome as the fanatics drop arc fluid. Again will try it and see how it goes, so much add clearing to do !! RenFengge 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RenFengge 1,043 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 14 minutes ago, Teenwolf25 said: I’m gonna be a well warlock but with the new boots so I can continuously have a rift out and my teammates will constantly be bombarded with them healing seeking orbs. And here I was thinking, "I don't have to touch Lost Sectors again for a long time." 😒 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teenwolf25 327 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 Lost sectors and GMs are where the best loot is tho.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted May 20, 2021 Author Share Posted May 20, 2021 7 minutes ago, Teenwolf25 said: Lost sectors and GMs are where the best loot is tho.... Yeah it would be nice if someone could snag those boots ! Think the hunter ones are meant to be really good as well. Haven’t had chance to get either yet Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TurboR56Mini 967 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 12 minutes ago, Baabcat said: Yeah it would be nice if someone could snag those boots ! Think the hunter ones are meant to be really good as well. Haven’t had chance to get either yet What do you want me to concentrate on? I can play all three and all are well into light level. I do have the top right mod unlocked along with the launcher stun for unstoppable (should there be any). I can try and get the mods for Warlock and Hunter, not sure what the legend sectors are but I'm 1319 now. I don't have the crash exotic either or those Warlock gloves that were OP with the poison. Remember some of us can only be one thing like @RenFengge is only a Warlock. I know you, me, and @Venom can be anything. Thoughts? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted May 20, 2021 Author Share Posted May 20, 2021 12 minutes ago, TurboR56Mini said: What do you want me to concentrate on? I can play all three and all are well into light level. I do have the top right mod unlocked along with the launcher stun for unstoppable (should there be any). I can try and get the mods for Warlock and Hunter, not sure what the legend sectors are but I'm 1319 now. I don't have the crash exotic either or those Warlock gloves that were OP with the poison. Remember some of us can only be one thing like @RenFengge is only a Warlock. I know you, me, and @Venom can be anything. Thoughts? I was thinking me you and crispy as Titans, La as a warlock and aj and Charlie as hunters. It is tempting to have two warlocks though , does aj just play hunter, or have I got that totally wrong?. . @Teenwolf25 would be interest to get your thoughts on team composition ? RenFengge 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Teenwolf25 327 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 21 minutes ago, Baabcat said: I was thinking me you and crispy as Titans, La as a warlock and aj and Charlie as hunters. It is tempting to have two warlocks though , does aj just play hunter, or have I got that totally wrong?. . @Teenwolf25 would be interest to get your thoughts on team composition ? I think we’re going for two of each class. A banner sheild and bubble Titan. A tether and stasis hunter and the then a chaos and well warlock. That’ll cover most things to start with then we’ll adapt each encounter if we need to. We want each class to have a suppressive and add clear capabilities. The stasis and tether should work well for add control then the chaos can do quick add clear. I shall be the only well but if the boots work good then one should be enough. If people are too spread out for the healing to work then we’ll have to adapt as necessary. I’ve never done VOG so I’m on a back foot. My team have about a thousand clears between them all but that doesn’t help if they change stuff. Your team have all done it too so it should be good raiding all round. I think it’ll be the first raid where we’re all in the running for a day 1 GazzaGarratt and RenFengge 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RenFengge 1,043 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 21 minutes ago, Baabcat said: I was thinking me you and crispy as Titans, La as a warlock and aj and Charlie as hunters. It is tempting to have two warlocks though , does aj just play hunter, or have I got that totally wrong?. . I've seen @Ajay as a Titan... We all might need to hash out team composition during IB tonight. Please remember that we have two non-FGers to consider who signed up long before we even had a full second team, who would probably make a great addition to FG in the long run... I'm trying to get the third team formed currently too. Otherwise, we're going to need to put some on "benches" to cycle in when needed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted May 20, 2021 Author Share Posted May 20, 2021 Yeah not sure what to do about the two non-FGers !! Suspect a couple of bench warmers would be useful when the reality of contest mode hits ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RenFengge 1,043 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 9 minutes ago, Baabcat said: ...when the reality of contest mode hits ! You are not helping me with my apprehension about this lol. However, I will stick through it! And, I promise I will try not to wipe the team too often. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted May 20, 2021 Author Share Posted May 20, 2021 3 minutes ago, RenFengge said: You are not helping me with my apprehension about this lol. However, I will stick through it! And, I promise I will try not to wipe the team too often. 😂😂😂 You’ll be fine . Early stages won’t be too bad I don’t think. Although don’t remind me I said this an hour in ! RenFengge 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,145 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 3 hours ago, Baabcat said: RR was @RenFengge’s idea and I think could be awesome as the fanatics drop arc fluid. Again will try it and see how it goes, so much add clearing to do !! I like Riskrunner as an option. All I'd say to people is make sure you have a number of high level guns that you can infuse into whatever you may need to call upon and grab some extra upgrade modules too to save the time and hassle. I'd argue at Templar stage it was always the sniper Hobgoblins that we're worse than the Ad-control. They only overwhelmed us if we didn't get the Minotaurs quickly that would spawn in the top corners of the map. Part of me suggests a decent scout to call on for some stages. I haven't got a decent Linear Fusion rifle though and I'm very much feeling like we'll need one for Atheon. 2 hours ago, RenFengge said: I've seen @Ajay as a Titan... We all might need to hash out team composition during IB tonight. Please remember that we have two non-FGers to consider who signed up long before we even had a full second team, who would probably make a great addition to FG in the long run... I'm trying to get the third team formed currently too. Otherwise, we're going to need to put some on "benches" to cycle in when needed. I get that and its a difficult one to balance as they're non-FG. Ideally we can find more that would like to run it but with FGers getting behind this I cant see how they can take a slot over them right at this minute. I always felt more would FGers would be around and its great they are. Lets hope a few more come out of the woodwork too. Don't forget, I cant see a problem in getting them in a raid with us in the first few days I imagine, just might be difficult for other FGers to get to know them on the first time meeting is a Day 1 raid with the additional challenge that comes with it issall. 😅 It might help if they come over and do an intro? 😄 Baabcat 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RenFengge 1,043 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 4 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said: It might help if they come over and do an intro? 😄 I'll go poke at them for that. GazzaGarratt and Baabcat 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispymorgan 1,067 Posted May 20, 2021 Share Posted May 20, 2021 Ajay is hunter, but can do other classes at a push RenFengge 1 20 hours ago, crispymorgan said: I shall also buy a monkeybike...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted May 21, 2021 Author Share Posted May 21, 2021 I’m liking 3 Titan idea as early on there’s sort of 3 spawn locations for the first few encounters. But perhaps that will change, thinking about Templar room if they don’t change those spawn it’s going to be fire anarchy and emote !! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greboth 2,721 Posted May 21, 2021 Share Posted May 21, 2021 Talking to Lee last night about the OG VoG, I ran through it many times with the below loadout. Hopefully knowing what worked before can help make a good base of what to start with this time. Primary; AR, mostly used for general add clearing. Secondary; Depending on the encounter I used Found verdict (arc shotgun), Vision of confluence (solar scout rifle) or Icebreaker (Sniper). I don’t remember there being any arc shields though, Found Verdict was just a goof shotgun. If it’s the same as before, maybe a void shotgun? Heavy: Corrective measure (void lmg with 99 round magazine). I imagine a good void LMG will be a good shout though, as mentioned above, swords could be very useful. I can see Falling Guillotine getting a work out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diddums 4,350 Posted May 21, 2021 Share Posted May 21, 2021 I shall read absolutely fuck all in here and then hold everyone up for 15 mins every fight whilst Leigh @GazzaGarratt explains it all. I mean, I could do the research but I prefer to go for the authentic experience. Instead I shall present you with a graphic representation of what my team mates can expect: GazzaGarratt, TurboR56Mini and RenFengge 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RenFengge 1,043 Posted May 21, 2021 Share Posted May 21, 2021 1 hour ago, Diddums said: I shall read absolutely fuck all in here and then hold everyone up for 15 mins every fight whilst Leigh @GazzaGarratt explains it all. I mean, I could do the research but I prefer to go for the authentic experience. 😂 - that's usually my strategy. No prep... just show up. Lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Baabcat 1,646 Posted May 21, 2021 Author Share Posted May 21, 2021 2 hours ago, Diddums said: I shall read absolutely fuck all in here and then hold everyone up for 15 mins every fight whilst Leigh @GazzaGarratt explains it all. I mean, I could do the research but I prefer to go for the authentic experience. Instead I shall present you with a graphic representation of what my team mates can expect: As the boss in Reservoir Dogs said, ‘who needs facts when you’ve got instinct ‘ RenFengge 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,145 Posted May 21, 2021 Share Posted May 21, 2021 2 hours ago, Diddums said: I shall read absolutely fuck all in here and then hold everyone up for 15 mins every fight whilst Leigh @GazzaGarratt explains it all. I mean, I could do the research but I prefer to go for the authentic experience. Instead I shall present you with a graphic representation of what my team mates can expect: GIF logged and stored for future requirements 🔥 RenFengge 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slamminbones 1,839 Posted May 21, 2021 Share Posted May 21, 2021 Think I might need a baby sitter when I get on D2. RenFengge and GazzaGarratt 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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