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FG Server - Maps by RenFengge


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To avoid cluttering the general Valheim thread, I'll post my map updates here.



  • It sort of looks like we didn't do a lot compared to yesterday? But, we did spend more time in the Black Forest than yesterday.
  • Fun fact? There are multiple Black Forests? I'll have to get better at making a distinction among the different ones.
  • Yes, I died north of HQ where there is a small stone tower of orc/goblins/greydwarfs (I call them orcs).
  • I found our merchant to use our coins and sell things like amber. He is very north. Basic outpost has been created up there. Another "potentional" base location has been scouted and listed on the map.
  • The "Orc Nest" listed is (and any moving forward) means that at the time of writing, it still needs to be cleared/dealt with.
  • @TurboR56Mini  did a fantastic job at building all the other outposts "to spec". He now has 3 more to do.. or anyone else who wants to make them actually nice, bigger, and workable



Really wish we could share maps... Also, the first boss looks quite doable if we have at least 3 people. Seems easier than the troll. I think. Looking forward to it, so we can all finally get a pickaxe. 


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@RenFengge love the fact that you and Carl are going hard at this! It was fun playing with you both this morning! It's crazy how fast we are getting stuff done and it might not feel like it to you but I'd say you two got a lot of accomplishment done in 2 days. So I say after our we beat our first boss we definitely we be good to go then! You two keep up the amazing work and can't wait to play more with you two!

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  • Yes, I died at sea... No, I did not have anything valuable on me. Met a feisty friend in the Ocean!
  • Next to the Mid Blackforest Camp is a Troll. We have killed him at least 3 times. We're all getting better at it.
  • East of the Mid Blackforest Camp Troll, the greyish white area is "Mountain". It is cold. Do not go in there unless you are able to. We have not unlocked whatever we need for it.
  • West of the Trader/Merchant, we are building another major base (Shopping Base).
  • The tiny islands near the shopping base has a crashed boat. It is not repairable. But, I still left the workbench out there.
  • North of the Trader/Merchant is our Merchant Camp/Outpost. (Fun fact, I did not realize that when I built the base structure that there's a cave right under it that is being used as foundation. Surprise!
  • We were only able to sink in about 4 hours today... so sort of progress. @GazzaGarratt and @FallenDark200  did a wonderful job on building up the Merchant Camp/Outpost! (Oh, I might have claimed 2 beds there.. just delete one)
  • I spent a good amount of time trying to check in at our major bases and do some "housekeeping"... If anyone goes on, please remember to feed the boars! They prefer mushrooms (and carrots when we can farm them). And, refill the torches.
  • For those who end up making new armor and weapons to replace their previous ones, save the old ones. Stick them in a base or outpost. Someone always dies. Someone always starts off naked. Might as well put the stuff to use. Totally saved my ass when I needed to collect my stuff from my grave.
  • Depending on how much more exploring I do this week, I may have to do better than a cropped screenshot of the map. Zooming out is not helpful lol.


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@RenFengge  @TurboR56Mini  thanks to both of you for helping us out today and especially me with my goofy server issues if anyone else in the U.S. has issues let us 3 know we have figured out a way to join the server because it's gated off ping for the U.K. guys and gals. So I say we are definitely getting somewhere for sure and I think if we are all on Sunday @GazzaGarratt @phil bottle maybe we try and take down the Elder as well since we have made it so far in our adventures. It will allow us to open up more things and allow us to keep pushing our skills to make our bases and homes homes much better but thank you again for all the hard work game is really great!

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5 minutes ago, FallenDark200 said:

@RenFengge  @TurboR56Mini  thanks to both of you for helping us out today and especially me with my goofy server issues if anyone else in the U.S. has issues let us 3 know we have figured out a way to join the server because it's gated off ping for the U.K. guys and gals. So I say we are definitely getting somewhere for sure and I think if we are all on Sunday @GazzaGarratt @phil bottle maybe we try and take down the Elder as well since we have made it so far in our adventures. It will allow us to open up more things and allow us to keep pushing our skills to make our bases and homes homes much better but thank you again for all the hard work game is really great!

Take down Elder? Soooo.. suicide run? Lol. 


As for the server thing - we probably should write a how-to on it since it's not really straightforward!


As always - it was a wonderful surprise to see you and @GazzaGarratton when we were able to come on! Hope it continues!

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I would say we should do one boss each week maybe, there's currently five I think, with more to be added.


Great idea to put up instructions on finding the server if its not straightforward for US players!



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6 hours ago, RenFengge said:

As for the server thing - we probably should write a how-to on it since it's not really straightforward!


That would be ace!


6 hours ago, RenFengge said:

As always - it was a wonderful surprise to see you and @GazzaGarratton when we were able to come on! Hope it continues!


Lol, I'm feeling it now as I didn't expect to come on after the GT Sport races but I was pulled to it...so glad I did too! I started building the big house on stilts - yes, stilts 😄 - which was great fun and addicting.


In terms of bosses, whilst it is hard to wait for everyone to be online, I do think a weekly thing will work. I mean, I can see us blasting through it very quickly otherwise and there's nothing stopping people do that on their own local saves. ALthough, even i'm getting a little itchy to do it and its not Sunday yet! 😄 Its a balance being here to have a server world that is for all of us so all of us have a chance at contributing. This one works so well because anyone can jump in later on and feel like they can help as nearly all the stuff we all can do at the same time.


@phil bottle, we'll have a chat maybe at sticking up the world boss events up early on the calendar so people can see over the next 5/6 weeks when we can be all on way in advance.

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It's been a couple of days, eh? But, we spent those days really building up what we already had and farming/mining a different world to boost our resources in our FG world.


The explored map is getting bigger with a few more details, so I zoomed in. Quick cut and paste to make a map. I'm not going to go crazy on making perfect maps.



  • Merchant Outpost has been renamed as "The Vault"
  • Dungeons will be slowly removed from the map as I can confirm which are cleared. Or, I will mark them differently as "cleared".
  • Trolls will stay marked since they respawn and have killed many FGers today prior to the boss fight. My bad for not posting an updated map? Or, their bad for not checking the map? Hahah.
  • Small section of the bottom part of the map got clipped. Next map update will obviously not have it clipped.
  • Portals are in the process of being created. The most visited camps/bases/outposts have portals. @TurboR56Mini  is working on the Portal Hall (or whatever he wants to call it) at Home Base.
  • Portals work in pairs, so part of each pair will be at the Home Base. So, e.g., if you are at The Vault and want to go the Black Forest Base, you go through the portal to home to Black Forest Base. Home Base is the hub.
  • Home Base has an area for farming and pigs.


FG Valheim Map 02212021.png

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I think we've officially gotten far enough into the game where exploration is a lot for one person... while I also like to do some other random things!



  • 2 new portals: 1 at @Tar-Eruntalion 's Base; 1 at the place I call Despair
  • If you go to the Portal of Despair, you will probably find a bunch of random stuff everywhere... as I went with the boat, but also did not have space to pick up everything from defending myself. Enjoy the treasure?
  • Next Boss is Bone Mass, and it is south in a Swamp Biome.
  • My focus on the next times I'm in the game will be major exploring, and less "housekeeping" (e.g., feeding pigs, farming, refilling torches)



FG Valheim Map 03072021.png

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Sooooooooooooooo. It's been a minute, eh?


@Tar-Eruntalion  and @TurboR56Mini  have a bit more of the map than I do, but I'm the one posting.



  • Go check out the "Mountain Lodge". @Tar-Eruntalion , @TurboR56Mini , and @FallenDark200  did some amazing work there... and because I felt the need to have pets, it is now overrun with wolves. 😅 They're friendly. Promise. There's just a lot of them now...
  • Snow Lodge is pretty cool. Especially if you need to hunt Drakes and Golems. Because they are literally right outside the lodge.
  • Location for the 4th Boss (Moder) has been found. He's East.
  • If you find yourself exploring where I have been, you may start finding random campfires. @TurboR56Mini  stumbled upon a few of my random campires. I thought it was funny that he was surprised by them. So, fires everywhere now! Especially on top of Troll Caves and Dungeons (i'm not clearing any. So, feel free)... and near abandoned buildings. Or as a trail to one of our outposts/bases/camps.



FG Valheim 03212021.png

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