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I bloody love food!


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When the seasons start to change, I obviously start to crave different flavors.


However, eating raw fruits and raw veggies isn't actually something my body allows. I think I ate my lifetime allotment of cherries and nectarines as I used to eat crates of them.


So, what's a girl to do when she wants cherries? Make a cake, obviously. The simplest, easiest cake possible... only complicated by certain steps because I know better.


They call these "spoon cakes". I guess it's sort of a riff on a cobbler? Just with more... cobbler in the ration instead of fruit? Lol. I don't know. I just make and eat things.


It's not exactly photogenic. It's ugly but so yum.


Also, @GazzaGarratt said "pics or didn't happen" haha.


Lastly, this really only takes 15 minutes to put together... any where from 25 - 40 minutes baking.


I only spent like 3 hours dawdling around after I initially logged off because I "bake at my own speed". Which means, I also do other things (play with my dog, play some games of Sudoku, browse the internet, think about what my next actual meal is). I also wanted to brown the butter. I could have toasted the flour too, but the last time I did that, @TurboR56Mini  said it smelled like burned bodies or whatever. This would have been better if I toasted the flour lol.


Here's tonight's "Chocolate Cherry Almond Browned Butter Spoonable Cake with Pie Crust Ice Cream". (If you wonder why I work out so much and so hard.. this is partially why)





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A  nice 350g wagyu rump and a 750g sirloin. The Wagyu was an off-the-cuff thing I spotted at Asda, the sirloin was from the Parson's Nose (who do amazing meats). 




Salt, pepper, rosemary, thyme, vacuum bagged.




2h for the sirloin (2" thick, longer time), and 1h for the rump. Both at 60deg. 




Quick sear in a pan with some olive oil.




Served with some proper home-made chips, long stem broccoli with pesto and roasted pine nuts, and a variety of home-made sauces (chimichurri, pepper sauce, steak sauce) and a bottle sauce (everyday Chilli Sauce from Sauce Shop. 




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@Diddums - I see you have a sous vide! We have the same one too. Love it, but haven't used it in quite some time.


Can you tried to make brisket in it? It's just... amazing. Sous vide the brisket with the seasonings, then finish in the oven for the typical crust. And, now I want brisket.

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12 hours ago, RenFengge said:

@Diddums - I see you have a sous vide! We have the same one too. Love it, but haven't used it in quite some time.


Can you tried to make brisket in it? It's just... amazing. Sous vide the brisket with the seasonings, then finish in the oven for the typical crust. And, now I want brisket.


We picked up a brisket on Saturday too, it's in the freezer. I'll be doing it one night this week. A full 24h cook, followed by a quick sear in the oven. Can't wait 😄


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@Rumelylady made these amazing 3 cheese, spinach and mushroom stuffed calzones the other night with a homemade marinara sauce.  Soooooo good..  🤤7747DA76-4F5B-48C3-B492-6AFDCBE27769.thumb.jpeg.8c324c4d280bcea2207fe06d0fcb1f01.jpeg0CB523E8-4015-4129-BD0D-B3741C8C7D6D.thumb.jpeg.9b18727aa267e46e80abbacd32aa9f65.jpeg

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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On 8/1/2021 at 12:30 PM, Riff Machine said:

@Rumelylady made these amazing 3 cheese, spinach and mushroom stuffed calzones the other night with a homemade marinara sauce.  Soooooo good..  🤤7747DA76-4F5B-48C3-B492-6AFDCBE27769.thumb.jpeg.8c324c4d280bcea2207fe06d0fcb1f01.jpeg0CB523E8-4015-4129-BD0D-B3741C8C7D6D.thumb.jpeg.9b18727aa267e46e80abbacd32aa9f65.jpeg


Looks ridiculously awesome that. 😍 Shame I don't like Mushrooms at all, but i'm still a fan of good looking food. Are they hard to make at all @Rumelylady  @Riff Machine ?

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Ah yes, Calzones. My kryptonite. I love a good calzone, and now I want to make one dammit. 



I'm not yet working this weekend actually...


Made a nice salad for us tonight. So nice and easy, and I love a good salad.




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4 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Looks ridiculously awesome that. 😍 Shame I don't like Mushrooms at all, but i'm still a fan of good looking food. Are they hard to make at all @Rumelylady  @Riff Machine ?

Not really.  It depends on how much you put in them that'll make it difficult to close them properly or not.

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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1 hour ago, MrBiron said:

The other night I had something called a pizza bomb burger. It's a 1/4 pound cheese burger INSIDE A FOLDED PIZZA! 🤯 What a time to be alive.


Jesus, my heart is already clogging up thinking about it! You got pics? Sounds amazing.

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17 hours ago, MrBiron said:

The other night I had something called a pizza bomb burger. It's a 1/4 pound cheese burger INSIDE A FOLDED PIZZA! 🤯 What a time to be alive.

I'll take 2 please.  🤤

*The opinions of Riff Machine do not reflect those of Forever Gaming ;)*

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