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Modern Warfare Multiplayer Trailer


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- No mini map aside from UAV killstreak in standard modes.

- Modes support 2v2, 6v6, 10v10 and 20v20.

- Varied sized maps depending on lobby player count. 

- No more 3 lane by design maps

- 100 player Ground War mode

- PS4 exclusive beta Sept 12-13th. 14-16th open beta

- Crossplay beta with Xbox and PC 19-20th and 21-23rd open. 

- No scorestreaks or pointstreak system.

- Crossplay determined by input device and an opt-in feature. 


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Perk 1: 

  • Double Time — Triple the duration of Super Sprint and fully refresh Super Sprint on kills.
  • E.O.D. — Take reduced damage from non-killstreak explosives and fire. Hack enemy Claymores, Proximity Mines, and C4. 
  • Scavenger — Resupply ammo from dead players. 
  • Tracker — Enemies leave behind trails and death markers. Increase crouch movement speed by 30%.
  • Tune Up — Increase the charger rate of field upgrades by 50%. 

Perk 2: 

  • Ghost — Undetectable by UAVs, Radar Drones, Heartbeat Sensors and High Alert. Hide the death markers of enemies you kill. 
  • Hardline — Your killstreaks cost 1 less kill. 
  • Kill Chain — Killstreaks earned in your current life earn kill credit for other killstreaks. 
  • Overkill — Carry two primary weapons. 
  • Restock — Recharge equipment over 30 seconds. 

Perk 3: 

  • Amped — Faster weapon swap and rocket launcher reload speed. 
  • Battle Hardened — Reduce the strength of enemy flash, stun, and EMP effects. 
  • Cold-Blooded — Undetectable by AI targeting system and thermal optics. Immure to snapshot grenades. 
  • High Alert — Your vision pulses when enemies outside of your view see you. 
  • Shrapnel — Spawn with an extra piece of lethal equipment. Explosive damage delays enemy health regeneration.
  • Spotter — See enemy equipment, field upgrades, and killstreaks through walls. Mark them for your team bu looking at them while aiming down sights. 


  • Frag Grenade 
  • Semtex 
  • Molotov Cocktail 
  • Claymore 
  • Throwing Knife
  • C4
  • Thermite
  • Proximity Mine


  • Flash Grenade 
  • Smoke Grenade 
  • Stun Grenade 
  • Stim — Military stimulant that cauterizes combat wounds 
  • Decoy Grenade — Counter-intel grenade that simulates fake gunfire and radar signatures that confuses the enemy. 
  • Gas Grenade — Explodes on impact with the ground releasing a lingering cloud of tear gas that causes slowed movement, blurred vision, and coughing. 
  • Snapshot Grenade — Provides a momentary glimpse of enemies within the blast radius.
  • Heartbeat Sensor — A tablet that displays rough information about nearby enemies.
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Not gonna lie, this... This actually looks like a step in the right direction. Guncustomization options out the ass, maps that actually offer some fucking diversity other than the bullshit 3 lane asshattery and then the actual gunplay. Oh the gunplay... Not once did I see some fucker get 15 fucking hitmarkers only to get turned on. If you can land your shots your target actually seem to go down. The perklist and the killstreaks also give me hope this will be the hybrid between Mw3 and battlefield. I want more! I need more! This actually looks like a cod game where I’ll enjoy the multiplayer for the first time since mw3 and ghosts.

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From a comment on twitter this all makes me happy.


Open Beta later this year will feature Crossplay. 

Deep Weapon Customization 

No more paid DLC or Season Passes



Can I also just say thanks for sharing all of this amazing info @J4MES OX4D

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I cautiously optimistic so far from what I've seen to the extent, I am feeling a little hyped! I still don't trust Activision in the long run but if IW can deliver a strong game then hopefully it will soften the bullshit blow we may get down the line. Not many people played Infinite Warfare but the devs handled the post-launch of that game very well and unlike Treyarch in recent times, they weren't totally at the mercy of microtransactions. 


My thoughts on MW so far:-


+ Graphics look solid

+ Mechanics look fluid

+ Gunplay seems polished

+ TTK looks on point

+ Real guns and equipment

+ Maps are nice and varied to fit multiple styles, situations and modes. No more limited MLG Gfuel 3 lane shoeboxes.

+ Killstreaks look enjoyable

+ Tactical open/closing doors😂

+ In-depth weapon customisation

+ Slick menu and clean interface

+ Final killcam - no more trendy POTG bollocks

+ No more fantasy specialist bullshit


- Not sure about the realism mode of night vision only maps - may get boring fast. 

- No scorestreak format so camping could be rife and people not playing the objective particularly in 10v10/20v20


+/- still not sure about how the absence of the minimap will impact the experience although UAV's will be aplenty. 


So far I am very encouraged and it just puts into perspective how bad the direction the franchise has taken in recent years and the end quality. This is definitely more like it! Here's some bonus AC130 and Chopper Gunner gameplay I found



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My biggest concern is going to be micro transactions. Prestige said he asked several times and they have avoided the question. Once again if it’s only cosmetic I don’t care. Putting weapons in them I hate 

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If all the maps are free, they're going to find another way of making money.

As this is inevitable I suppose I can say that I don't have a problem with cosmetic mtx, so long as it's a straight transaction and not a loot box.

I don't suppose they will stop at cosmetic mtx though, and I don't think there'll be any pay to win mtx, so it'll be interesting to see what other revenue streams they have planned.

In other news, I watched a Digital Foundry vid on the game and they are very, very impressed with how it has been made.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


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1 hour ago, MrBiron said:

I do feel a bit sorry for the developers with regards to MTXs. They won't want to put shitty ones in the game but Activision will tell them to do it regardless. And then IW get all the grief for it.

Infinity Ward handled it quite well with Infinite Warfare thankfully - it was just a pity that not many people were around to see it. Activision have been very aggressive with BO4 MTX's and Treyarch not only rolled over and died for it; the quality of the content was god awful.  I don't know whether Treyarch are just bowing to Activision or if the latter just choose their games to push more paid content but it's definitely more prominent in Treyarch games than IW or Sledgehammer previous.


Activision have lost huge revenue stream with the season pass element so they will need to find that elsewhere plus more. I would expect to see quarterly battle passes for £10 each or £40 which would cover it. Weapon skins and general customisation in the gunsmith will be rife also. As long as it's all cosmetic, doesn't make the game tacky and isn't in the users face constantly, it may be easy to ignore. 


If IW maintain the brand and keep Activision happy, I think it could be acceptable like IW and WWII. If they buckle under the pressure like Treyarch, I dread to think of the state of the game come Christmas. Activision would be idiots to ruin this potential. They should take a leaf out of Ubisoft's RS6 Siege book. 

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Same gameplay he's posted before, but he talks about a lot more. And honestly it makes me even more certain I want to get this, campaign sounds like it's gonna be fucking amazeballs as well!

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Finally got round to watching driftors video.

I agree about killstreaks, in fact I thought about the problem with objective gamemodes and kill whores just before he mentioned it, I'd say that needs a fix and his suggestion was a good compromise.

The campaign being in the bad nah I could careless about Un PC stuff being in the game infact is go as far as to say bring it on, it's refreshing these days tbh.

Though I played a lot of HC in trryarch games it always sucked in infinity ward games so I think the game needs a mini map the compass idea looks shit.

Not sure about the bigger player count gamemodes I'll.have to see but glad it's not, or hope it's not battle royale im not interested in that.

The game looks good and im definitely more interested and hopeful it's something I can get into at least till the community or microtransactions fuck it up.

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