phil bottle 9,916 Posted April 3, 2019 Share Posted April 3, 2019 Has just dropped. Work bars me from viewing the site but here's the link: I'll print the details out when I get home. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispymorgan 1,067 Posted April 3, 2019 Share Posted April 3, 2019 do we need to upgrade server? 20 hours ago, crispymorgan said: I shall also buy a monkeybike...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispymorgan 1,067 Posted April 3, 2019 Share Posted April 3, 2019 The answer is yes. 20 hours ago, crispymorgan said: I shall also buy a monkeybike...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phil bottle 9,916 Posted April 3, 2019 Author Share Posted April 3, 2019 Full notes: The second Platform Update of DayZ is out on Steam (both the game update and server files update). Along with many quality of live improvements, fixes and tweaks, it reintroduces two .308 caliber weapons and what's arguably the most luxurious transport option the post-apocalyptic Chernarus offers: the mighty Olga 24 sedan. While the 1.02 update does not have a strict theme, a lot of work has been done to streamline the inventory design and functionality (yes, you can move with your inventory open again!). The game design team also put emphasis on promoting stealth gameplay when dealing with the infected, and also went through a couple of iterations on the night time experience. Get all the details and full patchnotes below! NEW VEHICLE Olga 24 Once a high end, "Executive" level car, the Olga 24 is a four-door Sedan easily able to reach top speeds on the Chernarussian roads. NEW FIREARMS LAR The select-fire rifle LAR is used by specialized military forces. It comes with a 20 round magazine, using .308 caliber bullets. M70 Tundra The M70 Tundra is a bolt-action hunting rifle using .308 caliber ammunition. NEW & IMPROVED WEAPON ATTACHMENTS Usable backup iron sight of the ATOG Compensator for the Mosin 91/30 Mini Sight (small red dot) RVN sight Individual zeroing of iron sight and telescopic sight for compatible items CLOTHING Holster and pouch for the plate carrier vest Assault vest and its butt-pack INVENTORY Ability to move slowly while displaying the inventory Better visualisation of the inventory content Proper scaling of items in the hands slot Ability to have containers as an attachment (e.g. pouch on a plate carrier) Various icons and visuals Ability to reorder the inventory containers OTHER Possibility to kill an infected in melee hit (e.g. with an axe), from the back Changes to night lighting New Noise indicator to encourage stealthy gameplay PATCHNOTES NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. ADDED Added: OLGA 24 with attachments Added: LAR with attachments Added: M70 Tundra Added: .308 WIN ammunition Added: Assault vest Added: Utility buttpack Added: Plate carrier holster and pouches Added: Mini red dot and RVN sights Added: Mini red dot sights now compatible with CR-75 and BK-133 as well Added: Functional back iron sights on ATOG optics Added: Toggle iron sights/scope aim by pressing RMB Added: Precise weapon lifting by weapon length Added: HUD noise indicator Added: Improved inventory icons rendering Added: Inventory icons dynamic scaling Added: Ability to one hit kill infected from behind with selected items Added: Particle effects visible on the inventory player character Added: Inventory character has items in hands Added: Ability to walk (but not jog or sprint) while inventory is open Added: Quick add to quickbar by hovering and pressing a number key Added: Highlighting to hovered items in inventory Added: Client-side personal night light (environment is subtly illuminated from the camera at night to save players from becoming completely blind without a light source) Added: Mosin 91/30 compensator Added: Independent firearm zeroing for iron sights and scopes Added: Option to change the order of inventory cargo containers Added: Hand cramp for brain disease Added: Injury animation is visible in inventory view Added: Expanded admin log (detailed hit messages, placement & base building action logging, player list printout) Added: Footsteps sounds for movement inside tents Added: Footsteps scuff sounds for grass surface Added: Sounds for lock/unlock doors action Added: Sounds for combination locks Added: Sound animation events for heavy hit animations Added: New set of sounds for male infected Added: Sounds for hot and freezing character animation Added: Foley sounds for movement with heavy items in hands (Power Generator, Barrel, Tents, Sea Chest) Added: Sounds for pick up and drop action for various items Added: Position dispersion when infected cannot see the target, but can hear it Added: Expanded admin log (detailed hit messages, placement & base building action logging, player list printout) Added: Muzzle flash effect for Mosin compensator FIXED Fixed: Client crashes when attempting to connect to the server through launch parameter on Windows 7 Fixed: Server crash caused by in-game actions Fixed: Server/client errors upon loading weapon Fixed: Client error when equipping bandana Fixed: Server error when manipulating vehicles parts Fixed: Client error when manipulating barrel Fixed: Client error when manipulating radios Fixed: Client error when manipulating dead infected Fixed: Client error when removing wooden logs from fence or watchtower Fixed: Client error when disconnecting near a radio control panel Fixed: Client error when removing rag from the mouth Fixed: Client error when attaching combination locks Fixed: Client error when committing suicide with weapon Fixed: Multitude of environmental issues (models adjustments, objects collisions, incorrect LODs, ) Fixed: Various IK poses (base building and electricity items, seeds packets, ammunition, vehicle parts) Fixed: Blending of textures on Skybox (previously causing sudden flashes) Fixed: Weak dynamic lights during dusk and dawn Fixed: An issue where the majority of the character clothing was rendered in lower resolution than the game was running at Fixed: Items can be picked up through walls (T137847) Fixed: Texture artefacts on the crosshair Fixed: Player can skip vomiting by staying crouched Fixed: Player can skip vomiting by jumping Fixed: Salute gesture keeps items in hand Fixed: BK-133 does not change textures according to damage states Fixed: Speed of inventory scrolling Fixed: FPS drop when dismantling/destroying base building parts Fixed: Barbed wire attached to fence will now move properly when opening gate Fixed: Player does not get proper damage while standing in flames Fixed: Driving over a character with a vehicle does not inflict damage Fixed: Player receives damage from a vehicle while standing close to it Fixed: Some gestures with weapons make arms twitch Fixed: Infected do not inflict any damage to animals Fixed: Player becomes deformed for others while sitting in a car Fixed: Windows cannot be destroyed for some of the vehicles Fixed: Splitting/combining rags will overlay another item in the inventory Fixed: Items can get stacked incorrectly in one slot on top of each other (T136643) Fixed: Items can be put in hands via inventory while sitting in a vehicle Fixed: Projectile impacts do not alert infected Fixed: Swapped clothing items can remain in characters inventory when standing in the vicinity (T136679) Fixed: Sawing off Mosin 91/30 with attached optic/loaded ammo deletes the items completely (T136205) Fixed: Players are able to access dismantle actions on towers from the outside (T136666 + T 137639) Fixed: Switching seat while driving will result in a silent vehicle (T137285) Fixed: Item size changes visually for wielded item when logging off (T136822) Fixed: Selecting survivor in the main menu and pressing play opens old server browser (T136726) Fixed: Environmental damage is not logged correctly in server logs (T137257) Fixed: Attacking infected clip through the player (T137370) Fixed: Missing arrow mark on items with container or attachments (T137103) Fixed: Offline missions cannot be launched on Windows 7 (T137264) Fixed: Hunting scope allows looking through walls (T137033) Fixed: Crafting improvised suppressor takes 1 % from the duct tape (T133200) Fixed: Collision of packed Car Tent remains in the middle of the unpacked Car Tent Fixed: Barrel inventory is misplaced when several barrels are in one place Fixed: Tent and barrel placement is restricted only to flat surfaces Fixed: Weapons cannot be reloaded while lying on the back Fixed: Restrained characters can play freezing animation Fixed: Handheld optic, binoculars or rangefinder were not usable (T137102) Fixed: AIs might get stuck mid-air after being killed by vehicle Fixed: Enduro helmet attachments are out of place in inventory Fixed: Fitting of localized item names in tool-tips and headers Fixed: Electric devices (spotlight, cable reel, etc.) getting unplugged after server restart Fixed: Server crash upon respawn Fixed: FX-45 was not functional Fixed: Getting shot underwater put the character into falling animation Fixed: Inventory, vicinity, and hands slots were overlapping with each other Fixed: The first gunshot caused FPS drop Fixed: Server VMEs related to the in-game map Fixed: Character noise indicator not being present Fixed: Attachment icon dragged from hands slot to an invalid slot disappears Fixed: Character noise indicator not showing appropriate values Fixed: Collisions of base building objects remaining after their parts have been detached Fixed: Rangefinder drawing its value on other clients' screens, assorted client error, and interference between rangefinders Fixed: When opening doors for the first time, the whole building model can move slightly Fixed: Client error connected to player presence indicator Fixed: It is no longer possible to attach the Hunting Scope to the BK-18 Fixed: A client-side crash connected to the base building feature Fixed: Fence gate cannot be opened after server restart Fixed: Fence can be walked through after server restart Fixed: Backwards compatibility for mods using particle API from version 1.01 and older (GoreZ and such). Fixed: Client error tied to base building Fixed: Ruined tires now affect vehicle behaviour Fixed: Fire geometry for offshore worker infected type Fixed: Invisible dynamic events and custom objects Fixed: Adjusted MRDS post-process on FX to make it more usable Fixed: Tuna can miss the "Open" action in certain conditions (player/others nearby manipulating with a Compass) Fixed: Stacks of .308 Ammo spawning with 0 quantity Fixed: The player now dies properly from hypothermia, preventing client errors and other issues Fixed: Only one player in a VoN conversation can hear the others Fixed: Vehicle radiator cannot be refilled until the car has been started Fixed: Character movement speed desynchronization, where the character moves as if aiming down sights even when they are not Fixed: Client error connected to using a water bottle on a fireplace Fixed: Leaving ADS on weapon actions TWEAKED Changed: The weather simulation has been reworked, improving the network synchronization and lowering its performance cost. As part of this, SimulWeather and its related options were removed. Changed: Improved the impact of dynamic lights on surfaces (including the roads) Tweaked: Improved quickbar visuals and responsiveness Tweaked: Minor tweaks to the global light config Changed: Major cleanup of CfgWorlds config parameters (and related classes such as CfgSurfaces and Clutter) Tweaked: Alpha channel of mud road texture, so it's lit up properly by the dynamic lights Tweaked: Inventory blur intensity is now at half of the previous value Tweaked: Inventory icons for firearms and their attachments Tweaked: Item sizes for handguards and buttstocks Tweaked: Inventory size of suppressors Changed: Items located in fireplace cargo will now be burned to 'Ruined' state instead of 'Badly damaged' Tweaked: Damage system for ADA 4x4 Tweaked: Central economy (minor adjustments) Changed: Item view bounding box enlargement when attachments are added Changed: Improved behavior of all light sources (fade in / fade out effects and more) Changed: Light sources slowly fade out when they are low on energy instead of suddenly going completely dark Tweaked: Slightly darkened breath vapor particle to avoid glowing at night Changed: Improved behavior of smoking chambers on all guns (smoke escapes only while the chamber is open) Tweaked: Decreased intensity of all light sources during daytime Changed: Reflector surface of all light sources now shines properly Tweaked: Chemlight illumination radius increased Changed: Torch is now always transformed to stick when its rags are removed from it Changed: Bear trap damage output is now dynamic (it always causes the victim to start limping, but it won't kill them unless their health is already critical) Changed: Significantly improved quality of vehicle smoke particles during high speed Changed: Melee/weapons to animate with "spine3" bone (different shoulder animation) Optimized: Physics rayRcast & Shapecast callbacks Optimized: Possibility to enable multithreaded replication from server config using "multithreadedReplication" parameter Optimized: Size of entity create network messages Tweaked: In-game map behaviour Changed: All particles are now preloaded during the game's initial loading Changed: 'FullAuto' fire mode set as default mode on all relevant weapons Tweaked: Sneak attack on the Infected now also works when hitting the torso Tweaked: Infected are less perceptive in terms of sounds in general, limited vision at night Tweaked: Blood and health regeneration slowed by roughly 1/3rd Tweaked: Water and energy metabolism slowed down by approximately 1/5th Tweaked: Increased water, energy and healthy penalty by approximately 1/2 when heat comfort is low/high Tweaked: Chemlight illumination range lowered to 7.5 m Changed: Updated tourist trail map model and textures Changed: Lowered the Infected alertness caused by projectile impacts nearby Changed: Disabled attaching of MRDS to CR75 (MRDS currently has issues on the weapon that need to be dealt with first) Changed: Blood regeneration speed lowered Changed: Amount of blood loss from hamolytic reaction raised Changed: Lowered the illumination range of chemlight and the light around character at night Tweaked: Lowered chance of jamming for pistols MODDING Added: Script function for disabling flares on light entities Added: Script function for setting the relative position of flare on light entities Added: Particles that are attached on an object can now rotate independently from that object (this fixed unintended directional flame on burning torches, see Particle.PlayOnObject(...) function documentation) Added: Script function PlayerPreviewWidget::GetDummyPlayer Added: New method on particles: ScaleParticleParamFromOriginal(...) Changed: Particle API was refactored. Function Play(...) was replaced by functions PlayInWorld(...) and PlayOnObject(...). Please update your scripts accordingly to prevent compilation errors. Changed: Huge refactor of how scripted lights behave. Please start using this API instead of config Pilot Lights. (Check file ScriptedLightBase.c and see examples in Scripts\4_World\Entities\ScriptedLightBase) Tweaked: Corrected name of config parameter 'slopeLimit' to 'slopeTolerance' Removed: Obsolete/deprecated configuration parameters were removed. Tweaked: Personal light access parameter (PlayerBaseClient.m_PersonalLight) changed from 'private' to 'protected' to allow modding KNOWN ISSUES Individual melee hit registration issues against infected Going unconscious with an open map can cause freezes GazzaGarratt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phil bottle 9,916 Posted April 3, 2019 Author Share Posted April 3, 2019 @crispymorgan Binoculars and hand-held optics are now fixed Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GazzaGarratt 11,146 Posted April 4, 2019 Share Posted April 4, 2019 20 hours ago, phil bottle said: Full notes: The second Platform Update of DayZ is out on Steam (both the game update and server files update). Along with many quality of live improvements, fixes and tweaks, it reintroduces two .308 caliber weapons and what's arguably the most luxurious transport option the post-apocalyptic Chernarus offers: the mighty Olga 24 sedan. While the 1.02 update does not have a strict theme, a lot of work has been done to streamline the inventory design and functionality (yes, you can move with your inventory open again!). The game design team also put emphasis on promoting stealth gameplay when dealing with the infected, and also went through a couple of iterations on the night time experience. Get all the details and full patchnotes below! NEW VEHICLE Olga 24 Once a high end, "Executive" level car, the Olga 24 is a four-door Sedan easily able to reach top speeds on the Chernarussian roads. NEW FIREARMS LAR The select-fire rifle LAR is used by specialized military forces. It comes with a 20 round magazine, using .308 caliber bullets. M70 Tundra The M70 Tundra is a bolt-action hunting rifle using .308 caliber ammunition. NEW & IMPROVED WEAPON ATTACHMENTS Usable backup iron sight of the ATOG Compensator for the Mosin 91/30 Mini Sight (small red dot) RVN sight Individual zeroing of iron sight and telescopic sight for compatible items CLOTHING Holster and pouch for the plate carrier vest Assault vest and its butt-pack INVENTORY Ability to move slowly while displaying the inventory Better visualisation of the inventory content Proper scaling of items in the hands slot Ability to have containers as an attachment (e.g. pouch on a plate carrier) Various icons and visuals Ability to reorder the inventory containers OTHER Possibility to kill an infected in melee hit (e.g. with an axe), from the back Changes to night lighting New Noise indicator to encourage stealthy gameplay PATCHNOTES NOTES Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update. Consider de-fragmenting your HDD after downloading large updates. In case of problems, please check the Bohemia Interactive support F.A.Q., DayZ F.A.Q., or BattlEye F.A.Q. You can help us to further improve the game by posting your feedback on the Feedback Tracker. ADDED Added: OLGA 24 with attachments Added: LAR with attachments Added: M70 Tundra Added: .308 WIN ammunition Added: Assault vest Added: Utility buttpack Added: Plate carrier holster and pouches Added: Mini red dot and RVN sights Added: Mini red dot sights now compatible with CR-75 and BK-133 as well Added: Functional back iron sights on ATOG optics Added: Toggle iron sights/scope aim by pressing RMB Added: Precise weapon lifting by weapon length Added: HUD noise indicator Added: Improved inventory icons rendering Added: Inventory icons dynamic scaling Added: Ability to one hit kill infected from behind with selected items Added: Particle effects visible on the inventory player character Added: Inventory character has items in hands Added: Ability to walk (but not jog or sprint) while inventory is open Added: Quick add to quickbar by hovering and pressing a number key Added: Highlighting to hovered items in inventory Added: Client-side personal night light (environment is subtly illuminated from the camera at night to save players from becoming completely blind without a light source) Added: Mosin 91/30 compensator Added: Independent firearm zeroing for iron sights and scopes Added: Option to change the order of inventory cargo containers Added: Hand cramp for brain disease Added: Injury animation is visible in inventory view Added: Expanded admin log (detailed hit messages, placement & base building action logging, player list printout) Added: Footsteps sounds for movement inside tents Added: Footsteps scuff sounds for grass surface Added: Sounds for lock/unlock doors action Added: Sounds for combination locks Added: Sound animation events for heavy hit animations Added: New set of sounds for male infected Added: Sounds for hot and freezing character animation Added: Foley sounds for movement with heavy items in hands (Power Generator, Barrel, Tents, Sea Chest) Added: Sounds for pick up and drop action for various items Added: Position dispersion when infected cannot see the target, but can hear it Added: Expanded admin log (detailed hit messages, placement & base building action logging, player list printout) Added: Muzzle flash effect for Mosin compensator FIXED Fixed: Client crashes when attempting to connect to the server through launch parameter on Windows 7 Fixed: Server crash caused by in-game actions Fixed: Server/client errors upon loading weapon Fixed: Client error when equipping bandana Fixed: Server error when manipulating vehicles parts Fixed: Client error when manipulating barrel Fixed: Client error when manipulating radios Fixed: Client error when manipulating dead infected Fixed: Client error when removing wooden logs from fence or watchtower Fixed: Client error when disconnecting near a radio control panel Fixed: Client error when removing rag from the mouth Fixed: Client error when attaching combination locks Fixed: Client error when committing suicide with weapon Fixed: Multitude of environmental issues (models adjustments, objects collisions, incorrect LODs, ) Fixed: Various IK poses (base building and electricity items, seeds packets, ammunition, vehicle parts) Fixed: Blending of textures on Skybox (previously causing sudden flashes) Fixed: Weak dynamic lights during dusk and dawn Fixed: An issue where the majority of the character clothing was rendered in lower resolution than the game was running at Fixed: Items can be picked up through walls (T137847) Fixed: Texture artefacts on the crosshair Fixed: Player can skip vomiting by staying crouched Fixed: Player can skip vomiting by jumping Fixed: Salute gesture keeps items in hand Fixed: BK-133 does not change textures according to damage states Fixed: Speed of inventory scrolling Fixed: FPS drop when dismantling/destroying base building parts Fixed: Barbed wire attached to fence will now move properly when opening gate Fixed: Player does not get proper damage while standing in flames Fixed: Driving over a character with a vehicle does not inflict damage Fixed: Player receives damage from a vehicle while standing close to it Fixed: Some gestures with weapons make arms twitch Fixed: Infected do not inflict any damage to animals Fixed: Player becomes deformed for others while sitting in a car Fixed: Windows cannot be destroyed for some of the vehicles Fixed: Splitting/combining rags will overlay another item in the inventory Fixed: Items can get stacked incorrectly in one slot on top of each other (T136643) Fixed: Items can be put in hands via inventory while sitting in a vehicle Fixed: Projectile impacts do not alert infected Fixed: Swapped clothing items can remain in characters inventory when standing in the vicinity (T136679) Fixed: Sawing off Mosin 91/30 with attached optic/loaded ammo deletes the items completely (T136205) Fixed: Players are able to access dismantle actions on towers from the outside (T136666 + T 137639) Fixed: Switching seat while driving will result in a silent vehicle (T137285) Fixed: Item size changes visually for wielded item when logging off (T136822) Fixed: Selecting survivor in the main menu and pressing play opens old server browser (T136726) Fixed: Environmental damage is not logged correctly in server logs (T137257) Fixed: Attacking infected clip through the player (T137370) Fixed: Missing arrow mark on items with container or attachments (T137103) Fixed: Offline missions cannot be launched on Windows 7 (T137264) Fixed: Hunting scope allows looking through walls (T137033) Fixed: Crafting improvised suppressor takes 1 % from the duct tape (T133200) Fixed: Collision of packed Car Tent remains in the middle of the unpacked Car Tent Fixed: Barrel inventory is misplaced when several barrels are in one place Fixed: Tent and barrel placement is restricted only to flat surfaces Fixed: Weapons cannot be reloaded while lying on the back Fixed: Restrained characters can play freezing animation Fixed: Handheld optic, binoculars or rangefinder were not usable (T137102) Fixed: AIs might get stuck mid-air after being killed by vehicle Fixed: Enduro helmet attachments are out of place in inventory Fixed: Fitting of localized item names in tool-tips and headers Fixed: Electric devices (spotlight, cable reel, etc.) getting unplugged after server restart Fixed: Server crash upon respawn Fixed: FX-45 was not functional Fixed: Getting shot underwater put the character into falling animation Fixed: Inventory, vicinity, and hands slots were overlapping with each other Fixed: The first gunshot caused FPS drop Fixed: Server VMEs related to the in-game map Fixed: Character noise indicator not being present Fixed: Attachment icon dragged from hands slot to an invalid slot disappears Fixed: Character noise indicator not showing appropriate values Fixed: Collisions of base building objects remaining after their parts have been detached Fixed: Rangefinder drawing its value on other clients' screens, assorted client error, and interference between rangefinders Fixed: When opening doors for the first time, the whole building model can move slightly Fixed: Client error connected to player presence indicator Fixed: It is no longer possible to attach the Hunting Scope to the BK-18 Fixed: A client-side crash connected to the base building feature Fixed: Fence gate cannot be opened after server restart Fixed: Fence can be walked through after server restart Fixed: Backwards compatibility for mods using particle API from version 1.01 and older (GoreZ and such). Fixed: Client error tied to base building Fixed: Ruined tires now affect vehicle behaviour Fixed: Fire geometry for offshore worker infected type Fixed: Invisible dynamic events and custom objects Fixed: Adjusted MRDS post-process on FX to make it more usable Fixed: Tuna can miss the "Open" action in certain conditions (player/others nearby manipulating with a Compass) Fixed: Stacks of .308 Ammo spawning with 0 quantity Fixed: The player now dies properly from hypothermia, preventing client errors and other issues Fixed: Only one player in a VoN conversation can hear the others Fixed: Vehicle radiator cannot be refilled until the car has been started Fixed: Character movement speed desynchronization, where the character moves as if aiming down sights even when they are not Fixed: Client error connected to using a water bottle on a fireplace Fixed: Leaving ADS on weapon actions TWEAKED Changed: The weather simulation has been reworked, improving the network synchronization and lowering its performance cost. As part of this, SimulWeather and its related options were removed. Changed: Improved the impact of dynamic lights on surfaces (including the roads) Tweaked: Improved quickbar visuals and responsiveness Tweaked: Minor tweaks to the global light config Changed: Major cleanup of CfgWorlds config parameters (and related classes such as CfgSurfaces and Clutter) Tweaked: Alpha channel of mud road texture, so it's lit up properly by the dynamic lights Tweaked: Inventory blur intensity is now at half of the previous value Tweaked: Inventory icons for firearms and their attachments Tweaked: Item sizes for handguards and buttstocks Tweaked: Inventory size of suppressors Changed: Items located in fireplace cargo will now be burned to 'Ruined' state instead of 'Badly damaged' Tweaked: Damage system for ADA 4x4 Tweaked: Central economy (minor adjustments) Changed: Item view bounding box enlargement when attachments are added Changed: Improved behavior of all light sources (fade in / fade out effects and more) Changed: Light sources slowly fade out when they are low on energy instead of suddenly going completely dark Tweaked: Slightly darkened breath vapor particle to avoid glowing at night Changed: Improved behavior of smoking chambers on all guns (smoke escapes only while the chamber is open) Tweaked: Decreased intensity of all light sources during daytime Changed: Reflector surface of all light sources now shines properly Tweaked: Chemlight illumination radius increased Changed: Torch is now always transformed to stick when its rags are removed from it Changed: Bear trap damage output is now dynamic (it always causes the victim to start limping, but it won't kill them unless their health is already critical) Changed: Significantly improved quality of vehicle smoke particles during high speed Changed: Melee/weapons to animate with "spine3" bone (different shoulder animation) Optimized: Physics rayRcast & Shapecast callbacks Optimized: Possibility to enable multithreaded replication from server config using "multithreadedReplication" parameter Optimized: Size of entity create network messages Tweaked: In-game map behaviour Changed: All particles are now preloaded during the game's initial loading Changed: 'FullAuto' fire mode set as default mode on all relevant weapons Tweaked: Sneak attack on the Infected now also works when hitting the torso Tweaked: Infected are less perceptive in terms of sounds in general, limited vision at night Tweaked: Blood and health regeneration slowed by roughly 1/3rd Tweaked: Water and energy metabolism slowed down by approximately 1/5th Tweaked: Increased water, energy and healthy penalty by approximately 1/2 when heat comfort is low/high Tweaked: Chemlight illumination range lowered to 7.5 m Changed: Updated tourist trail map model and textures Changed: Lowered the Infected alertness caused by projectile impacts nearby Changed: Disabled attaching of MRDS to CR75 (MRDS currently has issues on the weapon that need to be dealt with first) Changed: Blood regeneration speed lowered Changed: Amount of blood loss from hamolytic reaction raised Changed: Lowered the illumination range of chemlight and the light around character at night Tweaked: Lowered chance of jamming for pistols MODDING Added: Script function for disabling flares on light entities Added: Script function for setting the relative position of flare on light entities Added: Particles that are attached on an object can now rotate independently from that object (this fixed unintended directional flame on burning torches, see Particle.PlayOnObject(...) function documentation) Added: Script function PlayerPreviewWidget::GetDummyPlayer Added: New method on particles: ScaleParticleParamFromOriginal(...) Changed: Particle API was refactored. Function Play(...) was replaced by functions PlayInWorld(...) and PlayOnObject(...). Please update your scripts accordingly to prevent compilation errors. Changed: Huge refactor of how scripted lights behave. Please start using this API instead of config Pilot Lights. (Check file ScriptedLightBase.c and see examples in Scripts\4_World\Entities\ScriptedLightBase) Tweaked: Corrected name of config parameter 'slopeLimit' to 'slopeTolerance' Removed: Obsolete/deprecated configuration parameters were removed. Tweaked: Personal light access parameter (PlayerBaseClient.m_PersonalLight) changed from 'private' to 'protected' to allow modding KNOWN ISSUES Individual melee hit registration issues against infected Going unconscious with an open map can cause freezes Did this reset your progress on the server then? Does that mean every time a patch like this comes out you start from scratch? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
crispymorgan 1,067 Posted April 4, 2019 Share Posted April 4, 2019 no reset, it just didn't like the modified time config. All fixed now. GazzaGarratt 1 20 hours ago, crispymorgan said: I shall also buy a monkeybike...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phil bottle 9,916 Posted April 4, 2019 Author Share Posted April 4, 2019 No wipe or reset, just a updated server.We're camping the military area at Stary Sobor. Found a tent which Crispy set up in a field north of town, which we'll stuff full of guns and equipment. Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk GazzaGarratt 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diddums 4,350 Posted April 4, 2019 Share Posted April 4, 2019 Y'all cunts had best fuckin' be online tonight. ALL Y'ALL @crispymorgan @phil bottle @tronic44 @GazzaGarratt @Greboth And anyone else. (I have a cowboy party coming up at work, I'm going to be practising my cowboy shenanigans so drop in at the local saloon for a drink. Or a ho-down, your choice) GazzaGarratt and tronic44 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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