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Who's getting it?


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Rather than "to be or not to be"....To get, or not to get, that is the question lol. So who's getting BO3? I'm torn on it myself. The last COD game I bought was Ghosts and it SUCKED with a capital SUCK if you ask me. So with Christmas right around the corner I was thinking maybe I'd put BO3 on my list for my sister to get me. After watching some of the trailers it seems decent (the robots and flying ships look lame though) but still not sure on it.


What's your guys thought on it? think it will be better than Ghosts? Who here is for sure getting it. If enough are then maybe I'll get it just to jump in some parties with you guys at least.


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I've got it pre-ordered and I did quite like the beta but I'm still not sure if it'll stand the test of time in the long run. The game looks great and the mechanics seem pretty fun but this isn't the Call of Duty I remember and with so much emphasis on the competitive and commercial aspects now; I kinda feel a bit fed up of it all. Ghosts and AW were both shite IMO and they didn't do very well in their own right but hopefully Treyarch will deliver a solid all-round package that can salvage some of the series past brilliance. There is certainly a lot in this game and value for money to be had but I'll either play it frequently over the next few months or be bored shitless within the first month. 


The biggest problem with BO3 is actually Fallout 4 coming out not so long after - if that's as good as it could be; COD will be put aside for the foreseeable!  

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Not for a while.


I will wait and see what the reviews have to say. People don't like metacritic, but I have found that the general consensus is often what I thought of a game so I am going to wait to what that site has to say.


I think I would go with other fist however. Fallout and maybe even battlefront (although its review was pretty poor) 

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I'll get it eventually, but I've got Vegas coming up, Christmas and my mother's 60th on the second of January. Then there's a christening I need to go to, I need to arrange a meet for us FGers.


Oh and I can't do as much overtime as I'd like because I'm studying, so suffice to say I'm a bit tight atm :P


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I've got it on preorder but may cancel that and pick up up a few days before the release date from my trusty man from the game shop up the road :)


I loved the beta, thought the game handled really well plus it was epic to get back into full parties with people.....been way too long!



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I loved the beta, thought the game handled really well plus it was epic to get back into full parties with people.....been way too long!

Rich, it has been awhile since we had full parties on CoD. I really think that this CoD will bring that back; especially how the Beta was. I can't wait to play more levels.

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I'll get it. The beta was fun. It will be nice to have something other than destiny to play.

Matt from the sounds of it most people aren't getting it so full parties probably won't be happening

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I'll get it. The beta was fun. It will be nice to have something other than destiny to play.

Matt from the sounds of it most people aren't getting it so full parties probably won't be happening

When you need something other than Destiny to play, it should be The Witcher 3. Broaden your horizons man.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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