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Modern Warfare III


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Hopefully this Saturday I can delete the ps4 version.

Have to say the campaign is dog shit worst one in recent years but on the flip side veteran difficulty is pretty hard actually found it challenging.

Still haven't a clue why the ps4 version is a stand alone and the ps5 is more like a DLC.


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1 hour ago, slamminbones said:

Hopefully this Saturday I can delete the PS4 version.

Have to say the campaign is dog shit worst one in recent years but on the flip side veteran difficulty is pretty hard actually found it challenging.

Still haven't a clue why the PS4 version is a stand alone and the PS5 is more like a DLC.


Mitch said the same thing last night in the party about the campaign being rubbish... Shame really.

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I've been playing on the play list with the maps from the newest MW2 and I think that the maps are actually pretty decent. Yet I really didn't like MW2. So my dislike of it was purely down to the design decisions of IW. Specifically the loud footsteps that just slowed the game down. 

On another note: I really don't like a lot of maps from the OG MW2. I think the majority of them are just far too big for 6v6. And they're definitely too big for FFA. 


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Is it just me that really likes the new maps in this game? Greece isn't brilliant but the other ones are pretty decent. Even the new Stash House map isn't too bad and I normally hate tiny maps. They're much better than shit like Black Gold or that bloody Lighthouse map from MW2.


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4 hours ago, MrBiron said:

Is it just me that really likes the new maps in this game? Greece isn't brilliant but the other ones are pretty decent. Even the new Stash House map isn't too bad and I normally hate tiny maps. They're much better than shit like Black Gold or that bloody Lighthouse map from MW2.

Id have to agree, however stash house is maybe even more chaotic than shipment.


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On 2/9/2024 at 6:55 PM, IRaMPaGe said:

I've only played Stash house once so far. 

It's a pretty cool map, altho the middle building is just so cluttered imo. 


I only ever stay around the edges of maps so the buildings don't bother me.


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9 hours ago, MrBiron said:


I only ever stay around the edges of maps so the buildings don't bother me.


Probably a wise move, however the walls seem like paper on that map. 

I reckon I could wall bang people from outside, through the house and back outside. 

If I learned the map more, I'm sure I could hit a few dirty angles. 

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The latest 3 new maps run pretty well. Alongside most maps from the start, apart from Highrise, its been really good running through them. Lots of rotation and not much Shipment popping up either. Rust is the Shipment alternative but it doesn't run that bad in MW3.


Domination games have been tight last 3-4 days, which led us all to think some matchmaking has been tweaked. Still an enjoyable experience.


I wish they'd make it clear though on where the new stuff is within Challenges. It would be nice to track them in the menus and in mid-game.

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I won't lie, I'm a little burned out with this COD already. I am trying to keep it more engaging by switching up weapons, playing around with the flamethrower n such the past week but there are a couple of dreadful maps i.e. Highrise, shipment (this is fine for camo grind but should just be kept away from the main playlist I think).


My gripe's not necassarily the game itself, it's fine and typical COD, gunplay is good but my gripes -

- Even now spawns in a game can very quickly still become a clusterfuck, the number of times I have spawned in (particularly with smaller maps) and spawned right in front of someone to be shot in the back is absurd. Then with larger maps, you only need one person to sit in spawn sniping and then you can't get away from it.

- Maps, the MW2 maps are great nostalgicly but they are getting tired. In fact the reintroduction of some of the maps from the last game have for me been one of the best aspects of COD lately and I think there is a gulf between them. The 3 lane design in principle seems simple with newer maps but I think due to that the games flow better, a game of domination tends to result in points swapping either end and provides options for flanking and flipping spawns which is a plus for me.

- Player base, I know there isn't much that can be done here but we do come across some toxic lobbies. I am fine with camping and such generally but when you get a whole lobby doing it then it get's tiresome and those matches become really dull.





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1 hour ago, J4MES OX4D said:

$80 gloves



Nice to see Microsoft making a positive difference to the franchise🤣

Wow! They’ve actually released an item for £80?! 

That’s insane! 

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18 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

$80 gloves



Nice to see Microsoft making a positive difference to the franchise🤣


Absolutely insane, how can anyone justify this. 

Is it literally cosmetic? 

Sounds like pay to win at that price. 

It's more than the base game cost. 🤢

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I am kind of done with the series again I think, it was good fun playing the last game with FG.


This one with it essentially being dlc that we have paid full price for it kind of left a sour taste and then you see crap like this and it's just a bit scummy. I know you have to blame people buying stuff like this but equally so it's just scummy from the devs.




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6 hours ago, Luseth said:

I am kind of done with the series again I think, it was good fun playing the last game with FG.


This one with it essentially being dlc that we have paid full price for it kind of left a sour taste and then you see crap like this and it's just a bit scummy. I know you have to blame people buying stuff like this but equally so it's just scummy from the devs.


I think its only fun with FG. I may be somwhat biased in that answer, but when they do this type of stuff it just doesn't feel fun to play at all. With others, you create far more interesting and fun objectives in each match to focus on. I'll play scheduled events on when we can with a group of FGers and maybe some FG Fridays to keep it ticking over.

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On 4/13/2024 at 8:08 AM, IRaMPaGe said:


Absolutely insane, how can anyone justify this. 

Is it literally cosmetic? 

Sounds like pay to win at that price. 

It's more than the base game cost. 🤢


I think this is misunderstood. You need to buy a set of skins which will cost you 9600 CoD points. They are 2400 CoD points each. If you buy them all you get the glove. So you're not really buying a glove for 9600 Cod points but you kind of are. 


Personally I would never do that. I don't bother with purchased skins or blackcell.


However people should be clear that they aren't charging $80 for a single item.   I don't understand why someone for pay $15 for a skin, but I tend to not comment about what people should do with their own money





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Tbh since getting interstellar I found I've little to no reason to turn the game on, there maybe some interest in any fg Friday that might occur however it's not just cod where gaming is concerned at the moment which might be down to the fact the winter should be over.

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5 hours ago, techno said:

Tbh since getting interstellar I found I've little to no reason to turn the game on, there maybe some interest in any fg Friday that might occur however it's not just cod where gaming is concerned at the moment which might be down to the fact the winter should be over.


Totally understandable Gary, I've definitely been playing less myself. 

I try do the events, weekly challenges and any new guns that drop. 

Some of the calling card ones as well, as they might have more obscure challenges or things I don't normally use. 

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9 hours ago, techno said:

Tbh since getting interstellar I found I've little to no reason to turn the game on, there maybe some interest in any fg Friday that might occur however it's not just cod where gaming is concerned at the moment which might be down to the fact the winter should be over.

I didn't bother with MW3 this year and with COD games of late struggling to hold my interest even going into December, I ended up playing stacks of other games instead which were so much more beneficial to my time and enjoyment.  Unless Black Ops 14 or whatever number we're at is a radical improvement in terms of quality and consumer ethics then I can't see me ever returning to the franchise. As predicted, Microsoft's acquisition has had absolutely no benefit whatsoever to the gamer just like with Bethesda and if anything, things are even worse than before. Such a shame because there was real hope after MW2019 but once again the franchise feels absolutely exhausted and way off where it should be morally and in quality. 

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22 hours ago, phil bottle said:

Well now, its also interesting to see that despite everything, COD still generates the most chat on this forum 🖤🤪🤣

That doesnt say much though, as its pretty gloomy in here 😄




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I'm finally done with this game. It's probably the longest I've played one of the new CODs for. After jumping on and playing Afghan for the millionth time I realised I just can't be bothered with this game any more. I definitely don't want to play any of the OG MW2 maps again. I'm absolutely sick to death of them.


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