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    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Amongst other things I've finished all the battle rifles and the riot shield 
  2. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Share your FG Mastery Camo Challenge Escapades!   
    Amongst other things I've finished all the battle rifles and the riot shield 
  3. Like
    techno got a reaction from Riff Machine in COD 2023   
    We probably will play it longer because the new one this year 🤣 will be made by sledgehammer games 🤣 so I'm still seeing mw2 as a 2 year release. Definitely won't buy a cod for campaign.
  4. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in COD 2023   
    We probably will play it longer because the new one this year 🤣 will be made by sledgehammer games 🤣 so I'm still seeing mw2 as a 2 year release. Definitely won't buy a cod for campaign.
  5. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    As expected, it's not gone down too well in the community
    Modern Warfare 2 players left fuming after shock CoD 2023 report
    WWW.CHARLIEINTEL.COM According to leaks, CoD 2023 is set to be a brand-new title and players who were expecting another year of MW2 are furious.
  6. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in COD 2023   
    That's just corporate waffle. The leak surrounds them potentially doing a u-turn on the planned Year 2 MW2 DLC and instead releasing it as MW3. That's a huge difference if so. 
  7. Like
    techno reacted to MrBiron in COD 2023   
    Sledgehammer make decent campaigns so I'll be looking forward to that. I definitely won't be rushing to buy this game as until I see how they treat 6v6 this time around.
  8. Like
    techno reacted to phil bottle in Season 2 Delayed   
    CoD used to have a nice variety of maps, and they were all done very well, all very different and all very memorable. Its a long time since I enjoyed the maps in a CoD.
  9. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in Season 2 Delayed   
    I don't mind withheld content as long as we receive 100% of the base game to start with. MW2 is probably 40% complete on launch and by the time 12 months is up, then maybe we'll get 100% of a game - something 10 years ago we would get on day one. As the year wore on, we'd then get another 50% of a game to enjoy through paid content. Vanguard last year released with more content than any other COD game and that should be the expectation for every release going forward - MW2 launched with 66% LESS 6v6 content than Vanguard which is insane. There needs to be a minimum entry threshold and something like 16 original maps with then 4 new ones per season guaranteed. The only maps they are probably holding back right now is ones they can pluck from the Warzone 2 one and I think they are winging it in every other respect.  
    I also don't buy into the logic that because they are supporting other MP playlists within, that means content quantity should be spread - I don't want to lose the prospect of 3 6v6 maps in return for an extra Ground War map for example. There's no reason why we can't have 16 6v6 maps, 6 Ground War and then 2 Battle Royal ones right out the gate and why they can't produce 3 new maps and a GW map on top. There are more developers than ever working on these titles backed by insane budgets compared to what the franchise had a decade ago so having less content and it being spread more thinly just doesn't suffice for me and it's absolutely killing the game right now so much so, it's going to be very hard to bring people back. 
    The post-launch support just isn't up to par - season delays, unclear roadmap and a lack of content and this is on top of a sparse launch. The likes of Epic already have Fortnite's 2024 roadmap completed yet Activision now seem to be toying with whether to launch COD 2023 as DLC or a brand new game. This is just no way to run a franchise or live service and what's tragic is this is actually a good game underneath - it's just let down by an awful seemingly non-existent forwarding strategy which should not be expected by such a longstanding and experienced series. 
  10. Like
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Season 2 Delayed   
    Just on this note they used to churn out a new game on a more regular basis "back in the day" with better and more content. The only thing they do churn out more of these days is gamemodes 🤷 Maybe we have to put up with poorer quality for diverse content which I suppose is ok if that's your bag which obviously isn't the case. 
    I think @cyberninja2601mentioned how cod mobile is and maybe a push to take MP the same way and just add to it on a rolling cycle.
  11. Like
    techno reacted to MrBiron in Season 2 Delayed   
    It's not nearly impossible. All regular 6v6 players want is 3/4 maps every new season. I don't think that's an unreasonable request. Even if it was 2 new and remastered then I'm sure people would be fine with that.
    This season is just a poor effort. 1 remaster and one that was removed from the game to start with. That's just not good enough when the game launched with few 6v6 maps in the first place.
  12. Like
    techno reacted to GazzaGarratt in Season 2 Delayed   
    Like Phil said the other day, keep it civil @cyberninja2601 @J4MES OX4D so we can keep on having good debates of late.
    I enjoy the game and I can realise others won't but hope that others will also try to see both sides too so we can have a good debate about the bits that people feel aren't so good. Just keep it about the game and not individuals, goes for everyone this does. Fanks 🤗
  13. Haha
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in Season 2 Delayed   
    Since when is Ground War 6v6?😂I only care about the paid component of the game developed solely by IW - the ONLY part of the game they produced. I bought the game in good faith because it comes from experienced devs of a franchise I regularly play and had a promising foundation as outlined. Sadly me and millions of other gamers have been badly let down and as a consumer, I have the express right to complain. What I criticise is perfectly valid issues and nothing that established franchise partners haven’t already complained about either. You have literally Activision’s own content creators telling them their game is a bag of shite. it’s nothing compared to what is being said on Twitter so don’t get so deeply offended by it. Oh and sorry, I didn’t realise just because people supposedly didn’t play (nonsense) Vanguard on here, I cannot praise it and Sledgehammer for their efforts? What sort of fucked up logic is that. No need to get jealous over praise of another game jeez.
    Also as you don’t play the paid MP portion, what right do you then have to lambaste anyone who does play it of their concerns? Bit weird gatekeeping part of a game you don’t even play. Stick to playing bots on freebie DMZ made by another developer. That bears no relation to the MP.
    Oh and because I also don’t like Forspoken, I am apparently ‘one of the most toxic individuals’😂 you may want to head your head out of your arse from the COD section and look elsewhere on this site. Really not sure why you’re so protective of this game - it’s almost like nauseating 2009 fanboyism all over again. No thanks to that.
  14. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Season 2 Delayed   
    Just on this note they used to churn out a new game on a more regular basis "back in the day" with better and more content. The only thing they do churn out more of these days is gamemodes 🤷 Maybe we have to put up with poorer quality for diverse content which I suppose is ok if that's your bag which obviously isn't the case. 
    I think @cyberninja2601mentioned how cod mobile is and maybe a push to take MP the same way and just add to it on a rolling cycle.
  15. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in Season 2 Delayed   
    I'd take 4-6 maps per season or none at all. One or two lazy recycled maps is simply not enough whatsoever for a game of this nature and I just wont play it otherwise. The COD community should not accept this level of service - it's beyond insulting now and bordering on laughable. Even Vanguard last year had 3x more map content than what we have now and they probably had 10% of the resources to make their game.
    People are largely sick of recycled/re-imagined content now - maybe 5 years ago this was still fine and even into MW2019 but not now. We're all mostly fed up of these once-iconic maps like Nuketown, Summit, Jungle, Firing Range and original content is what's needed. No point in having a brand new engine and rebooting a game and then rehashing old stuff. If they are to go down this route then at least back it up with new content on top. If you're giving us 2 old maps but 4 new ones then that's fair enough but 3 old maps out of 4 is embarrassing. 
    IW proved they could create new content and the base game maps of MW2 are pretty decent even though they were naive about a few real world locations but having to resort to recycled stuff or material lifted from Warzone is not good enough especially if you're giving us nothing else. 
  16. Haha
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Season 2 Delayed   
    Yup I'd settle for that especially with infinity ward but they'd probably bring back stonehaven 🤣
  17. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Season 2 Delayed   
    Yup I'd settle for that especially with infinity ward but they'd probably bring back stonehaven 🤣
  18. Haha
    techno reacted to LordBaguette in Hogwarts Legacy   
  19. Like
    techno reacted to GazzaGarratt in Season 2 Delayed   
    @techno, understandable as thats what the Season 2 visual shows. You'd hope the player feedback would convince them to drop another one later down the line. @IRaMPaGe, always a good 'we've listened' moment for them to use in a month or so 😄 I do expect to play more DMZ/Warzone that Season 1 so we'll what happens.
  20. Like
    techno got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Season 2 Delayed   
    All I've seen regarding mid season additions. Have seen there is now shoothouse and shipment separate playlists woohoo.😁

  21. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Season 2 Delayed   
    All I've seen regarding mid season additions. Have seen there is now shoothouse and shipment separate playlists woohoo.😁

  22. Sad
    techno got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Season 2 Delayed   
    All I've seen regarding mid season additions. Have seen there is now shoothouse and shipment separate playlists woohoo.😁

  23. Like
    techno reacted to J4MES OX4D in Season 2 Delayed   
    I've just realised (only saw the small image on my phone) that Al Malik and Zaya are both battle maps which mean they will be likely be ground war-type ones. Literally just cut off a a portion of the Warzone/DMZ map.
    This means that Dome and Museum are the only two 6v6 maps - one recycled and poached off Warzone 2 and the other one from the beta. The rumours they would pass off the removed Valderas map as 'new' season 2 content were spot on even though it had been legally cleared since the beginning of the year to bring back. 
    It's even worse than I first saw! Content creators jokingly said they will probably carve up the entire Warzone map bit by bit and integrate it as 'new' content for the MP portion and it looks like that has come true entirely. 
  24. Like
    techno reacted to MrBiron in Season 2 Delayed   
    So we get ANOTHER old re-skinned map and then a map that was removed from the game after the beta that was supposed to be in the game at launch? And that's it for 6v6 maps? What an utterly piss poor offering that is. I'd rather they just brought back the map packs from before. At least we got a decent amount of months every few months.
  25. Like
    techno got a reaction from GazzaGarratt in Battlefield 2042 Now   
    Just been told on twitter it's £9 on Amazon and Argos of they have any.
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