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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Awesome. Looking forward to seeing what a next gen only game brings
  2. Awesome Steve! I used to watch this kind of thing as a kid on TV. Would love to go to a proper show like this one day. I always remember Gravedigger as well as Bigfoot!
  3. Just thought i'd add my 2p worth here (albeit a bit late). I went for an apprenticeship when i left school. This was electronic engineering which gave me a near as dammit degree level qualification paid for by the company. Downside of this was 4 years of working around 45 hour weeks for pay that started at £40 per week and rose to £140 by the end. So pay per hour was awful, but the end result was worth it. However i decided to make a dramatic career change into something i loved, which was working in bars. I quickly got qualified at this level and became assistant manager at various bars in my hometown and then London. However the pay for the hours worked wasn't going to be something i could support my life ambitions with (marriage, owning a house, kids etc). Eventually i've settled on a job where the pay is good, hours are good and although it's not where my passion is, it's not an awful job to have. What i'm getting at here is, at no point in your life is it too late or early to try something new if it's not working for you. Life has a funny way of throwing curve balls and what was great one year is possibly not suitable the next. Do what your gut tells you and never look back with regret, look forward with a plan and learn from the experiences you've had.
  4. Just had a quick google of news relating to this being removed. Last update i could find was in January with it saying that it wasn't looking like anytime soon. Does anyone else have any news? Or we can use this thread for any further updates
  5. I totally agree with the franchise going back to WW2 era but i'd like to see a modern day version of COD: UO. Guns that take real skill to use. Tanks, jeeps, MG nests and anti tank positions. Levelling up inside a game. So once you had 1000 points you got more ammo, 2000 an extra grenade, all the way upto being able to call in artillery strikes via binoculars. Damn the more i mention about this game i'm tempted to see if people still play! Just a shame it was only ever out on PC
  6. Agree with pretty much all this apart from getting rid of league play. It was the one thing that kept me coming back to BO2 and the amount of people in this type of playlist is a very small percentage of the overall players online. As has been said before though. Connection, connection, connection!! I would take a BO2 game with a Ghosts connection and i would be a very happy man!
  7. Ghosts for me is a bit hit and miss. I just don't feel inspired by it like i did with BO2. I think the colour schemes and maps play quite a major part in this. It just doesn't feel as vibrant or exciting at times. Also i don't feel like there are any "must use" killstreaks. I loved just getting a harrier in MW2, VSAT in BO2 etc. There's nothing that grabs me. Lastly i think the lack of Hardpoint, HQ and a proper competitive game mode is a big negative. I played alot of league play before and it was well done. This version feels very much like it was tacked on as an afterthought. With all that said i still enjoy playing the game, it's not perfect and no COD ever has been. There are very good points to the game and i'll continue to play it but i'm not as taken with it this time round
  8. I feel fine going. It's just how i feel the day after night before. Shocking aint the word!
  9. I'm tending to visit Dave every month or 2 now so i'll work round everyone else. Maybe a show of some description somewhere other than London?
  10. PC is the better option, just not the most popular. Graphics are great on PS4 but they're simply stunning on a high end PC. PC wins in all aspects for me apart from sheer number of players and who is playing (guys from here are very few on PC).
  11. I've not managed to get on so far. Looking forward to a good session on this soon. Sounds like fun!
  12. Totally worth it. Even without the jump scenes there's just this uneasy atmosphere, especially with the sound effects of the guys breathing and the like. Really pleased to get a game like this for free. As now after playing i would def say it's worthy of a purchase in it's own right (not full price though!)
  13. Played this for an hour or so last night with my headset turned up and the lights out. FUCKING AWESOME!!
  14. So playing this game! I love the fact a video game can convey this kind of feeling. I want to relive the moment on the original Resi Evil game where i shit myself when i experienced the dogs jumping through the window for the first time!
  15. As i remember dexterity gave a reduced time from sprint to being your gun being in a usable position (hipfiring) and quickdraw made from hipfiring position to ADS quicker
  16. Watched a fair few trailers so far and i really like the look of this. Probably the first game that i'd really like to do a commentary playthrough of
  17. Ok made my CM last night. What do i do now? Can i play him in offline game modes to level him up?
  18. I don't think so. Just putting people down reliably with accuracy from the sights. The LMG hits where i expect whereas my aim seems the same with an AR but no hitmarkers
  19. Hadn't thought about the attatchments. I'll give that class setup a go and see how i get on. Cheers for the advice
  20. Good work Did's Looking forward to seeing where this can go. I love the idea of doing something i love for the good of other people. I don't really have much to add to what's been posted above but i'll help in anyway i can on this
  21. AK12, Scar and the M4 so far. I do ok, but that's about as good as it gets. I've unlocked red dot on them all so it's not a question of iron sights being crap either
  22. So i'm still loving the LMG's in this game but i still can't get on board with AR's. I burst fire with an AR but still struggle with putting people away. Am i doing something wrong as i do fine with the LMG?
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