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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. You're pretty much spot on. The style of play just adds a different dimensions to how you go about your business. My favourite tactic is using it to flush yellow health enemies out of a difficult cover area so the rest of my team can hose him down without fear of cover whilst he fires in vain at the shield.Now I'm starting to level up there's a lot more synergies that I can see between perks, talents and abilities, not to mention the status bonuses with the higher tier gear. Fun times ahead for min/maxing!
  2. First impressions from that video are mixed. Fair points from him with regards to end game content. If there's nothing to do, then there's really nothing to do. However some people will continue to play the game even if they don't have anything left to grind for. They do it for this thing that people are calling "fun" which is a point that he doesn't touch on. This "fun" element has meant that I have sinked a good amount of time into the game and am nowhere near the level that he is. Thus giving the game more longevity than people are making out.
  3. We had an awesome bash on it last night. Did a few extractions and we were a thoroughly decent and helpful bunch. Then we got bored and decided to go rogue and get the manhunt on for all of us. After a tense 5 minutes of being backed into a corner we managed to see it through. Great times, and I can only see it getting better
  4. I had one quick bash in there the other night and managed to pick up around 3 rogue agent kills when helping out another group who then promptly turned on me and nicked my shit!! Never a dull moment in the Dark Zone!!
  5. I like the entire concept of the dark zone. Risk vs reward, the fear factor of friend or foe. Plus the possibility of going fully rogue and just being a general pita for people. It's not like you get anything in the dark zone that you can't get in the PvE zone, it's just done differently. Honestly, it's a great introduction and fits the ethos of the game quite well. I know it's not everyone's bag, but the beauty is that you don't even have to touch it to be able to get the same gear
  6. So what's everyone's flavour of choice when it comes to their talents? I've really enjoyed the riot shield (shocking!) and pulse in a group. And then switching in the heal when running solo. The mods available can really stack up if co-ordinated correctly in a group. Really looking forward to seeing end game team make ups and the diversity it may potentially require
  7. 22 I think the article stated at Destiny launch. Which was around a week's worth of play for most on here, then strikes thereafter.COD isn't the same comparison in my opinion. The online and offline modes are separate entities whereas with Division and Destiny, it's one and the same. I'm wary of something that sells itself as an RPG would only have 26 missions. I still have high hopes, but time will tell
  8. Just awful news. Zake was one of the first people to greet me back on the old MW2 forum and certainly made me feel welcome. A great character and will be sorely missed by a great many.
  9. http://gamerant.com/the-division-26-missions-at-launch/ So if this article has accurate info, there will be 26 missions at launch for the game. So how does this figure sit with everyone? After going through 2 during the beta, I have concerns that 26 would be rattled though in no time. And although they will have higher level modifiers, it's still essentially the same level. Although in the last video released it showed daily/weekly challenges as being a thing so maybe these alongside the side missions and dark zone would be enough to pacify most of us until the end game content comes along What do you guys reckon? I'm worried because a) Destiny & b ) Ubisoft have left me with dashed hopes on more than one occasion before
  10. Nice stuff. I remember that last mission being an absolute clusterfuck when done normally
  11. My Mrs heard it the other night..........
  12. Considering the current state of the game regarding it's future content, it almost makes me think of rats leaving a ($10 million) sinking ship........
  13. Good job again last night guys and gals. Warpriest done in the 3rd run I think, great job by all once again. You're all getting pros at this now!!
  14. I must admit in my response I didn't remember that it could be traded in for faction/general advancement. In which case, I agree with it being bollocks. Either way it's disproved now but I don't think it will be long till we're discussing an actual introduction of this nature
  15. I don't have a problem with microtransactions in the slightest no matter how stupid I think they are. So long as it's fluff and not game breaking then fair play to them. Why wouldn't you make a few more quid out of the people willing to pay for it.
  16. This is the key. Just changing your role in these battles makes them so much different and enjoyable. I'm very much guilty of running the same roles in the raids so far. With that said, I really enjoyed the raid and it's given me a renewed hunger to try and smack all 3 raids out in 1 night again. Amazing how cool it felt after a good break!
  17. Sweet, Friday it is. I should be on 8ish and can help you out till whenever you want to call it quits. Just need 1 more then by my counting
  18. So by trying to batter the boss as quick as possible we ended up causing the fight to be much harder than it needed to be!! Would love to try this again now knowing this, should be quite easy with 3 of us if the strategy works
  19. I think I was talking to Gary the other night about this map and how it never comes in the rotation anymore. I figured it was due to the combine 24/7 syndrome, but after a bit of light reading today it seems it was removed on PS4 only due to it causing a weird disconnect bug. I couldn't find an eta on when it's due back, but at least there's a reason it doesn't show!
  20. Hoping to be on this weekend for sure,so maybe we could arrange an hour on Friday night to get you guys started and then carry ion with the US guys in the following afternoon?
  21. I'm the same as Lee. Kiddie duty until about 8ish most nights. Maybe an hour or so most nights rather than a massive slog? Just let me know when you want me!!
  22. Late to the party! But merry xmas all, I hope you all had a brilliant day
  23. Awesome!! Can't believe it took this long to implement. But now we have it, I can see hours of fun and hopefully add much need replayability value in the game
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