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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Thread totally derailed now so fuck it!!I agree with you Chris. COD4 wasn't a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination. M16 used by pretty much everyone. 3 frags in the hold plus martyrdom perk. PS3 didn't even get online play for about the first few months of release as the servers were fucked. And my personal favourite, "Host ended Game"!!! There's been bullshit in every iteration of the series back to the original (PPSH rushing!!). I personally think it's us as gamers that the issue lies with. CoD has evolved whereas we keep thinking about the "Good old days"! Each to their own and I too look back at the old school days with fond memories but I also am glad that the game has developed with the times. Anyone find any other good wallruns? [emoji13]
  2. So now people have had chance to get used to the mechanics of the wallrunning, I thought it'd be cool to share some of our preferred wallrunning spots that aren't as easily noticed. This may give to you the edge in some of the situations you find yourself in or it just may feel cool to do!![emoji41] [emoji41] So to kick it off, here's a run kinda outside the map on Infected which can be used to flank people on the cliffside:
  3. Great game. It's always good when you get a game and it all comes together. I especially liked the use of the spikes to link the kill fees together, really seemed to flow very well
  4. We agreed to never mention that gun and you ever (ever, ever, ever, ever) again [emoji13]
  5. This is the 1st year I genuinely can't think of anything that I want. Unless Santa can put an extra few hours in the day?! So probably going to geek out a bit and go for gadgets and star wars related memorabilia!!
  6. That makes me feel better knowing that the mighty Scump wouldn't use it on core modeSent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  7. Argus and KRM are now gold, but there is no way in hell I have the patience to get the other two gold in core game modes!! That Argus is a beast when you get used to how it works and the ranges Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  8. KRM is a god gun! It makes the game so much fun. Especially when you can get a few people on the same team just going ham in their spawn!!
  9. Ripper for the "oh shit" commando lunge one hit melee! And anihalator for the one hit kills at range. Currently doing the sparrow/vision pulse challenges and there's nothing good here really. Bow has drop and travel time to takes into account. Vision pulse is good in theory apart from it gives your position away on the minimap too when you activate the pulse. Could potentially be counter productive in some game modes
  10. KRM shotgun reminds me totally of the Remington from BO2. Had alot of giggles (and good gameplays) with that today
  11. Nice stuff Euan. Rich ruining that feed at the end is even funnier 2nd time round
  12. Way to shit all over my parade man [emoji19]
  13. "Working" from home Friday. Woop!!
  14. I still want to play Destiny, but short of new content, BO3 is looking like a better time filler. Plus BO3 is shiney at the moment so therefore more people will be on for the honeymoon phase and it will settle down after that.However to get all the challenges in MP, Zombies, Campaign, Zombies campaign and Arena mode. That's a fair bit of content to get stuck into, so it's fair to say it should last a good while if you're looking to achieve some goals
  15. I'll be prestiging every gun i can and all the character prestiges i can. Not really for the "benefits" they give but more for the completionist in me. I think it's a good thing having the levelling up take so long. Makes the later levels that much more desireable and the gear that is unlocked around that level. Makes you think hard about what you want to take with you on your next go around
  16. Good job guys. Getting that far on the 1st go is good progress. Hoepfully you can get even further next time around. If the timing suits, i'm more than willing to help out too
  17. Had our first good night on S&D last night. Was a very good session. Practically no lag and some good games. Plus all of the maps seemed to play really well. I'll be hitting this game mode a lot more often.
  18. Could be. I've mainly used it on the XR2 (pre nerf). Or it could be a bit of a placebo effect?
  19. Funny you say that, as i notice a real big difference when using stock. I just feel so sluggish and lose alot of gun fights without it
  20. As far as guns go, just use what feels best for you. It's a bit of a cop out answer, but it's true. One man's trophy is another man's trash. If you're using an AR then you want to keep you engagements at a midrange where you should be at an advantage vs smg but at a disadvantage vs sniper. That comes from learning the maps and the lanes in them which will just come with practice. The same goes for the attachments. If you like the iron sights and do just fine then stick with that. If you're going for headshots, then use high cailbre. From a personal perspective i swear by stock and quickdraw at the very least. CoD is a game where fractions of a second count and those perks help reduce the time to get you on target. The higher a level of something doesn't mean it's better, it just meant it was unlocked later! When you prestige it's like starting all over again. However your gun progress will still be saved when you unlock the gun on your next go around. You will also get an unlock token to permanently unlock one weapon/gear/perk regardless of what level you are at. For example i just unlocked the M8 which is normally available at lvl55, i can now use it from lvl 1. Other than that, the best advice i can give it to play slowly. It will help you pick up the game alot easier without feeling like a dying boy all the time!!
  21. For the most part it's been fine for me. The most noticable difference i see comes from what tv i'm using to play. My big tv has quite a big lag delay (~100ms) whereas my smaller monitor in the bedroom is noticably better.
  22. So what is everyone's preferred weapons so far? I havent been able to test to top 2 SMG's but my favourite is still the Kuda. Feels like a CoD4 MP5, plus the range is very nice on it. I'm not normally a SMG person but this gun has really made an impression on me For the AR's i fell in love with the X2(?) burst AR. Basically zero recoil and a one burst kill to upper torso if all bullets connect. Nice iron sights and a decent mag size, will be interesting to see how it compares to the M8 when i unlock it. Not tried any shotties, LMG's or snipers really yet. Having too much fun with the other guns. Although i do want to try the new version of the Model 1887 shotgun and pretend i'm in MW2 all over again!!
  23. Enjoying alot more than i thought i would. Connection and randoms/camping are a standard thing for me, i knew what i was signing up for by buying the game. It's the general feel of the game i'm liking so far, it oozes BO2 which is pure win (for me!). It won't hold my attention as much as previous iterations as Destiny still has a greater appeal, but a really good fun fall back game.
  24. We managed with just the 1 sword between us. But i'm sure it would have made life easier having another 1 or 2! Thinking about it a bit more, the key for us was timing the burn phases on the boss. Basically get the 2 blights down whatever it takes,the the adds out and then fuck him up as much as possible, Rinse and repeat. Also orbs are your friend here, we ran a sunsinger warlcok and 2 hammer titans, although a bit more squishy at time the adds were going down pretty fast. YMMV but just some thoughts to help out peoples that couldn't get it done. With that said we only had 6 seconds to spare!!
  25. I'm pretty sure i'll be picking it up dude. It's just not a release date pick up now because of the past 2 years. I do miss the COD days of old and i really hope this can spark some interest again. But i want to see everyone's opinion first before committing any cash to it
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