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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I'll put something on there tonight and see what you can do bud. Might be a nice and easy way to do it whichor would take drop box out of the equation (well for console at least!)
  2. @tronic44 can we just upload to our psn account and you can rip from there? Just looking for alternatives for people that don't have a PC like me. Might be worth a try later on?
  3. 4v4 sounds like a bit of a mistake to me. The proof will be in the pudding but quite nervous about this aspect. PvP was always a good laugh on D1 and kept me going longer so would hate to see it not being a large part of the new game
  4. As we talked about last night dude, I totally agree that we need to push the forum use rather than whatsapp. I'm of the same opinion that whatsapp has killed the traffic here and I'm just as guilty as everybody else. I'm certainly going to make more of an effort to be posting more and contributing. It makes more of a homely place for any new people to come to rather than a tumbleweed forum. You never know, I might even make that PPR sometime soon 😂 @GazzaGarratt - Good on you for making a stand and reminding us all why we're all friends in the 1st place.
  5. Genuinely excited to see what they do for this. I reckon they'll have put quite a bit of effort into this update. Plus there's been confirmation of some of the skins that will be on offer too. So my Symmetra will be getting pimped out in a few days time!
  6. Will try and get some more info but I'm pretty sure of these: Soldier - Nerf of 1 damage per bullet. I think it's currently 23 damage per bullet which will affect his viability against other 200 health characters Hanzo - Big buffs. Now able to cock an arrow whilst climbing to release when jumping off. Faster cocking of the bow. Faster projectile travel. Will try and get official patch notes shortly
  7. I use a SF5 one. But keep meaning to change it since they introduced the customisable option
  8. Honestly, I though the mechanics weren't actually that difficult once I understood it. The fight itself is actually pretty easy, it's more of a test of communication which we started to get nailed down. The only thing we need to do is start teaching people their right and left 😂😂
  9. How the hell did you manage to make the content last that long? A week tops for most of the new stuff. Some of the more hardcore people had done it in the first night.
  10. I'd like more of an emphasis on the character progression like in a standard MMORPG. Very specific branches and paths for each character type, it would help to make each character unique. There'd still be cookie cutter builds but at least there would be some a very personal attachment to the avatar. Also, more one time only quest lines like they did with the Queens wrath (I think that was what it was called). But they only released this once very early into the game for it never to return apart from the form of paid dlc. Better raids! VoG was awesome, it went downhill for a couple and WoM brought it back up. Just make it bigger with more mystery so it's not just all about go here and shoot that. There's probably more but that'll do for a starter
  11. Was really good to nail it in the end. Once we figured out a good strategy it started to get a lot easier. Good job dudes 🖒
  12. Ending to the first fight was the super which uses all the meter bars (fireball moton-fireball motion-heavy kick). It's just difficult to do that input on a tiny opening but getting better at it. Need to work on the target combos and the cancelling a bit more but I'm getting there!
  13. Sounded like a good laugh last night. But didn't want to risk it on the work laptop. However just tried it on my phone and it worked fine. So game on for next time!!
  14. Yeah, was a good run again last night once we got our groove. Shame @Diddums had to shoot off. We nearly did Atheon as the 5 of us. Just a sliver of health left before we wiped. Fucking love this raid.
  15. Little bit of gameplay from last night. Really enjoyed it, connection was smooth and the playstation was very similar to SF4 with some tweaks so it didn't feel like picking up a new game. Good idea to do this testing weekend as it's confirmed that this is a game I need in my collection now
  16. Was a really good laugh last night. Reminded me of why I enjoyed Destiny so much, as the VoG is just an amazing experience that (in my opinion) hasn't been topped in all the DLC. To top it all off, I dropped the Fucking Fatebringer! Only 2 years too late, but I finally got there!! Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  17. Competitive Play On Route 66, the attacking team is now given 60 additional seconds after pushing the payload to the first checkpoint. Developer Comments: This change will bring Route 66 in line with the other Escort maps. Custom Game and Game Browser When setting up a Custom Game, players can now disable or modify abilities activated with the secondary fire button Hero Changes: Ana Biotic Rifle Damage decreased from 80 to 60 Bastion Ironclad [XB1, PS4] Bastion now takes 20% less damage while in Configuration: Sentry or Tank (formerly 35%) Junkrat Total Mayhem Junkrat's explosion no longer hurt himself Mercy Caduceus Staff The amount of increased damage that’s done when boosting another player is now tracked under the match statistics and on the Career Profile page Sombra Hack Sombra’s teammates can now see hacked healthpacks through walls Stealth Sound effects and VO distance has been reduced to 15 meters when Sombra enters or exits Stealth Translocator Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 4 seconds Winston Barrier Projector Ability cooldown now starts when the barrier is placed, instead of when it ends Zarya Particle Barrier No longer protects Zarya from knockback Projected Barrier No longer protects allies from knockback Zenyatta Orb of Destruction Alternate fire cooldown has been reduced from 1 seconds to 0.6 seconds Weapon spread has been removed
  18. Got a decent clip tonight of how effective a good defence can be in For Honor. Really starting to enjoy this game now, so hopefully more cool clips to come
  19. If Blizzard honestly thought that giving people total freedom of lobby controls + actual XP earnt wasn't going to result in farming lobbies then they were very niave. Earning XP in these lobbies was one of the points that they used to sell the update. There will always be people in games where they are looking for the latest exploit, cheat, farm etc. But they are the minority and need to be managed by exception rather than making them the rule. Surely a more fair fix around afk farming would be to just say that changes to the afk timer over a certain amount would result in a no XP lobby?? Making these lobbies now result in no XP is going to see the interest in them dwindle pretty quickly I imagine. A pretty short sighted view to begin with and a knee Jerk reaction fix it seems to me. Hope they revisit this with more of a level headed approach
  20. Update now available for download - 3.5gb
  21. I actually read that somewhere that the SR gained or lost isn't based on the average SR between the teams and yourself but weighted more to get you back to where you MMR (which is hidden). So if your MMR was 2500 but your SR was below that level it would actually give you more points to get you to equilibrium sooner. It kind of makes sense but only if the MMR algorithm is right otherwise it makes it night on impossible to break free of threshold of the MMR and your SR would always flit about the same point for the entire season
  22. My goal for this season is to bring everyone up to plat. So going to spend some time tanking my rating now so it's more a comparable score. This way we'll keep the team rating down and make sure there's no issue with teaming up. It's frustrating for me to see you guys placed so low so God only knows how much it's pissed you off. We'll get there though dudes!! As far as Bastion goes, I'm happy with all the changes bar one. Ironclad is too powerful in its current live state. PTR has a patch with the skill at 20% mitigation which sounds a lot more like it. Time will tell, but I'm really digging his viability now as he's a lot more mobile
  23. I know what you're saying Pat. I guess they serve 2 different purposes as characters. I really put some work in on the off season with Winston and I can't help feel like he was just a little behind all the other tanks in viability. For me Winston's bubble still needs a buff whether it be related to cool down or hp. As you said it's a 360 degree shield which offers great protection but conversely 600hp goes down really quick when it can be shot at from all sides. I just want to see him in a good place as I really think with our dive comp style of play he'd slot in nicely
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