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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Difficult to say mate. We could try the 2 healer approach but as you know every game is different. Sometimes no matter what we pick I'm sure we'd get steamrolled!! I'm fairness when we were on point last night we were doing some serious work. Some uber quick games. Plus it does saddened me to pay @Diddums some compliments on his awesome healing. Nice to see @crispymorgan doing his R2 button justice too!! Seriously love this game. So much depth to it if you dig into it enough. I need to give Sombra a good bash as I reckon she'll be really useful in this new season
  2. Finally got round to editing some clips of my Joker play after getting to grips with the combos a little more. Since this video I've levelled him up to 20 and I'm really on point with some of the combos. I'll make another vid and then put some of the more useful combos that worked
  3. Forgot about that one! Will put it in shortly, cheers Roberto
  4. Just thought I'd put some of the fighting game Terminology below for people to understand some of the mechanics if they are not familiar awith it it: Crossup - A jumping attack that land on the other side from which you jumped. Extremely difficult to defend as you will generally be blocking in the direction of the jump Cancel - Inputting another command/attack whilst the animation of the previous attack is in progress. This cancels the full animation of the attack whilst still giving the full damage and enabling a link to another attack Meter - A total of 4 bars that can be accrued over the course of the fight to give different affects Meter Burn - Using a bar of the special meter to give an extra affect to the special moves. Trait - A special ability unique to each character which will affect how they perform for a short period of time or give a unique ability 1/2/3 Buttons - To make remembering combos easier the buttons are often referred to as 1 - Light, 2 - Medium and 3 - Heavy. This aids in cross platform confusion 50/50 - An attack string that can result in an overhead or a low attack. Therefore giving the defender a 50/50 chance of getting the block string correct Safe - A string of moves that, if blocked, cannot result in you being hit in completion Punishable/Unsafe - A string of moves that, if blocked, can result in the opponent punishing with a free attack if timed correctly Armour - The ability to absorb an attack without the resulting knockback/knockdown but will still take the damage Anti Air - The ability to deal with an enemy jumping in Projectiles - Any attack that fires a projectile which travels across the screen independent of the activating character Footsies - Keeping the range between the characters at a safe distance with the hope of getting a small hit in. Chip - The amount of damage taken when blocking attacks from an opponent Combo/String - A series of attacks that link together without any interruption Throw tech/escape - Pressing the throw button just after the opponent has initiated a throw will result in a throw escape Hit confirm - Performing a safe attack, recognising that this has hit and then going on to perform the Unsafe portion of the combo Juggle - Performing a combo whilst the target is airborne from a previous attack/combo. Therefore juggling them in the air where they are defenseless
  5. Bang on mate. For ranked, anything that is considered to be a below good connection shows what the exact ping is that you'll be playing at and whether you accept to play it or not. For casual, it's a bit more of a mixed bag. But due to the gear system not being auto disabled, I don't tend to spend much time in that portion of the game
  6. I used my super as a bit of a hail Mary as I had no idea how where the contact needs to be. Turns out they need to be up close and personal without blocking for it to work which is kinda tricky without stringing it into a combo. As I didn't know any combos I didn't really know what the gun can be put into so was using it as a stand alone. I've done a bit of working in the practice mode and there's a few combo strings that you can cancel the gun into and also meter burn to get a few more hits. I had a few more games after a practice session and was starting to string a few better combos together and learning more of the general area that he can command. Also managed to nail down the combo to link into the super which has come in handy on a few fights. Will try and post up a few more games later on if I get chance.
  7. Here's the first 4 games I had without knowing a thing about Joker. I quickly found he had a good full screen in the gun and used that to keep my distance and then jump in with the heavy when I could. Mostly I was just reading opponents to get the wins here rather than doing well with my character. However I got smashed by the Darkseid but the aim is to get up to that level at some point
  8. Cool. We have a winner in the Joker. I'll post up my first few games without any practice on here shortly.
  9. Need a vote to split the tie break then I'll close this up. Come on peeps!!
  10. Haha!!! Cheers Bob. I'll be back on it when D2 comes around.
  11. I'll close the vote in a few days time whilst I get up to speed with how I'm going to record this shizzle!!
  12. Awesome stuff. Just need some of you feckers to pick up the game now!!
  13. I'm planning on doing a dummy's guide to fighting game terms in a separate thread which should hopefully help. I've also had a thought of doing a fortnightly challenge thing. Where I'll put up characters to the vote on the forum which I've never touched. Then see how quick I can pick them up and how I perform online in ranked matches. In the meantime I'll be putting up some gameplay of general matches. But feel free to ask if people want to see something specific As for cross Atlantic, I really don't know. I'd have to have a Google. I doubt it though considering the premium of ping in a fighting game
  14. I bought one for the PS3 as I found I reached a point where I couldn't do the inputs fast enough for the combos. Especially some of the FADC stuff with SF4. However, it really takes some getting used to. I actually found I was worse for a good while but then once I'd practised enough I then found I could do that bit more that I was lacking before. A worthwhile purchase if you're heavily into the genre, but for the most part a controller will do fine Piccy of my sticky below for reference. This cost about £100.
  15. I've set us up a clan for Injustice 2 and the ID code is: 4RK3Z Current status of the guild is set to open, so all applications will be accepted pending approval. This thread will be for all things guild related on the game (multiverse, MP lobbies etc.)
  16. @GazzaGarratt @Diddums (Not sure if this is the right place or not!) Can I get a fighting game section please? Just about to set up a clan for Injustice 2 so could do with a specific section. Thanks dudes!!
  17. Awesome to hear this!! So pleased for you dude Also @Diddums and @crispymorgan for getting it all set up and in place. And all of FG who contributed. Top stuff everybody!!
  18. Season 5 due to start on 1st June if all goes well with the anniversary launch on Tuesday. Confirmed by big daddy dog Jeff himself
  19. Well said Bob. Couldn't have put it better myself. It was awesome to see the traffic on here yesterday but we all have to take a little bit of ownership to keep it going now. I think the real hard part has been done and we can start to look to a bright new future on here
  20. Not playing with @GazzaGarratt until I buy it!!
  21. This shows a few of the skins. The Zarya one looks Fucking immense. I'll be gutted if I don't pick it up
  22. Good job Lee. Once again going above and beyond. We are truely not worthy
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