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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. So the long awaiting Torn rework is here and he looks pretty sweet. Highlights of the changes as follows Turret is now deployable and doesn't require building. Turret will now aim at whatever is being hit with your primary fire Overload ability is new and is a mini molten core (previous ult). Lasts for 5 secs and on a 12 sec cooldown, now makes you move faster too Molten core (new ult) is totally new and he basically throws 10 shots of hot magma onto the floor which do 150dps on normal health/shield and 190dps on armour. A fair bit of area denial Crit hitbox rediced by 10% Robot gun projectiles fire faster Spread on alternative fire is tighter There's a bit more in there but he really does look like a decent pick now and can really melt quickly with the turret, secondary fire change and overload as a nasty combo. I don't think he'll be a troll pick anymore! Mcree is getting a little buff with his combat roll changing from 8 to 6 sec cooldown. Orisa has a small buff with her gun spread being reduced from 1.5 to 1.2. Apparently this should make her more consistent with damage at mid to long ranges Solider is also getting a little buff with his spread not coming into effect until the 10th shot in full auto. This is quite a big buff imo as it'll make his damage output a lot more consistent Pharah has had what they are calling a skill update. Effectively making her more difficult to play but also more rewarding if you do. Concussion blast cooldown reduced from 12 to 9 secs Increased fire rate from 0.9 to 0.75 secs Increased rocket travel speed Reduced damage from non-impact hits from 65 to 45 (will double check numbers) Increased damage for direct hits from 55 to 75 Quite excited for the Paharah changes, as I think it makes her a bit more viable on more maps now. The rocket travel increase will really help smooth out the damage lost from the explosion area of effect.
  2. Was an awesome night. It really felt like we were in the groove with it and almost untouchable at times. Even though the rewards were pants (I got the damn rocket launcher 6 times!!), it was an absolute blast.
  3. Really was a good crack the other night but also a total eye opener into the intricacies of the game mode. As @GazzaGarratt said, it's more about keeping your cool and sticking to the plan rather than getting emotional about it 🤬🤬
  4. Current roster is: @Stretch616 @Plumbers Crack @tronic44 @Findmartin @GazzaGarratt @Dan94 @phil bottle @ChaosGladiator Hopefully we can get a couple more in to make it a good crack
  5. Have you registered the team first? Seems odd as we've got a few people in already so the code should be fine
  6. I'll get a bit more past match analysis on here, but just thought I'd get the thread started. London Spitfire have won the very first OW championship this evening by beating Philidelphia Fusion 2-0 in the best of 3 series. Nice to see the "local" boys bring it home!!
  7. Had a few games with him and I kind of liken him to Doomfist. If you can master the movement portion and think a couple of moves ahead then he's pretty spectacular. If not then he's dead weight. He can't be played as a main tank as he doesn't have an active way of mitigating damage, however as an off tank he can really disrupt the enemy team. Going to take a long time to get used to him but could be really good in the long run. Maybe it's worthwhile having a couple of us universally pick him in QP with proper comp set ups to see if we can get him to work
  8. Must say that I'm really looking forward to this. I've always struggled with Fallout games before as multiplayer games took my attention away from what was a very good single player game. So with the mix on offer here it seems spot on. I've watched a few vids and I really love the lore and effort that they're putting into this new world. This could well be the first bonafide MMORPGFPS/3PS. There's been a few attempts before but they've never quite got the RPG bit right. Plus recent problems on end game content with games like Destiny and The Division will only serve a good experience for the Bethesda team to learn from Time to see if there's a ps4 beta I can sign up for!!
  9. I like the patch for the healing changes. Should make it so that the healers are all doing a similar amount of HPS whether that be done in burst fashion on a single target or steady across multiple. Should make for interesting team comps I reckon, if nothing else it makes Lucio a lot more viable of a pick
  10. Since we've had the camper van we've got a leisure battery so we can charge a fair bit of stuff. However when we were proper camping before (and a fair bit now) we went without. As Mr Crack said, sometimes it's really good to go without those creature comforts for a few days. It's surprising how nice it can feel. I get that you need stuff for Dax but might be worth a go for you and the mrs??
  11. I've registered for it. The idea of the first game was great but just a bit lacking in execution. However I did hear that the later expansions fixed a lot of stuff and added more depth to the game. Just a shame hardly anyone was there to see it!! Really hoping that we can see this one learn from the previous lessons and a good game come from it
  12. The proposed changes between all the healers look good and it seems to level the playing field a bit more between them all now. Zen still out in the cold now for healing and given the big changes recently to Anna, I reckon we'll start to see a lot more of her played. Also, I kinda like the change to the Zarya ult. Having more uptime on the ultimate and contribute more to the team fight by having extra energy is a better option for me than a larger radius on the ult. I'm sure not everyone sees it that way but we have to remember the level of game that we play. The pro and master people who define what meta is are just so far above us in skill so the game dynamic is totally different
  13. Shamelessy stolen from the official OW forum!! Ana Nano Boost Now also instantly heals the target for 300 health Developer Comments: This change should give Ana the flexibility to use her ultimate in a wider variety of situations. Brigitte Shield Bash Cooldown increased from 6 to 7 seconds Developer Comments: Slightly increasing the cooldown will give Brigitte’s opponents more opportunity to play around her Shield Bash ability. Doomfist Rocket Punch No longer impacts Symmetra’s teleporter Now destroys Symmetra’s sentry turrets without stopping his movement Developer Comments: These changes are just quality of life improvements for how Doomfist interacts with Symmetra’s placeables. Hanzo Lunge Cooldown increased from 4 to 5 seconds Developer Comments: Hanzo’s Lunge ability allows him to be very evasive, the increased cooldown should make him slightly easier to catch. Moira Biotic Grasp Passive energy regeneration rate increased from 2 per second to 2.4 per second Developer Comments: This gives Moira a bit more healing to work with in situations with no enemy targets available. Lúcio Crossfade Aura radius increase from 10 to 12 meters Sound Barrier Temporary shields granted increased from 500 to 750 Developer Comments: Increasing the amount of shield health gained from Lucio’s Sound Barrier should make it more effective against incoming burst damage. The increased aura radius will help keep more allies within his heal and speed range. Mercy Caduceus Staff Healing beam reduced from 60 healing per second to 50 healing per second Developer Comments: Mercy’s previous healing output made her nearly impossible to replace in any team composition. Even after these changes she will still be able to deliver more healing over the course of a match than any other support hero. This change should allow for other healers to be a more viable pick. Sombra General Reduced the size of Sombra’s head hit volume Developer Comments: This is mostly a bug fix, as her head hit volume was abnormally large, especially from behind. Previously if you fired at her from behind near her upper spine, you could land a head shot. Now her head volume is much more accurate. Reinhardt Barrier Field Decorative insignia no longer protrudes from the shield’s surface Developer Comments: By smoothing out Reinhardt Barrier Field, he will be able to consistently block enemy abilities and projectiles (e.g. Junkrat’s grenades). Widowmaker Grappling Hook Cooldown increased from 8 seconds to 10 seconds Developer Comments: The increased cooldown will slightly reduce the frequency that Widowmaker can reposition herself. Zarya Energy Drain rate reduced from 2 per second to 1.6 per second Graviton Surge Radius reduced from 8 to 6 meters Developer Comments: With the reduced Energy drain rate, Zarya should be at higher energy on average resulting in more overall damage and quicker ultimate charge times. We’ve also decreased the wide area of Graviton Surge, so players are more able to aid allies without being pulled in as well.
  14. Fraid you're (Hayley!) not going to like the answer here. Powerbanks are only ever good for charging a mobile or similar device. It wouldn't generate enough power to get the straighteners going and if it did then it'd batter the charge in seconds. solar power converted into 12v storage is more viable if you've got a) a big ass solar panel and b) a decent battery to store said charge. Even then I'd suggest using specific 12v straighteners as it's not economical to invert the power from 12 to 240. in short, if you're "off grid", then I'd forget about most of your creature comforts like that if you aren't going to carry a big ads battery along with you
  15. All done!! Head over to here and register your team. Once done, register yourself into our league by using code 972477-216585
  16. Yo dude. Good to see you on here. I'm not much for the Destiny at the moment, but I know there's a good few on here that are all over it. Enjoy your stay!! 👍
  17. I'll set up the Premier league one again mate. Nice and easy app which we can use for updates. Will post back later with the league registration number
  18. It's down the gear you equip on the loadout you're running. Apparently you'll start off with a weapon to suit all 4 and that all 4 very slightly in their combos. Some strings will be safe with Leonardo but not Raphael, whereas Donatello may get an extra attack in the string. Very funky and going to be a pain in the ass to figure out 😂😂
  19. Didn't expect anything less for this update if I'm honest. CTF was always something they wanted to push but not necessarily what a lot of the community wanted. I'm just happy to see even more skins in the game!! Pretty sure the next event is Uprising which should feature quite a bit of PvE content (which I'm super excited about!!)
  20. All over this when it comes out!! Looks like it could be a bit weird with the mechanics of switching characters though.
  21. Yeah, it's weird to support our "home" team and it be filled with foreigners. But how is that any different to any Premier League club. Just to reiterate from another thread, there's an awesome OW League app (thanks Rob 👍) that'll keep you up to date and even prompt when your supported teams are playing. I honestly can't wait till Stage 1 is now done and dusted. I want to see how the pros change up their play with the Fucking Hot Healing Chick! nerf being live
  22. Wicked stuff Crispy. I bet Widow is a fuck tonne easier with mouse & keyboard. Just don't go too much PC master race on us now!!
  23. Didn't know they had it. Downloaded it now and fully agree mate. Today professional app which I've now come to expect from Blizzard! Nice one dude! 👍👍
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