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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Fuck, I need to put on some weight!! Lads at work used to think it was David De Gea. Although with this lockdown and not being able to get a haircut I'm looking more like Jesus every day!! 🤣🤣
  2. Has anyone actually picked this up? Just wondered if we had a forumer opinion to go off of. It does have a bit of an Evolve feel to it which doesn't bode well. It just amazes me that with the Predator license that they released a budget style game. Seems a very low target to set which might speak volumes about the longevity and support given
  3. I voted for shooty shooty bang bang and beer. See you Friday 😘
  4. Fair to say it went well then Dids?!! No WoW characters, that's the issue
  5. Probably best I dont comment!!! 🤣🤣 Good job mate 👍🏻
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 100/100 My Time 120 seconds
  7. That would be me!!! Let's sort something out then dude. Maybe arrange a night on it in advance and we can get on a wee bit earlier so it doesn't kill all baby duties 👍🏻
  8. I have smash bros and mario maker 2. So happy to have a bash with you folks on that whenever 👍🏻👍🏻
  9. Sounds like we need to organise an switch gaming night as well guys. Plenty of us on here have one hut just aren't having a bash on it.
  10. How do you find the paddle add on? Just not sure I want to plump for a SCUF now but I could be swayed on the extension if they work reasonably well
  11. Thing is, we did the same the game after. Probably a good 25-30 kills again. Just need that little bit of last ring luck 🤞🤞
  12. Agree with you here mate. There is a massive reliance on getting those load out drops. If they made them more expensive and also less frequent for the "random" drops then I'd be all for it. I was kinda hoping for some zombie type shit with the bunkers. I reckon that would add a cool little dynamic to the whole thing as well!!
  13. Yeah, we're both using the bike. Just having a good 30 min blast on it whilst watching tv or something like that so it doesn't interfere too much with the other bits. Shes much the same as me as well. Any kind of exercise just makes you feel better about yourself which makes you want to do more. Certainly a worthwhile investment as we have no idea how long life is going to stay like this for
  14. Here you go fellas!! @G_dub52 @slamminbones It's even better than I remembered!! 🤣🤣🤣
  15. Will check tonight but pretty sure I got it 👍🏻
  16. Thought I'd resurrect this as I didnt really post initially, but also thought we could use it to spur us all on a little. I'm currently trying to keep cardio going above everything else. I'm a massive believer in making sure to exercise the heart above all else. I'm making sure that I'm hitting my 10k steps per day which amounts to around 7.5km with my lanky legs! We've also invested in an exercise bike where I'm hitting anywhere between 10-20km per day as well. All of this is definitely making me feel less lethargic and just generally helping my mental well being. Also trying to fit in some strength training when I can using weights alongside more traditional exercises. Etta has started to want to join in as well which is great on one hand. However the downside of this is that she wants to jump on my back whilst doing the exercises!! Which obviously makes press ups and squats a lot more interesting!!
  17. Discord, Zoom or Skype? Also, I'm all registered now pending acceptance from the club owner @LordBaguette
  18. Probably a bit late to be buying a SCUF for the PS4 at this point. Might keep the money to one side and get one at the same point as the PS5. I've always fancied having a pro controller but never actually wanted to shell out the cash. Maybe this time around though, especially as OW2 will probably be out around that time too
  19. Very interesting. Hoping there will be more to come than what was found in that video. There could be a boat load of things they could do from this point so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It's really good that they're keeping interest peaked at this point. Just hope they follow through with the potential it could have
  20. I looked at that first (just didnt post on that, cause I forgot 🤦‍♂️). I'm just hoping that it's not a 21gb patch just for that. I'm hoping theres more to come that will be unlocked over time that's included in the update. Rather than multiple minor patches.
  21. Good stuff again guys. Good to see the community coming together once again. Well deserved pick me ups all round. Especially nice to see in these strange times as well. GGFG!!
  22. Downloading now. Seems a bit overkill for what is being updated but I'm hoping that it's a pre-emptive download for something larger to come (i.e. more bunker secrets to come)
  23. Shes pretty good and has really good burst damage potential with her kit. But as it's mostly projectile based, there is still that skill element to it that can make her quite boom or bust at our level. The other part that is quite difficult to navigate is the flying/gliding element. As the X button gives you a vertical rise based on current view point when in fly mode and then converts to a glide when fly mode time has expired. If you're anything like me, I struggle to navigate the left and right analog sticks whilst holding on to the X button and also looking to still use cool downs. Mercy players will feel right at home with it but it's something I've always struggled with. The ultimate is awesome though and you'll need a decent understanding of a lot of different heroes to get the most out of it. Under the right circumstances and correct morph there is potential to get 2 ultimate charges in the morphed state. Again, very boom or bust which is great when your aim is on point and the team is working with you. But highly frustrating when you and the team aren't. A solid addition to the roster without actually being OP which was a large concern prior to her being released
  24. I just completed this quiz. My Score 66/100 My Time 140 seconds
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