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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Really excited for this fighter pack. The turtles is something nobody expected and how they're going to combine the 4 of them into 1 character should make for some interesting mechanics. Really looking forward to trying this out
  2. Awesome games on this last night. Not entirely sure we lost a game, but was an absolute blast. Loving this game mode at the moment. It feels kinda weird enjoying CoD again but I'm not going to complain!! 😂
  3. People were getting annoyed with me for making the shovel and throwing knife class in standard ffa!!! Wicked fun all the same and as Lee says, a 6v6 war game would be ace
  4. It was a melt machine before. Needed nerfing tbh so not totally shocked. Still my fave gun so far
  5. The tracking healing orb gives a good bit of support for a Genji / Tracer / Doomfist who wants to dive in but without the risk to the healer themselves. Going to be a weird one but I reckon she'll be straight into the meta. However it'll be like having a Genji, a good one will make life alot easier but a bad one is basically like playing a man down
  6. Hahaha!!! Didn't realise we'd auto corrected M e r c y 😂😂
  7. Assuming you mean her super? It looks very useful in the right instance, but watching the vids around so far it looks like it does a load more healing than damage. I'd imagine she's a 3 star difficulty given the fact she also has a resource meter for her healing abilities. Once this has gone you can't heal anymore and the only way to top up the meter is to damage the enemy. As I said, very interesting kit and will take a while to get used to but should help move away from Fucking Hot Healing Chick!, Fucking Hot Healing Chick!, Fucking Hot Healing Chick!!!! Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  8. Really looking forward to trying Moira out. Looks like there's a good bit of function in her kit and could be a really effective healer whilst still adding to the team fight. Certainly looks like it'll help with a more diverse team set up.
  9. Good to see everyone enjoying it so far. I really do think boots on ground has made all the difference this year. As Dids said, the usual CoD shite is in there, but you buy a CoD game knowing that it comes as part of the deal. Looking forward to some epic war games now!
  10. BAR nerf wasn't too bad. It's only hip fire spread which is fine. Main fix in there is for the sniper rifles, that'll put an end to most of the quickscoping. As Lee said, I might try out an LMG now they've been buffed in line with the other classes
  11. Infantry pretty much all the way for me. I just find the bayonet and extra attachment just so useful.
  12. I'm pretty free this weekend. I'm sure I can spare 10 mins, just give me a bit of a heads up before hand. Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  13. Totally disagree with this 😂 For me it's an absolutely welcome addition to the game modes. Something where the objective is encouraged and camping is nowhere to be seen. A massive mixture of objectives ranging from Escort the tank (overwatch esque), capture the fuel (capture the flag), capture the buyers (hardpoint) and planting bombs (s&d). Granted this can end up as what seems to be a cluster fuck but it's actually a really good war of attrition for me. It really makes you think about the best way to play as a team, as sometimes the best supportfor the team is an aggressive flanking maneuver. I certainly wouldn't agree that this is biased to the defending teams. There probably is in the initial phase of the round but as it progresses then the pendulum shifts to the attacking team. Also, if a defending team set up as a group of 6 snipers then I'm pretty sure they'd get railroaded in no time, just chuck a smoke grenade in front of them and then they're pretty much redundant. For me, this will be the go to game mode. We've finally got something objective based that's fluid and tells a bit of a story whilst kicking out the dreaded k/d stat, what's not to like?!! Edit: forgot to add what tactics seem to have helped me! On the Normandy map, having a shotgun class with smoke equipped can make storming the beach a breeze. Just smoke out the nest on the right and then build the ladder on thee far right hand side. Tip toe your way into the bunker and then unleash the incendiary goodness on the unsuspecting people on the MG's!! At the very least, I'd suggest making sure you have one class with smoke equipped. It really can change the dynamic and has been vastly buffed from previous games
  14. I'm totally lost with the supply drop hate at the moment. All the supply drops are just fluff, there's no anything game altering I them (yet!). I just can't get my head around with objections of it if it's purely cosmetic. If there are game altering possibilities due to the loot drops then that is different. Sounds a bit like people are sceptical based on previous history rather than the here and now. To be honest, I'm an uber casual gamer on CoD now and I couldnt care less about having the "God gun". So long as there's cool bit of escapism for the time I'm playing it and I'm having fun then I don't see any harm in little Johnny spending £20 to get his bacon elite Camo 😂😂
  15. Just wanted to gauge the response to this game for those of us that have picked it up. I've managed to have a couple of games so far and I'm actually pretty impressed. T2K seems a little bit reduced from the beta which helps. Some of the maps are excellent and really lend to a chaotic central point, which really helps give every class a viable option. Not experienced any severe lag and anything of that nature yet either. Lag is always going to be there in these games and I'm happy to accept that but the host choice seems much better as I've never been on anything less than a 3 bar so far. Searching for a game has been a bit hit/miss so far and the end of game screens seem to have some loading issues. These seem more server related rather than being outright buggy lastly, the lack of jet packs and wall running is Fucking amazing!! It really feels good to be back at the roots of the game in this setting. It's not the best CoD by any stretch, but I would say it's the best CoD in a very long time. I can certainly see myself sinking a good few hours into this. It's be really cool if we could get some teaming going on this but I totally understand the general CoD reservation
  16. Alex won't be able to do that late on a school night I'm sure. We'll do Sunday, I'll just make sure to send you daily reminders!! Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  17. So your last post was lies!!!! Sunday it is then I guess Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  18. Let's try for tonight guys if people are free? Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  19. Rich couldn't make it, so we've had to rearrange again Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  20. Not going to be on today so can somebody shoot me a text and I'll jump on 🖒 Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  21. Feeling like turd still. So doubt I'll be on till tomorrow earliest. Away on Weds until Saturday after that Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  22. I don't like your pickle!! [emoji23] Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
  23. I'm down for this too, it's been far too long since the last major one. Maybe we should take it a bit easier on the 1st night this time around!!
  24. Good changes all round for me. Doomfist's movement did need to be pulled back a bit after seeing some of the videos. Some of the bits he could do were crazy. Glad to see McCree get a nice buff. Will really help him finish off the 1v1 duels that he sometimes couldn't seal the deal on. Really happy to see my girl Zarya get this buff. For how long it takes to get the ultimate charged, it's quite deflating to watch 3 of the trapped people just fly away. That feels about right now for me and should put her in a nice little place
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