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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I thought the general idea was post 280 was pretty much the same. I remember seeing a graph that showed the drop off and it kinda plateued, but then again could just be me!!
  2. Seems like you enjoyed feeling dirty, as you picked up 66 of them!! [emoji12]
  3. Just unlocked the start of the quest. 50 majors plus 25 guardians to go!!
  4. Spot on Jsin. You can't damage big G when you have the stare even with grenades. The person with the stare just needs to keep an on the time and make sure to shoot his balls to stay alive!!I tried this on our run. I was getting damage without the gaze but obviously at a largely reduced rate. I just used solar grenades to clear out the bottom section with an added bonus of some damage on G
  5. Pretty sure it has to be the kill. I remember the mission being funny when doing it with Chip and Crispy.
  6. Awesome clutch guys. Good to see you had a good run. How did you find Warpriest? That for me is a much harder fight than big G.That audio is fucking hilarious Chris. That sounded like the ultimate nerdgasm, even the way you repeated yourself, just getting that bit softer in tone as you went!!! [emoji97] [emoji97] [emoji97] [emoji97]
  7. I can see why it would be a marmite type of game. I guess i just enjoy thay sense of achievement of doing a level after spending so long swearing and throwing controllers!!Currently a good way through the game and hoping to have another bash later on. Some of the levels on this are just crazy!! Some of them seem impossible, but that feeling when it all comes together and you nail it [emoji1] [emoji1] [emoji1]
  8. [emoji38] Straight to the point Bart!! What was it you hated? It's been a fun distraction for me. Not going to last long but a nice little indie game i thought
  9. #lifegoalssetright [emoji106] [emoji106]
  10. Anybody get this for this month's free PSN game? Really addictive but frustrating game. Rage compilations would be awesome for this. Totally worth a look, totally surpassed all my expectations. Going to try and see how close to 100% completion i can get Here's an example of a tough level that i spent about 30 mins on last night (vid is only 2 mins long though!!)
  11. Done them all so far just for a good challenge and lucked out with an exotic each time. But totay agree that they need to do something to make nightfalls relevant again. They were of the things that felt right with year 1 and are now screwed up on year 2!!The saber was a bitch last time with just void burn, arc burn will make it very tricky. Stormcaller warlock, supercell and susanoo will be my preferred loadout of choice for this i reckon
  12. I'll try and chop it up into bits to try and hold some of the resolution
  13. Don't know what you mean by the add buff. But this generally worked quite well. Took about 3 attempts and our issues were around taking the adds down quicker so he didn't enrage before the 4th phase. Did the proper plate strategy as well rather than all 3 at once. When that gets a bit slicker we can transfer 2 people straight over to the plate with the aura so they can start burn phase straight away rather than wasting a few seconds getting to where they need to be.
  14. So Golgoroth. Safest method is a 1 stare and out. However due to more downtime a higher need for good dps phases. 1 stare involves 1 nominated person shooting the gold thingy on his back and then running into a position so that the fire team can all see is exposed midrift. As the person is grabbing the stare, the rest of the fireteam should be shooting down the corresponding ceiling bubble and weapons of light if applicable. Once it's down jump into the puddle and give that big fucker everything you've got. He'll be too busy shooting tracking balls at the person who took the stare. It's his job to stay alive by shooting the orbs, get Golgoroth pointing the right way and countdown how long the stare has remaining. Everybody exits the puddle at 1ish sec to go rinse and repeat. Good dps phases are key again here so you need to maximise the amount of time you have shooting at him. In this method we found it best for the person capturing the stare to ask the rest of the fireteam to start work on the bubble before grabbing the stare. This hopefully grabs an extra few vital seconds. You also need a distractor on the opposite side of the room to ensure that his back is open to the diatractor. I also found being a sunsinger warlock and (god forbid) not saving super for res. I could take out a hell of a lot of the cursed thrall that tend to group around his feet. Which leaves your fireteam less distractions and can really concentrate on that dps Sounds more complicated than it is, but when it works it works really well. Was a breeze in the end i thought when comlared with Warpriest and Sister mechanics
  15. Don't worry Bob. We all screwed up on various bits. That what was so frustrating, it's so simple but there is zero margin for error. When it was working it felt pretty slick though!!And yes, absolutley shattered. 4ish hours of broken sleep is not the kind of night i had in mind!! But kinda worth it!!
  16. Good shit last night guys. Warpriest and Golgoroth down. Many giggles on the jumping puzzle, followed by many groans on the sisters. Overall a very productive night. I really feel like Golgoroth won't be a problem in future using the simple method we did. The sisters are one of the most god damn frustrating bits i've done. The theory is simple, but repeating potentially 4 times whilst under pretty intense pressure was just a step too far for us. I'm sure we'll nail it next time. I'll post more specific stuff in the spoiler thread
  17. I'm up for it Bob, but won't be on till abput 8ish (gmt)
  18. Supercell for crowd control. Suros/Tlaloc if i want to put some higher strength (captains, centurians, knights) down.
  19. AR's have been very hit and miss for me. I had a 296 blue AR that just didn't seem to have any real stopping power to it. Switch over to a 282 Dealbreaker AR and that was taking things down fine.
  20. Top man Lee. Really appreciate the effort taken on this buddy [emoji106]
  21. Had a bash last night and pretty much have the same feelings as everyone else. Survival can fuck right off. I've got some paint that i can watch dry instead of that. Drop zone just seemed like a complete clusterfuck of spawns with a very flimsy objective tagged to it. The walker map was better, but that was only as the map was linear in build and made sense. The gameplay though just isn't up to scratch. Very, very loose hit boxes for the blasters. Infinite sniper, just a 7 sec wait between shots. Horrible(fucking god awful) ADS on the blasters. Map colour scheme was quite uninspiring also. Just not good enough to pass as a shooter nowadays in gameplay i'm afraid. But with that said, the pew, pew of the blasters, flying an x-wing and flinging of a lightsaber will sell the game on it's own. This game is a novelty not a contender, such a shame. If it was £20 i'd get it and mark out like the star wars geek i am. But i won't pay full price for a game of this calibre
  22. Here's a comparison chart for damage on it vs other weapons. Quite surprising really: Plus a DPS calculation to prove crit figures aren't skewed:
  23. I'm starting to swear by this scout rifle. Really gets some stopping power behind it. Really helps with the boomers on the relay race, plus being able to 1 or 2 shot the lesser adds is a real bonus when it comes to ammo conservation.
  24. Why would you like the maze? All the other bits are much better than that. Make sure you get your study on though dude. Those assignments aint gonna write themselves!
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