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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Didn't think of it like that, but now you said it, that's exactly what it is.For all their faults and bullshit, i applaud the fact that if they are not happy with how shit is working they will change it up. The levelling system as an example is a big deal. They didn't want people levelling up due to (basically) luck of the draw. It should be time served and accomplishment (xp) based. Whether people think they are right or wrong in what they do, you cannot deny that they are at least trying to improve the game and aren't afraid to ruffle a few feathers for the sake of progress TTK is looking more interesting the more i hear about it. I want to know more about the Drednaught though. That shit sounds like a real game changer if done right
  2. Wow!! I still miss the ball half of the time, let alone do some of that crazy shit!!
  3. Can't be arsed with all the petty bullshit manager squabbles at the momenylt. Bring some football and lets talk about that rather thsn Mourinho's pet peeve of the day! Going to be a tight year for the title i feel. Top 4 will be the same as last year, but i'm struggling to pick what order. Utd have made some nice signings which should bring them closer plus Arsenal have a fully fit squad coming into the season which is a massive boost for them. Should make some good watching!!
  4. Hey Rob. Welcome to the forum. Hopefully we'll get a few games in soon
  5. Would have loved to, but having a night with the mrs tonight. You about tomorrow?
  6. Told you there was nothing to worry about! Bring on the next test. Shame about Jimmy but i'm sure we'll be fine without him. The Aussies will be quite bruised and battered after that last game
  7. It's all in the bag. Just people getting a bit more value for money on their day's ticket!!
  8. Been doing my Fantasy football team and it's pretty hard to pick this year. I fancy Benteke to do well, but Liverpool have this habit of promising alot but delivering a lot less. Gonna stick with Giroud though. Bit of a stellar performer if he stays fit. Also how do people think Depay is going to be at Utd? I know fuck all about the guy so really not sure whether its worth a punt or not
  9. Great day of cricket all round. It's all in the bag, but it's been entertaining at least. More of thr same in the next test if you don't mind please! Also how fucking good is Ali?!! Guy is awesome as a no 8 and can spin the ball like a good un too!!
  10. Awesome day so far. Really good game as it keeps swinging one way or another. This is a good interesting game with no chance of a draw, proper test cricket. A couple more wickets tonight and we're in a pretty good position.
  11. Yes it is. There's actually an easter egg at the start menu. Where if you enter a code it will change the title screen to supersonic etc etc...Hopefully catch you for some games over the weekend then Richieboi!!
  12. Looks like a bad batting wicket which makes a nice change. A promising start on our go, just need to make sure we push on for around 300 to put us in a strong position heading into the 2nd innings. I think it'll be another eventful day though
  13. Result Chris. A lot of people would kill kittens to get those kind of drops!! I just see the nightfall as an exercise in getting exotic shards now really!!
  14. Glad they're looking to keep updating the game and looking at things on a regular basis. If they put their money where their mouth is then other devs should really take note
  15. Thorn doesn't need nerfing. They just need to look at putting other guns on the same level. Thorn is exotic and it feels that way. It's just that some other exotics are not as powerful. Which is what makes it the "go to" weapon. Personally i suck with hand cannons in PvP, so the oversoul edict is my baby. But 9/10 when i get killed it's by one of the holy trinity
  16. My mrs resorted to texting me as she couldn't be arsed to come downstairs again!! Good to know it's not just me then! But that feeling of relief with that last second goal was awesome!!
  17. Fucking hell this game is awesome. It's been a while since i went through the "i'll go to bed after this game" routine and still be up an hour later!! I sucked big time, but it was great fun
  18. Good work guys. I need to get my arse into gear and have a bash at these again. And probably try and hit the 35 as i've never done it so far. Anybody around this week to give that and a hard VoG a go, i still needs me a Fatebringer!!
  19. It's the holding aces and the other high damage perk that make hawkmoon such a beast. 2 headshots at normal damage and you're dead, 1 headshot if the perk procs. It's not a gun for spamming like you hear with the thorn. It's about getting 2/3 good shots with it very quickly. I had a few games with it the other night. When i was on song it was a beast, when i was aiming like a pleb it was useless. Bottom line is, ttk is a great measure if you get shots on target where you want everytime. But if you can't use the gun like that reliably, then chances are something else will more likely float your boat (Oversoul Edict in my case)
  20. Not played this since i've downloaded it, but i'm more than up for anything that involves group shennanigans (that is so going into the out of context thread!!)
  21. I've got the inside track on this one. Trust me Tommy it's all good [emoji6]
  22. Still getting used to Tapatalk so totally missed this thread. Which was surprisingly quiet during the 2nd test!! 1 spanking to each team now. I just worry how well the Aussies could bowl on a flat pitch compared to ours. I think weather will be a big factor in deciding the series. If we can get good weather to start swinging the ball i think it's ours. If it's just red hot sunny days then the Aussie pace takes it. Both sides have a comparable batting line up that runs deep down the order. Hopefully the rest of the series gives some interesting matches rather than the 1 sided affairs we've seen so far
  23. Totally forgot about this game. It looks fucking amazing. I'm interested to see how the game works and flows. At a 20 quid game i'd pick it up, but i just don't think it'd be a full price title to pick uo
  24. Didn't enjoy AW at all. Tried it for a while to see if it grew on me but never did. Whereas the only reason i 've kept my ps3 is BO2. Won't be getting BO3 at release that much is for sure. If the reviews are good and people are playing it, then i may purchase it. It's not a must buy at release gama anymore
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