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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. [emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji122]
  2. Good to take a few new people through the early part of the raid last night. I feel like i've got a good grasp on all the early bits now. I need a bit more with Warpriest to be totally comfortable. However I'm still clueless (in practice) on Golgoroth, i get the theory, but i just haven't had the chance to have a good bash at it
  3. Didn't really look into this. Perhaps i should have instead of trying to get the raid party together. Nahhh, raid was fun!!
  4. Haha!! You learn something new everyday. It would be interesting to see the damage per burst of fusion rifle vs a sniper crit vs a sniper non-crit. So if you are not consistently hitting the crit spot, then the fusion rifle might be the better option, maybe?
  5. Maybe a timed combined VoG and Crota (no cheese) competition?
  6. Good job guys. Glad to see i wasn't the only one who loved the relay race. It's a great mechanic and really gives that teamwork feeling. Good luck on Warpriest. It's not too bad once you have the theory down, so sometimes it's better to learn and wipe rather than struggle on without learning.
  7. Never had a problem with cosmetic microtransactions. The only surprise is they've taken this long to implement something. It would be a bonus if the microtranasctions made the future content free, but i highly doubt that. For all the good that we see, remember there is Activision still hiding in the shadows!!
  8. Maybe, i just heard you were lonely and needed a cuddle. Using Destiny as a cover up is genius though, bravo!![emoji122] [emoji122] [emoji122]
  9. Is this the Destiny version of date night?
  10. I should be on and would love to have another crack at this
  11. Didn't last long!!! Take a look at @Bungie's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Bungie/status/649272771395080193?s=09
  12. I assume there's a way of resetting the animation through button presses/movements?
  13. I know what you mean but it's not like that's the cap. You can infuse other gear to the exotic to boost the light level on it. That's what i've done on supercell and my gauntlets.
  14. Dave wins today's interwebz [emoji109]
  15. Fuck. Don't think i'll be on tonight and i would totally have done this
  16. Nice! That's the gun i've got my sights firmly set on at the moment. Comes with firefly as standard from DO vendor. Looks fucking cool as well!Apart from the hobgoblins was it that bad? Or not nearly as bad as last week?!
  17. Cool!! Good to know. It's only an occasional drop but it could prove useful
  18. I need to get some tier 2's and a 3 in for a quest line so would appreciate some help when i'm on next. Plus the goodies on offer are pretty cool from what i've seen
  19. Told you we'd get there Dave!!New one sounds good on the one hand as a sunsinger warlock and titan would prove pretty ace. However 1 shotting hobgoblins could get old really quickly. Still gonna smash it all the same [emoji109]
  20. Year 1 was pretty much all Icebreaker for me. Nothing i found could quite top the VoC in the primary pool. I used Ghally as and when i had to, but it never really lived up to the hype. I suppose i felt like it was cheating using weapons of light and 3 ghallys, rinse and repeat. But that was the only use i had for it. I don't think i really ever used mida, invective, p&t, hawkmoon, bad juju, truth, thunderlord, vex, monte carlo, red death. Surous i used a fair bit when it first came out but post nerf i peferred to use strong language. I really hope the year 2 guns put me into a hard decision, rather than the same loadout for a year
  21. There was a post somewhere that walked through to artificially create a 6 man fireteam
  22. Nightfall drop. All the pain was worth it!! Going to be levelling this up asap now
  23. So i was asking how well the supercell last perk was last night and decided to have a look at it in action. Found this little beauty. Wow, just wow!!![emoji108]
  24. I can well believe that. Watched a vid last night of a tier 1 fight where it's the ogre with the cursed thrall shield. There's 5 people gojng fucking ham on the ogre and letting all their shit fly, i mean heavy, super, even throwing the gun at it after the ammo runs dry. However not one bullet of it affects the ogre, who then proceeds to stomp a mudhole in pretty much all of them!!Fucking hilarilous to watch, nightmare to take part in!!
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