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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Yo yo bitches!! Finally got my house move sorted and all up and running with internet. Little madam is sleeping pretty good, so i reckon i'll be on soon for a few games. I'll be calling in loadsa favours to get my shit up to scratch in time for the new DLC
  2. I wanna play some Destiny dammit. Just so i can shout at Euan mainly!!
  3. High rate of fire and field scout weapons are your friend. Also an ice breaker can be a great reserve to switch to when out of ammo as it can save you a reload. I go this route so i save all my heavy ammo for Atheon plus i have a full IB clip by the time my heavy clip runs out
  4. Didn't get chance for one game. Gutted. Ah well, there'll always be a next time. Good to see other people got some good stuff though
  5. How are the heists? I still have the game and my ps3, so i might take a look if it makes the game a bit deeper online
  6. Damn. Keep forgetting to post in here. Me and my lad love Lego. We're more freestyle builders though. We make the thing once, then he takes it apart and then makes what he wants!! I'll put some pics up later when i get round to uploading them. Really enjoying all the grown man love for the lego movie here though!!
  7. Bought em all. It's not like the coins get used on anything else
  8. Obvious troll with big wrinkly forehead, is obvious
  9. I challenge Euan to spend one night in PvP without once whinging about shotguns, supers or connection whilst still using the afore mentioned shotguns and supers on a superior connection I challenge Dids to not not get discovered anymore than 10 times in the Gorgons maze I challenge Lee to go a whole night without mentioning how amazing his helm og saint is I challenge me to actually level up some guns rather than just look at how could they could be and just be a lazy fucker and go back to VoC I challenge Chris and Chip to go longer than 5 minutes in the same party chat without Chris threatening to kick his ass/sell his ps4/telling Chip to shut the hell up or any of the above I challenge Jsin to put the disc back in his PS4 and start playing again Probably a few more i could think of. Gimmie a minute!! On a serious note, blue weapon VoG and speedrun nightfalls are about the best things i can think of
  10. Thanks for the invites last night folks. Just a shame i couldn't really join. It seems she's having her unsettled everytime i turn on the computer!!
  11. Couldn't care less if Xur was or wasn't RNG. I am the only one in this boat? If it's stuff i want, then cool. If not, then whatever. Carry on regardless
  12. Good job on the hard raid guys. I really hope i can get on for something soon, i'm missing out on all the good shit!!
  13. Would love to Bob, been trying to get on all week to no avail. Hopefully see you later
  14. Much as i actually do like Clarkson, i think it's kind of being looked at from the wrong perspective. He's not been suspended for saying something stupid this time. He's been suspended for (allegedley) punching a co-worker. That's gross misconduct in any job you have apart from boxing and MMA! If i were the reciptient of the punch and then the guy got reinstated because he's popular, i'd be mortified. I'll be gutted if he does get fired, i geniuenly like how he says it how he sees it. But i won't be surprised or feel sorry for him, due to the nature of the incident. However if it transpires that this is all handbags or bullshit, then he should be back without question
  15. BO2 is by far the better game. It's about the only COD i still have a bash on.
  16. Everyone's going to have done their nightfall runs done by the time i get on this week! Solo runs it is then!!
  17. I'm hoping to be on tonight and need to bash out a couple of these out. Plus a little bit of raid action shouldn't go amiss
  18. Holy shit!! I hate you!! (Love you really...no actually i hate you! ) Gratz
  19. Screw Chris's run. VoG is where the cool kids play!
  20. Up for anything with third eye and field scout/extra range has been my go to weapon for crucible recently. I've trying out the oversoul edict and it just doesn't seem as reliable. But it's clear that PR's in general have a lot more of a competitive edge since the patch. Rather than the patch signifying the end of all AR usage
  21. Something like that Dave! Just having a moment, don't mind me!!
  22. Fuck all for me this week. So bought a shit ton of heavy ammo. Over 100 strange coins and not a lot to do with them. They make great Guardian paperweights though, help me organise all my Glimmer tax return forms, stupid speaker is always getting my tax code wrong. Fucking up aliens all day and i just get fucked up the arsehole on my pay check, shit just aint right.
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