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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Anytime buddy. I really like doing that mission at that lvl. Gives a good challenge
  2. I think we've pretty much got the VoG raid down now. Everyone has their roles and does them. The communication is a lot less fraught now as well. I'm quite happy to take anyone through any part of it or give advice. The more experienced people we have, the easier hard mode will become. Great run on Crota last night. It felt really good to do it all properly. Did the abyss first time with no wipes although we came damn close!! And the bridge phase was just epic. Good communication and teamwork was aplenty! Although i did shit myself when i was the last man on the original side. Didn't want to see the hard work go to waste!! Only 1 wipe on that part which was really impressive. A bit more work on the Crota fight and i reckon we'll have it sorted like VoG. It's nights like last night that prove why this game is awesome dispite some of it's shortcomings
  3. Yeah, i'll help if i'm on. Done this so many times now so it's no bother. Probably harder to keep Phogoth alive for the duration
  4. Sorry i couldn't get on last night. I ended up having a meeting with Arthur Guiness! Hoping to be on tonight though and hopefully i can help out with anything that's going on
  5. Have a good birthday evening mate. Will have to catch up for a beer sometime soon
  6. Might be on. If i am then im totally down for some raiding
  7. Obsidian mind is the dogs danglies as far as Voidwalker PvE warlock goes. It also has a great aynergy with bad juju as seen from the video Gary posted. Most of the exotics have a specific time when they come in useful. Even sunbreakers!!
  8. Good shit last night. Knocked out the weekly, nightfall, VoG and a crap load of iron banner. Had a good crack in the process as well. Happy days all round!
  9. Wow can you imagine a team with a few of these bad boys running through that section?
  10. Fucking hell!! Already got an IB 2.0 but may pick up another. Really pleased for all people that haven't got one yet will get this opportunity to pick it up. Plus it dispells the rumours of Xur's loot table. Plus, me wants obsidian mind badly!!
  11. It's funny, i was kinda thinking along those lines when i was first doing this raid. Glad to know mine isn't the only mind that works in that weird way!!
  12. Me wants Fatebringer (Insert cookie monster with Fatebringer GIF here)
  13. Awesome idea. Would make people's choice in preferred primary a lot more diverse. Maybe a re-roll system similar to the last iron banner maybe as well? Would be a great route to go down the ensure the 300 value legendaries don't become antiques
  14. I believe it's +5 for a kill and -2 for a death (something like that). So just an even k/d will do nicely. Just get a nice void fusion rifle and lmg. Learn the heavy weapon ammo spawns and camp flags like a bitch. Worth noting that melee kills with your melee ability fully charged will class as a elemental kill also. Try and use corners to your advantage and pre-firing the rifle before popping out of cover. That way when you eventually have them on your screen the shot will be about ready to go
  15. Only thing i like the look of is Timurs Lash. But i don't think there's a hope in hell of me reaching level 5 before the end of the event. Light level 33 chest pce is a joke. Asking people to grind for that over what the Vanguard offers is just plain stupid
  16. VoG is great fun. It's probably the thing i enjoy doing most on the game. Neee that flawless raider trophy still though dammit!!
  17. Easy as that Nev, easy as that!! :)
  18. Sounds much better than it is. It's the most underwhelming weapon i've used to date. The damage output of it is shocking in comparison to standard legendary weapons. VOC, Fatebringer and Vex are the real drops that you want from VoG
  19. Wow!! Happy birthday Bees!
  20. Stretch616


    No problems helping out here either. Just let me know when and where
  21. Need to run the deathsinger onwards wiyh one and also all of it with another. Would appreciate some help if possible!
  22. I might be on later on as well. Just having some quality Lego Star Wars time with the boy 1st!!
  23. Badger CCL legendary. It's no VOC but looks a pretty solid 2nd place. Also is it one gift per toon or one per account?
  24. You are aware we said no deaths?!
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