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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. I might be down for this. My first night of my xmas break, so time is less of an issue. Would love to smack the crap out of Crota and Atheon
  2. Yup good shit again last night. Normal VoG done in 50 mins, hard Atheon done, got the furthest we've been on Crotas End, did nightfall's and weekly's. Drops started out ok but sadly no weapons that anyone really wanted. Although i did drop the upgraded Ice Breaker Can't wait to have another night like that
  3. All that text and about 1 sentance in it has any substance. They better be cooking up something good
  4. Sooooo. I haven't been able to get on all week. But i have a totally free night tonight (once little dude is in bed!). So ideally i'd love to run the raid if people's are about. If not, some good old weekly's and nightfall's would be cool. Anyways, hopefully see you all later
  5. Always heard a bit about this but not really looked into it any further. Is it worth picking up for a long term game?
  6. Yup, but saved Chris the ass kicking of a lifetime! Still gonna see if there's a way around it
  7. This! At the very least i expect Rich to put some lipstick on his right hand and admit it was that all along
  8. Not bothered about drops. I just want to get some good gaming/banter going. Shame party chat is limited to 8
  9. Confirmation that Rich is coming!! Woop woop Also well done you generous bastards. I always forget
  10. Not going to be on tonight after all. Baby sitting duties at the last minute in penance for a London visit tomorrow. With all that said.......Might see if i can sneak on later
  11. 36 from the pic Dids sent me of his gloves.
  12. Raid tonight was awesome. Record time, no hassle, barely a death in sight. Good shit peoples. Hard mode is calling though........
  13. Maybe. Got some shit to take care of this evening. Just depends if i can be arsed to turn the computer on afterwards
  14. Suprised at the lack of love for Street Fighter. For me it's been the fighting game of choice for some years now. The numerous iterations of SFIV showed that they weren't afraid to adress rebalancing issues seen through the amount of game play. Only MvC series has come close in terms of competitive play time. Everyone may know of the MK series but this has been plauged by issues when played at the highest level. Anyways.... I thought the trailer looked pretty impressive. Nice depth in the backgrounds, fluid anime motions and more attention to detail in the character traits/specials. Time will tell, but there's no doubt that this is a big deal. It's just that everyone compares game sales to AAA titles like COD. This isn't COD and will never be close in that aspect, but there's no disputing that the SF brand is a big deal
  15. Don't sweat it Ryan. You're totally right in what you said. Nobody took it as an insult. You may have to allow for me and Dids flinging shit at each other. It's just how we roll! Full homo to you as well!
  16. ThisVoG raid gear fully levelled will give 30 light. Standard Vanguard gear now gives 33. New raid gear will give 36. Also, i don't agree entirely with us being underlevelled. Being lvl 31/32 makes it easier but when we step up to hard mode we'll get bumfucked. Levelling all guns up to maximum level (new or old style) will obviously help. I just think we need a few more runs. Remember that was our first ever go at it and we beat the first part in a few hours (blind) and got a pretty good strategy for the 2nd part. If we were to do it all over again i dare say we'd find it a fuck lot easier Edit: By underlevelled i mean lvl 30 should be fine. We had a few 28's and 29's last night.
  17. That was ace. Frustrating at first, but once we got a feel for it the whole thing felt like an epic journey and it was only the 1st part. Topped off with Leory Diddums at the end!!
  18. Yeah man anytime. Didn't take long at all. We actually had to be careful not to kill Phogoth too quickly!
  19. Cheers man. Will try this next time around. Just had a thought on this part. The side plates are mirrored on both sides. Would standing on one side only work (as in gatekeeper side vs starting side)? As it'd be hell if you have to get all 6 people over with the sword as it would leave one person left to defend both plates. I've also assumed that there will be a bridge forming plate on the other side. As the mechanics of this section are making me think more and more that everyone will have to cross the bridge with the sword. I'd really like to test some of these theories next time we're on.
  20. Were you able to kill the Gatekeepers? Didn't get chance to run the sword myself but our team were complaining of being one shotted by them. Or is there a certain combo that keeps them perma-staggered? //Dids - That was fucking ace. I just remember seeing Lee go down and thinking we'd wiped for 100th bazillion time, then everyone shouting "Run Diddums!!". By the time i switched the camera over i could see what looked like 500 thrall and a couple of ogres chasing your sorry ass Good times!
  21. So we picked up the raid last night and pretty much got our asses handed us. Bit lets use this to discuss theories and strategies learnt so far. As the title suggests, there will be spoilers in this. So if you want the surprise still, don't look in this thread. Lighting of the lamps - 2 seperate teams seemed to work well especially with one out way in front. The lamp lighter seems to be the aggro taker. So the further through the run you can get the less enemies you'll have to deal with. Titan bubbles are a god send, especially if you have the helmet with the stagger effect. When defending the final plate use everything at your disposal to keep people away, do not be shy with supers or rockets. Keep a close eye on the bottom left to see when the bridge has formed. When it has just ffucking run!!! Ignore the ogres! Crossing the bridge - One person needs to be in the centre plate to build the bridge. When this plate is not active the bridge will not form. The 2 outside plates need to have a person inside them and keepong the area enemy free. When the swordsmaster spawns everyone concentrate fire on him as his health regens. As soon as he goes down the 1st person grabs ths sword and gets across the bridge and hides! Rinse and repeat so there are 3 people across the bridge with swords...........after that who knows!! That's about as far as we are so far but that's pretty much what i remember. Good shit tonight. It was great to try it completley blind, hopefuy we can get a bit further next time
  22. No worries dude. I totally forgot about that as well. Was a breeze in the end with all the upgraded solar weapons. Totally different to the lvl 26 run we did
  23. If anyone wants some advice then i'm happy to answer questions with my limited knowledge. Probably going to stream a bit more of this. If you sign up to my Twitch account then you'll get notifications rather than waiting on me to post something here Edit: Might record some of the tutorial and put it up here for a reference for people. As i remember there's a really shitty challenge relating to bounce cancels which is a pig if you don't know anything about fighting games
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