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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. That's how cod mobile worked. First time you start at the bottom. presumably you progress to something better your rank for next season is established for next season, however there is a max which I think is gold If you pass on the season, the next season you start at the bottom again The biggest problem was that once you got to the high ranks, getting a match was hard. There weren't enough players to match up quickly and that was top tier gold. So I just stopped playing it
  2. It's to remind all the nuckles heads hiding in the basement that they better remember to get their moms something or else they will have to make their own macaroni in cheese
  3. The most efficient way to level up the battle pass is the shortest game possible. BP leveling had nothing to do with your own leveling in season 1. I tried to compare and I agree. A KC match is 10 minutes at most. DMZ is 25-30 minutes and yields less progression but more XP
  4. I might try it. I like hardpoint and Control. S&R not so much. I did a lot of rank play on COD mobile and it was fun. Will see if they pull it off. Nice thing about it is that people won't be able to complain about Skill based matching. This is inherently skill base matching
  5. DMZ Al Mazrah. I went to see how the new changes affect things and see how things are balanced. Then I want to see what I need to do in the path of the Ronin to unlock the crossbow Depending on the battle pass I might play KC to quickly rank up the pass or maybe shipment if available
  6. "Coincidental placement", Sure it was. It wouldn't be making the news everywhere had it been placed next to a football stadium
  7. Kind of late to this party by we have A white 2019 BMW M550i A red 2020 toyota highlander for the Canadian winter.
  8. They were cleaver about the campaign. You could get a reward for each chapter you completed which would help with MP. Double XP, blue prints, operators.
  9. What perk is that? I do the score. I see no reason to do kills as things like assists, DDOS, ammo crates would also count even in tdm. To make KS worth it, the should also the KS to stack for your next streak which is what I think you are talking about. It shouldn't count for Points as those are so easy to get.
  10. Am 8-k filling is not just corporate waffle. It's a legally binding announcement.
  11. Really? That would have been good to know 😉
  12. I beleive activision all but stated that would be the case in their revenue report: Across the Call of Duty franchise, our teams are working to amplify the success of the fourth quarter, with 2023 plans including even more engaging live services across platforms and the next full annual premium release in the blockbuster series.
  13. You still need the 3 safes to get it done so the money isn't the hardest part. I would say the game is against you then 🙂
  14. I would drop a few proximity mines, might drop them in the chopper. I know it isn't perfect but they have to find it first. I think if you kill the hostage, the contract fails and you would know about it. I wonder if I could grab the hostage and extract with their contract.
  15. Cool. How hard is it to get replacement gear if you were to lose it? In DMZ it's really not that big of a deal in the end. Once you know the good lot areas you just head there and do a mission to get better stuff back
  16. Is it a PC only game. Looks like the only way to get it is to get the download (beta) on their site. DMZ keeps being compared to it. How does it compare?
  17. Really. I didn't think they could once you are out of the building. Your idea is pretty good too, however you have to allow for the time to clear and the risk of failure. My suggestion is to have an helicopter ready and waiting after you do what you got to do. Got to try it a few more times to see
  18. I am not sure I understand your question but if a person tries to invite another operator the person from the squad the accepts it added to your squad. Other members need from the other squad to see the invite and accept as well. Otherwise they remain enemy operators It think I read that you have to be within 50 meters for the invite to be seen. So if all members of the squad were to send an invite and you were spread out it would be viable to invite 3 people for 3 different squads I believe. Although unlikely When I see I squad, I just send the invite which can be dangerous as they will know you are close by. However I tell them to accept or I will snipe them. If they don't I snipe one and tell the remaining ones to accept and they can revive their buddy. If they shoot back, no mercy. I would say it works 90% of the time. There is little advantage to killing an operator (except for some missions and a calling card). There is a huge advantage to squading up as 6 people to do any of the missions is a huge advantage.
  19. Mulitiplayer stats - 5 days and 54 m so about 121 hours - Games played 782. I play DOM, KC, Hardpoint and TDM if I really really have to. - W/L 1.13 - highest KS 25 - Highest K/G 61 I'd say I play far more than just bots on DMZ (which are a hell of a lot tougher than players on MP most of the time). Additionally all co-ops completed Raid completed (not worth it) DMZ no idea as they don't keep stats but almost all tier 3 missions done and got the M13 WZ I think I have something like 40 games. Not sure
  20. I have had it happen of times. I might have noticed it more when I was with squads doing the RobinHood mission. Seems like the all appear pretty close when that happens. You can get your 100K pretty quick that way
  21. Well again that just not really the case Control has some new maps. You don't play it. But the content is there Ground war has some new maps. Again you don't play it. Fair enough but there is content Co-op has a number of maps missions. I assume you play that either, but someone did develop it The Raid has a new map. I assume you didn't do that either Those are all part of the paid for multiplayer experience. You can chose not to like. You can chose not to play it. However the content is there. It's just not the 6V6 content you want. People bitched for years about COD not innovating. So they gave us control/grounwar (which is a rip off of battlefield) They gave us co-op. Which I would agree sucks. I would much rather have zombies They gave us the raid, which I have not tried but someone sat down and created it. If I don't play it, that's on me You keep bringing up vanguard. Who the fuck played more than 10 hours of vanguard on this site. I bet the number are way lower than MW. I didn't play after I uninstalled the Beta. It was garbage I played a shit load of zombies on Cold war. I think I might have played 3 maps and then I couldn't be bothered. With the exception of satellite they were awful. Satellite wasn't all that great either. I don't even know how many maps they had. I know they had nuketown which is spent a lot of time on to level up my guns for zombies. I played a lot of co-op on MW. I actually liked it better than MP. I don't know if I could name two maps WWI of whatever it was called was garbage. I didn't play That's all the studios. That 4-5 years of COD. If you find it insulting, don't buy the game and fucks sakes stop the bitching with every single one of you posts. You got to be one of the most toxic individuals I have ever seen. Every game, every situation is the same fucking thing. Bitch, bitch, bitch
  22. That's pretty much what cod mobile is like. All of the most popular maps in one place. Nice thing is that it's all the maps. So you get nuke town, rust, shipment, shoot house, sky scraper and so on. I was playing that before MW 2(022) as it was a lot more fun that Vanguard or black ops. I found there were too many people that didn't buy a pack or another and you had to uninstall them anyways
  23. - There is a glitch for safes and weapons stash. If you all wait to open the safe/stash and open at the exact same time, everyone gets the total loot (so loot x3). So yesterday I was rolling with a co-operative squad. We waiting until everyone can see the open safe (x on xbox) counted to 3 and open simultaneously. We all got the stuff. It work 3 out of 3. - If you extract the hostage and dump his/her ass by the helo. You can go and do a some missions and come back to an helo waiting for you. You don't have to rely on the extract points. Someone might camp you or booby trap but it does work
  24. I am ok with them taking from Warzone maps and making smaller maps from it to play 6vs6. I am actually in favor as you would have experience with the map if you play DMZ or WZ. It is something that the could do from day 1 however. It's too bad the terminal map and observatory is not being made available as they are great DMZ maps. Oh well I guess I'll continue spending my time in DMZ
  25. wonder if that means they are wiping the weapon case progress. Seems like not which means that the bioharzard skin is still within reach
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