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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. batttlefield has always suffered from execution problems I remember removing BF4 to come back to it a year later because it ran so poorly. After than it was awesome Didn't like any of them after that. DICE needs a kick in the ass to get developers to get it somewhat right the first time
  2. I had the RPK gold way before the Icarus. I kept hearing how it was the best LMG. I don't personally have the level of success with the RPK that I do with the Icarus I think my K/D with the gun is around 1 while the Icarus is 2.1 so I clearly play much better with the Icarus. Not sure why but if it works, don't mess with it. I have even been bringing the Icarus in DMZ and it shreds those armored guys
  3. Got the Icarus done today. The best gun in the game in my opinion. I needed to get the mantle kills done. I have a 2.1 K/D using that gun. Nothing else I have compares to it. Also did the SPR 208. I really like that gun too
  4. He's trying to look like Ryan seacrest 🙂 Even has the same hair color
  5. The dam thing finally caught up to me. Isolating at home now. Luckily the symptoms are very mild at the moment. Hopefully I don't jinx myself. Probably got it at the hospital when I went for diagnostic tests or church. Doing my best to prevent my wife and daughter from getting it as well
  6. Death valley is amazing. We love hiking there . The trails at the top of your post oddly look familiar. Did you run into some of those wild burro that are all over the place?
  7. The standards were pretty high in Quebec when I went. I don't think I would have succeeded as well as I did if not for them. The kids in the extended family all went to different schools, the latest to graduate was about 5 years ago. We have 2 accountants, 1 doctor, 1 biochemist, 1 dentist, 2 pharmacists, 1 architect, 1 engineer. So they must have been doing a reasonable job of it
  8. You said you weren't into DMZ but that will do it. You rank up weapons crazy fast in that mode. Have it as your insured weapon and go kill stuff. Plenty of vehicles to shoot too
  9. I hope the gave them a bigger than Normal hit box and half the health. It would only seem appropriate given how soccer players go down at anything.
  10. keep doing that and undercut the bastards 🙂
  11. yah, solo is fine as long as you don't encounter another team. It might be easier than having idiots as team mates. After 25 minutes the gas starts closing in which can be crazy as you lose your extraction point. I think the best solo strategy is to head towards an open area extraction right away and then do stuff I think I managed about 15 extractions. I usually bring in the SPR and pickup a RPK which is everywhere
  12. What are you doing in there? The challenges. strongholds. Something else? I kind of like it. It's a simpler Warzone in many ways. You got a squad? Solo? Randoms? I've gotten some really good randoms and some really bad ones. I kills me when they just bail after we spawn in and leave me short teams mates. Sometimes being solo is better because you can mitigate you danger.
  13. It's it's easy to prove the guy's a prick. Harder to prove that he is cheating. Just have to watch his video's, yep he's a prick
  14. Nothing new about this this. The warzone loot mode has the ballons to extract your cash. It would be nice to have in order to eliminate extraction camping. Since all teams know you have the case and were you are, extracting is dangerous and difficult. That would make that much more difficult for the opposing teams
  15. I don't think people are shelling money because the game is unpopular. They are doing it because they cannot manage the activity + the extraction It requires skill and a decent squad. Lots of people can't invest in it I've played the DMZ and I do prefer it to Warzone. My only complaint is that I wish I could unequip some of the stuff for my soldier. If I want to go in to do something challenging I don't want to lose by large backpack, vest and mask. I wouldn't mind being able to leave them behind This video kind of shows the problem. You had 3 profession gamers take on people who just are there to play. The first attack is kind of pathetic were the killed players who had no gear and were no danger. So that's why people fork the $25 We had the case and people just camped us at the extract. So "get better"
  16. When did it become any of your business what people do with their money. Whether it be hookers/Cocaine or stupid guns. It's their business. Depending on how much you get paid, you might make more than that an hour which and it's likely to take you more than hour to grind for it Personally I don't have that gun. But if people want to pay for a gun or a burgertown skin its their business
  17. I'll go with Dave then. Anyone who uses a statue with such a small dick in order to be reafirmed probably is over compensating for something too 🙂
  18. Wouldn't happen if people valued effort and skill and patience. if you want the gun go and earn it. it's totally free and well documented how to get it. otherwise develop some socials and get some real friends who will drop it for free. There are 6 other blue prints in the game in addition to the M13. People don't talk about those because they are already unlocked. They are in the other strongholds. But you need to unlock those too if you want them
  19. You answered the question. You defeated the chemist. Since people know when you have the case and now camp the extraction zone, that's been a strategy that we have been victim to. I almost managed it with my SPR-208. Even got a collateral in the process, but I missed a 4th rogue guy that was camping as well. Can't complain, I was as much of a douche as he was. Should have been more patient. Wanted to kill the team. Grad the gun. Jump into their extraction and see if that works
  20. How did you manage to get it? Kill the chemist or got it from kill a player with it?
  21. That thing shreded when put in auto mode. It's hard to control but just a beast. Did you like it?
  22. Defeated the chemist today with a quad. Buddy picks up the gun, runs into a car takes off and leave us behind. We got killed shortly after so we watched him try to get to the extraction zone. He calls in the Chopper 3 guys are waiting for him, shoot him and take the gun. So me and the other guy are saying tea bag him, tea bag him! He's then cursing and swaring on how he got screwed. I love it. Karma for the win 🙂
  23. I know that. I am said "give streaks that are only available by playing the objective". In otherwords kills and assists and other points don't count. The only way to get the streak is to cap or pickup tags for example.
  24. Use the Sentry gun. At the right spot it seems the most lethal. As for PTFO I agree. I would like them to increase the score in the scorestreak. Cap 1 flag, 100, 2 150, 3 200, 4 250 or something like that. Or give streaks that are only available by playing the ojective The border map is what better than fortress or Asylum in my opinion. Fighting for B flag can get pretty intense on DOM
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