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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. I have a feeling that will be fixed with Warzone. The barracks and everything right now is in warzone and you can lookup multiplayer there. Hopefully that is what they were planning after the pre-season is over
  2. I think Kill streaks are largely responsible for that. They tried to change that with score streaks but I don't think they were successful. I tend to play the objective but I noticed that it is much easier to get the needed number of kills than it is to get the score. Camping your ass off to get 7 kills for a sentry gun just seems a lot easier to than running around trying to cap two flags and getting 875. Everytime you change spots you risk being shot, claymored, kill streak. I remember playing barebones and streakless game modes and it seemed to me like those were not as bad
  3. Hardcore will be known as Tier 1 and coming in November based on something I read. They seem to be running similarly to COD mobile which I really like. You get a bunch of core modes. Then a bunch of featured mode. HC would be in the featured stuff. I played a lot of mobile in the last 2-3 years and like it much better than COD on the consol. Give it a chance. If they were to do the frontline mode that's on Mobile it would be awesome. The gun customization was relatively easy to find on XBOX.
  4. I'm at level 26 or so. So I quite like it As far as No challenges that could be better for XP but you have daily challenges and co-op challenges every day no camo stat tracking. Don't care. I never even put the camos on a gun no leaderboards. Huge problem for me since I spend so much time on that leader board , no after action report. Did I win. All I need to know , no combat record with my stats, that a blessing , no XP token time tracking I could use that, no hardcore mode, don't play it so don't care I used the M4 and it rocks I used the Lachman 762 in auto shreds if you can control it I used the Lachman 556 is good in the 2-3 games I got to try it I am having fun with DOM and TDM. I am getting decent streaks. Some games I get destroyed. Some games I destroy so that is OK with me. I don't hate the border map as much as others but I we are able to chose maps it wouldn't be my choice I am using the tracking class and that's been awesome for me.
  5. Use the default stealth class which has Ghost and I think cold blooded. For get what it is called but it is there.
  6. Well they are calling this the pre-season until November when the lauch WZ 2.0 and the game pass. Maybe they are waiting for Season 1 before they enable that stuff. In America, no one counts pre-season for anything. Might be a good thing. Gives people 2 weeks to get use to things and then you start accumulating stats
  7. It's too bad you feel that way. I quite like it so far. My team mates have been kill whores and we managed to lose every game but other than that it's been great. Can't even complain about the connection which if you know me, that's an accomplishment right there
  8. Maybe they just wanted to troll and see who would complain. It was listed in all of the data mines. I figured they would know better but I guess not 🙂
  9. I am getting it on XBOX EXPATPAT65 but my account is linked to my PSN also which is cyberninja2601. I am not sure what you use to invite me
  10. I don't know a number of modes are missing Kill confirm, crank, grind, capture the flag, drop zone. Maybe those will all rotate in and be special events. I would be ok with that if they make them double XP or something special to make them part of the "irregular" play list. I tend to play DOM or Hardpoint anyways. I would prefer to see grind over kill confirm. I find that you are very well rewarded to play the objective there as opposed to some asshole camping a dog tag to accumulate kills. Will see come friday
  11. Really. Those tanks just die die die in battlefield with a C4 charge.
  12. Well I know I played the worse mission because I played the all. All the missions names with rewards are available. Which one was the worse mission? There are number of them. "Ghost team" with the boss battles and you allies crouching in the corner jerking off for me was the worse. I don't know how you can do that on veteran level as it is such a cheat by the AI "alone" was probably next. Too long, too pointless. For fucks sakes Ghost if you know where I am how about coming over and helping a brother out man. Another ally crouching in a corner jerking off. Almost felt like trying to win an objective based game with randoms
  13. Yah bad guy, "you can't prove a thing. Ah, ah sucker". Ok then, boom head shot. Problem solved, bring on MW3 That, truck chase was pretty dumb also. Chasing 100 trucks on motorcycles when you have a helicopter that can fly ahead and bomb the road. Makes a lot sense
  14. I did them, many of them are rather frustrating. Don't want to spoil anything but alone and prison break particularly annoying Ghost team was a shit show. One that one you get all of 141 in a mission with the mexican special forces, yet it seems like your the only person who brought a gun. If ghost is so shit out why doesn't take a shot or two to back you up. The mexican spend the entire boss battle hiding behind a crate. Why did you come along then Hesse. I just wanted to shot him myself but the game wouldn't let me
  15. I'm pre-loaded and ready to go. I enjoyed the Beta. Hopefully it only gets better. Will be playing on XBOX however
  16. Don't disagree with those points. However I don't see what they have to do with the complaint about crouching or mounting which is what the video is mostly about. I'm also ok make the game more accessible to "noobs". Most of the streamer complaining are complaining because those of us who have real jobs and families to take care of won't be quite as disadvantaged because we can't play the game 40 hours a week. So I'm fine with them getting ride of unrealistic mechanics like slide cancelling, drop shots, dolphin dives which are complete nonsense in a gun fight.
  17. I don't understand the complaining. There's nothing easier that to kill a camper with a coordinated team. You have snapshot grenades, you have drill charges and you have ammo boxes. Any camper can be taken out pretty safely as a result. You also have a killcam. Let them stay there you know right where to go the get rid of them and screw up their streak. Should be an easy kill or avoid the lane. You also get cruise missiles, mortar charges, a couple of airstrikes and a bomb drone that is relatively easy to get if you use scorestreaks and play the objective. Again perfect to get rid of someone hiding in a corner. I don't see the problem. They were pretty easy to fuck over in the beta, don't see that changing in the full game release
  18. I am not sure what would work to crossplay My PSN account remains cyberninja2601 but I linked the account to my xbox which is ExPatPat65. When I am in game in see cyberninja2601 still. It's a good system because no matter what I play on, the progression works for all platforms.
  19. Played it. Enjoyed it. Got to level 30 doing it. Which is higher than the last two CODs combined. Don't understand complaint about no counter for UAVs. The launcher + Ammo box and the LMG worked rather well for me. There's also a counter UAV. Funny enough, I liked the Hotel map and had my best matches on that one. Mostly played Domination and Hardpoint. Lots of spots for a well placed Sentry on that map I'll be getting it on XBOX. When I played it on PS4 it didn't seem to run as well on my Network. The Footsteps were a pain. Highlites the need for a good headset. I found that tracker was also a must as one of the basic Perks Dead silence is a waste of time because more than likely one of your team mates will be running next to you making and shit load of noise without Ghost or cold blooded anyways,
  20. Like I said on FB I would be interested, however I don't know if I could make the time zones work here in 'Merica
  21. There is no money to be made in selling gaming platforms. XBOX sales at a loss. The margins are shit. With regards to the devs, once they are part of MS they become part of the bigger picture and $.13 cuts is not an issue for the MS group. They will be recognized based on gaming revenue. Just like I get recognized for datacenter revenues at Intel but work on probably less than 5% of the product offering and have absolutely zero to do with the CPU business. That's how these massive companies work. Intel is $78 Billion. My paycheck is based on Intel achieving better than $78 Billion this year. People don't count each of our products and brake it down, I suspect MS will do the same. They won't care how much Skyrim or COD puts into the business. They will care on how profitable the gaming business is. If a game isn't they likely will more people around and put them on the next project. The job market is extremely competitive these days. I don't for a minute believe that the developers won't end up ahead with this deal
  22. "Centralizing game like this could reduce output Quality"? , How do you see the quality being any worse than it already is? BF/COD are amongst the largest franchises and have completely screwed the pooch and have been ridiculed for their quality (lack their of). People love to hate MS, but they do have quality standards as well as employment guidelines. I am hoping to see some improvement
  23. I believe this is to increase their GamePass and cloud gaming. A lot of people are working on making consoles disappear so having a solid porfolio is Key. They have Bethesda, EA, Activision now. I can forsee them having various tiers for the subscriptions and getting a constant revenue stream by not charging for the games and charging for in game content. Companies were already making a shitload of money that way. The $69 for the game is not what companies are after these days. I have their gamePass and generally speaking I am happy with it. All the games are older games but I don't give a shit. Most of them are fun to play. Been playing Doom, Battlefield, Skyrim, Oblivion all for an extra $4 on top of the gold membership. Most of the time I am playing off my laptop on the cloud. Much better experience than Vanguard or 2042 has to offer
  24. I tried it for maybe 3 hours on the free weekend. Frustrating piece of shit in my opinion. I deleted it from my PS4 on the first day. I won't play it for free, I certainly ain't going to pay money for it Plus I am not in favor of giving activision any money until Booby resigns
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