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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. until

    I will give it a go. I've gone through it a few times already. It is a lot of fun
  2. I would be interested and it would probably help for me to get Quest gun but I could not find were I could find the EP calendar Went the calendar, when to the meet up area and went to the clan site. I could not find it
  3. Titan's. 3 Avengers in 1 I Guess I have to start spending time with that Titan again
  4. Well I ordered it. I have no idea if I will get to enjoy it with you guys. I think in 4 years I completed a raid once, but I quite like the rest of the game See you on week ends (perhaps )
  5. have you guys actually tried it? Are there actual lobbies worth playing?
  6. Especially with Marathon + Lightweight + commando and a pistol with tactical knife Feel the love again
  7. that's kind of cool. I there a special version of the xbox needed for that or is the most basic able to support
  8. Thanks to guys to go me as far as they did in the Raid.
  9. So you are saying that you like Arse better that Cunt?? Not that there is anything wrong with that
  10. Thanks man. My son graduated University and now is an account at KPMG. Finished in the top 10 students and did out proud My daughter is about to start her bio-chemistry research at health canada/university and is on schedule to graduate My wife is looking at early retirement in the next few months
  11. That's closer to the truth than you think She's busy down under with raging red thunder
  12. Out of this world (sorry couldn't help myself ) It's actually very structure very tedious work. The number of times you have to do the same work is very high. We were response for the "Canadarm" which is on both the shuttle and the space station. I had to redesign the same communication transceiver 5 ways for example, just to get the "most prefered" way. Testing on the "Vomit Comet" (reduced gravity aircraft) and the Natural Buoyancy lab was the best part. Not recommended for those who are prone to motion sickness,
  13. I don't know. That last BF had ambition but poor execution. I deleted both Beta after only a few hours play. I don't know how much BF4/BF3 I played but it was a lot. I don't plan on getting unless I hear from lots of people how great it is
  14. I'm completely lost guys. If I wait until Foresaken availability will I basically catch up? I can't remember the last time I played D2. I see you guys have been pretty active which is nice
  15. I'd like to welcome all the new members and figured this would be one of the more efficient ways I'm Patrick from Ottawa now San Jose California. I am literally and Rocket scientist (and electrical engineer) who worked on the space station and shuttle program until 1992 and then when to work for ATI (now AMD) when I lived in Toronto. I now Manage a group of engineers in the Intel Data Center Group and my group is responsible for the 5G wireless interface infrastructure I use to game with these guys, however I don't think I have turned on the PS4 in a month or more. No time. I am hoping however to have worklife balance return to normal shortly. I use to play Cod/Battlefield/Overwatch/Destiny with this group Cyberninja2601
  16. I was kind of whatching how this would turn out I was wondering how the above "expert" advice would turn out when someone is saying an Intel CPU isn't good enough, but refers to NVIDIA (A graphics processor) as a Mother board component. I guess that would explain why Rizen performs better. People are using a GPU rather than a CPU Graphics cards usually use PCI express as their interface (which was invented by Intel BTW . ) that standard is pretty universal. You can run into issues with the slot size. You want x16 and then you are golden. PCIE is downward compatible. So if you get a GEN4 PCIE card but you have a GEN2 motherboard you will be operating in Gen2 mode (is 1/4 of the speed) and you just wasted a ton of money. That would be the main reason to be aware of the motherboard capability sorry Rob, you just had to be called there Pat
  17. I tried it and enjoyed it, unfortunately is seems like everyone has already moved one and I don't think I've even reached level 40 yet. Getting a decent team that PTFO is a challenge for sure.
  18. First impressions, It met expectations .... ... Unfortunately Glitchy as hell, connection dependent Player war with a few people here. I need to understand what to do better. At least it has some potential. Played DOM as well. I have to get any other map but that London map in that mode
  19. Sounds like peer pressure again to me .....
  20. I have my 5K, but what's the point personally to get it Lee? if the Clan has capped already does it add anything? As I understand the clan is already capped.
  21. Because my Amazon membership gives me 20% off if I order to the physical copy from them and I am a cheap bastard
  22. I tried it for about 30 minutes last night. Turned it off. I played 2 or 3 domination matches. Insta kill, head glitching, camping summarizes it up. I might give it another go today but at this point it's very unlikely I would get the game
  23. Well I caved and got it. Perhaps I can get into gaming a little again
  24. I would love to but that in middle of the work day for me. Have fun
  25. I would think that the most embarrassing thing about to whole thing is that we won with the help of the French. No one, but no one gets beat by the French ....
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