it's pretty obvious you like to complain about everything cod. So complainers are gonna complain no matter what activision does
First all the gun that started this bitchfest isn't available on the battle-past or as a bundle as far as I can tell . So the argument about pay to win isn't valid
Second if you friends who play, it's dam easy to get the gun. Get them to drop it and pick it up. You can even do that cross-play so you aren't handicap by any platform
Third the gun I have been using in Multi/DMZ which is my most successful is the Beta reward Frontal Impact (which was completely free). I played with randoms yesterday and got 45 kills with the beta gun so I don't particularly feel handicap
Fourth, the battle-pass is not a bad deal. It pays for itself if you complete it because a number of rewards are cod points. So unless you spend on bundles, once you pay for it you can use the rewards point to pay for the next. So hardly a money grab given that we use to have to pay about $29 per map packs when that's what they did instead
Finally, Slegehammer are the ones that brought us Advance warfare, WWII and Vanguard. I really don't give a shit what SHG has to say.