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Everything posted by cyberninja2601

  1. I'll go with Dave then. Anyone who uses a statue with such a small dick in order to be reafirmed probably is over compensating for something too 🙂
  2. Wouldn't happen if people valued effort and skill and patience. if you want the gun go and earn it. it's totally free and well documented how to get it. otherwise develop some socials and get some real friends who will drop it for free. There are 6 other blue prints in the game in addition to the M13. People don't talk about those because they are already unlocked. They are in the other strongholds. But you need to unlock those too if you want them
  3. You answered the question. You defeated the chemist. Since people know when you have the case and now camp the extraction zone, that's been a strategy that we have been victim to. I almost managed it with my SPR-208. Even got a collateral in the process, but I missed a 4th rogue guy that was camping as well. Can't complain, I was as much of a douche as he was. Should have been more patient. Wanted to kill the team. Grad the gun. Jump into their extraction and see if that works
  4. How did you manage to get it? Kill the chemist or got it from kill a player with it?
  5. That thing shreded when put in auto mode. It's hard to control but just a beast. Did you like it?
  6. Defeated the chemist today with a quad. Buddy picks up the gun, runs into a car takes off and leave us behind. We got killed shortly after so we watched him try to get to the extraction zone. He calls in the Chopper 3 guys are waiting for him, shoot him and take the gun. So me and the other guy are saying tea bag him, tea bag him! He's then cursing and swaring on how he got screwed. I love it. Karma for the win 🙂
  7. I know that. I am said "give streaks that are only available by playing the objective". In otherwords kills and assists and other points don't count. The only way to get the streak is to cap or pickup tags for example.
  8. Use the Sentry gun. At the right spot it seems the most lethal. As for PTFO I agree. I would like them to increase the score in the scorestreak. Cap 1 flag, 100, 2 150, 3 200, 4 250 or something like that. Or give streaks that are only available by playing the ojective The border map is what better than fortress or Asylum in my opinion. Fighting for B flag can get pretty intense on DOM
  9. Say the guy who had to start a website because he got banned for the last one😉😉 And I would really loved to live to 120, middle age LOL. I am a grumpy old man.
  10. Chronus doesn't see through walls or auto-aim or auto-head shot. It does give some advantages but a crap player will remain a crap player. If I can see everyone on the map and where they are however that's a tremendous advange as demonstrated by your constant bitching about UAVs which aren't even a cheat
  11. The galantry mac-10 was available as a level 95 unlock for the season 1 black ops battle pass. I have it because I played the battle pass and unlocked it playing zombies. The battle pass is 1000 COD points. You can unlock 1300 COD points by unlock the 100 tiers. So pay to win hardly. Every person who had a battle pass could get that gun pretty easily as long and they are willing to play. Unlocking Ghost on MW2 requires you to reach level 53 or something like that playing game. You can do that playing MP, COOP, DMZ or warzone. Unlocking some of the SMG requires you to unlock the AKs first I haven't paid for a battle pass since COD MW so I can bullshit on the pay to win argument. I've play off the battle pass that I paid for in 2019. So $10 for 3 years of skins/blue prints/operators and other junk hardly seems like a money grab and an evil company to me. It's part of the game. That's why people always loved Christmas noobs. They would go in fully maxed out 4th prestige on some poor kid playing for the first time with his/her level 1 shit.
  12. Again COD grind or pay to get the latest stuff League of Legends grind or pay to get the latest stuff Rainbow six grind or pay to get the latest stuff Mass effect multiplayer grind or pay to get the latest stuff Yugioh duel link grind or pay to get the latest stuff hero wars grind or pay to get the latest stuff Destiny grind to get the latest stuff. Maybe they have pay by not but I stop playing long ago The division, grind to get better stuff (don't remember if there was a pay option) I totally agree with Chris. Boo fucking boo. Get better The only problem i have is with aimbots on PCs.
  13. I did. It's not bad. Beware however there are other players and they may try to kill you and your team to loot your stuff. One team can driving down one of our match and tried to get us. My team mate managed to kill them all so we teabagge them and stole their shit in proximity chat. I think you can have up to 64 real players in the game I would recommend that you put your best weapon in the insured slot (it can be changed later as long as you are not in cool down) and spawn in with only that weapon. Then pick up another one. I have been using the SP-208 with silencer. It is a one shot one kill wonder. Have a silencer on because the AI can hear shots. You got 30 minutes to get your shit done and then extract. Watch for campers on exfil Stay away from the chemist unless you have a real organized competent team
  14. You lose the gun if it wasn't one of your insured guns.
  15. it's pretty obvious you like to complain about everything cod. So complainers are gonna complain no matter what activision does First all the gun that started this bitchfest isn't available on the battle-past or as a bundle as far as I can tell . So the argument about pay to win isn't valid Second if you friends who play, it's dam easy to get the gun. Get them to drop it and pick it up. You can even do that cross-play so you aren't handicap by any platform Third the gun I have been using in Multi/DMZ which is my most successful is the Beta reward Frontal Impact (which was completely free). I played with randoms yesterday and got 45 kills with the beta gun so I don't particularly feel handicap Fourth, the battle-pass is not a bad deal. It pays for itself if you complete it because a number of rewards are cod points. So unless you spend on bundles, once you pay for it you can use the rewards point to pay for the next. So hardly a money grab given that we use to have to pay about $29 per map packs when that's what they did instead Finally, Slegehammer are the ones that brought us Advance warfare, WWII and Vanguard. I really don't give a shit what SHG has to say.
  16. Turns out that all of the complaining was way overblown If you have a friend who unlocked the gun (and they have it saved in the insured slot) all you need to to enter DMZ. Have them drop the gun. PIck up the gun. Extract. Done Doesn't feel like so pay to win to me
  18. Your combat record can be found (on Xbox) where you can find social/progression/Stats. Multiplayer has combat record with all the classes you used, K/D, W/L ratio ....
  19. nail in the coffin? The game had the best opening weekend and is the fastest cod to reach $1B. it's demise is highly exaggerated. I see a lot a people like myself enjoy it. My first cod was MW2 in 2009. I didn't play Vanguard, I didn't reach max level of the 3 before that because the sucked so much. So I think despite your dislikes, it will do quite fine
  20. I can see it now, snipers standing on those ledges looking down B. I look forward to sneaking up on then and shooting them in the ass
  21. I guess I'll wait and see if it's an issue or not. We have plenty of really good guns. The AK-74, M4, AK-762 are nothing to complain about. Some of the previous challenges were also a pain in the ass. X slide kills to get a certain gun or play co-op to get an operator, blah, blah, blah shit I didn't want to do but did to get the reward. You really don't need them if you don't want to complete the challenge. You did pay for the game but I see nothing wrong with having to do something to earn something in game. That's a fundamental gaming expectation. You gotta earn stuff. Unlike other game you don't have to do loot boxes and other random shit. You know exactly what you have to do if you want it and it doesn't cost you an extra dime.
  22. So how is this any different than trying to get the Gjallarhorn on destiny? Or a bunch of other things that were only available if you did raids?
  23. It was. You got to install campaign on the 21st and play for a week You got to install multiplayer on the 28th and play for almost 3 weeks They are installing WZ2 today They top off MW2 with 2 maps, battle pass after that That's exactly what they did
  24. Funny thing is that a lot of people are saying that Taraq is a remake of he Neuville map from COD1. I looked at the basics and they may have a point. Don't know what people were saying when they first played that map but its kind of funny that a map that is that old gets these kind of comments I play a lot of DOM on Taraq. I find that Fortress and Asilo are way worse for that game mode.
  25. Portable radar + birds eye?
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