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Everything posted by Luseth

  1. Is that the only co-op resi evil game? That sounds good fun, someone can hold my hand while I play my first one 🤣
  2. until

    I think it shows how much we miss Macca when he's not around (I know he has a big head as it is!) but playing any is not easy to do! I tend to blow hot and cold and I was definately having a bad evening, we came up against some tough sides as well! But yeah I think James is getting it right in that when we are on a losing streak more of us try to do too much and it makes it worse! That said it did perk up as the evening went on with Macca jumping on I thought and we got some good results as it went on.
  3. The last couple of days my mouth has been plagued by a bad tooth, for the first time I have to have one pulled out at the dentist, as it's a wisdom tooth they don't think it's worth repairing and best to get rid as it is affecting the tooth next to it. I really really do not like the dentist so I am kind of dreading it (though I have been told it's not too bad). But yeah just wanted to say I really don't like the dentist!
  4. We have discussed a few games the last couple of nights and speak to Lee yesterday about how Friday's have sort of becoming just COD by default I thought I would put up a thread to discuss other games we all have (or might be willing to pick up) and see if we can generate some interest for different games to keep switching it up and keep Friday's a little more fresh? COD's fine but we play it a fair few nights of the week 😄 Just going through my library I have the following that might be good or sound like there has been appetite in the past - GTA V Destiny 2 Worms WMD (This was spoke about last night and has more that old school worms vibe it seems) Among us Overwatch 2 Fall Guys Hell let loose? Star wars battlefront 2 (As something different) Battlefield 2042 (As it's free on ps plus) Rocket League Just nosing through the store as well, just wondering if there would be appetite for any of these - Diablo 2 remaster (Not sure if this is to everyones taste but has an 8 player limit apparently) Super bomberman Crash Team Racing Everybodys golf Conan Exiles If anyone has any other suggestions, ideally games of 8 players or more I suppose? My thinking is if I can see people or up for playing any of the above I'm happy to put the event up every now and again as Lee has his hands full a bit at the moment it sounds like ^_^
  5. Hi Aiden, Whatever happens don't let Bones influence you, it's a dark path he treads 😄 Nah in all seriousness welcome aboard, hopefully catch you on COD / GTA at some point 🙂
  6. I think for me at the momenI I am a still expansions short of the latest one so I need to pick them up first!! I am not against getting back on to it and time permitting will do at some point, I just limit my multiplayer game time because if I didn't I would be neglecting so many other good games. The problem with limiting mp game time is that often when I jump on to play with FG it is just on whatever game everyone is already playing. 9 times out of 10 that is COD and I don't think I have ever heard anyone suggest mid COD session shall we go and play something else. I find that after 2 hours of COD i'm getting a bit burnt out by it now and tend to stay on just because I'm chatting to FG people and not because I am really into the game. Why does an FG Friday for example have to commit to a single game? Can't it be COD for an hour or 2 and then Destiny for an hour or 2 or Fifa or whatever else. In fact looking at the last few FG Friday's it has been mostly COD for quite some time (even the among us night turned into COD from memory) and whilst it's a good game I imagine there are a few of us playing it just because it is where FG is at and for some chat, I imagine that could be done on any number of games ^_^
  7. @SpacedeckI am going to take a look at that site when I finish work today. I have been looking at an app on my phone but if that site works just as good I am happy enough to use that. Once I am set up I will get you added, I think @GazzaGarrattwas contemplating it as well ^_^
  8. Would it be too cheeky of me to ask if I could have 2 @Spacedeck? Armello and Driftland both look my sort of thing.
  9. So just been discussing this series with some friends, I have never played a Resi Evil game properly. I might have dipped in 1 or 2 for a few minutes but never comitted any real time to a game. Looking at 7 on the ps4 and having it in my library I plan to give it a go once one of the games I am currently playing finishes up. What I wanted to ask is your top 5's and recommendations? I felt retro is more apt as I suppose these day's the games before 7 are mostly retro?
  10. Agreed, that's why I said they couldn't fuck with the combat system 😛 Also what the fuck is wrong with you???? Also I have it on the nintendo DS 😄 It's probably the most affordable way if you want to own a copy (I think it's still under £100 just about), can't remember how much I paid for it years back.
  11. Ooooo these have to be full on remakes - Final Fantasy 9 - My favourite game to date, if they remade this but don't fuck with the combat system I would be well happy. Knights of the old republic (They are doing this anyway so we will see what they do with it Witcher 1 - Again they are doing this and I am quite stoked for this one. Jade Empire - This was one of those underrated games that didn't quite do as well as it probably should, a real gem. Dragon age origins - One of my favourite games to date and I don't think this one would be too difficult to do, members of the original team have said they would be keen but EA just don't get single player games and probably don't see this being profitable. The Lord of the rings Two towers - Your telling me this would not sell well, running across the top of the fortresses throwing orcs over the side and shoving ladders down and hearing them scream 😄 Dark Cloud & Dark Chronicle
  12. until

    It is coming out on the ps4 so I'd be surprised if the open beta is not on the ps4 as well. I am up for giving this a go, I have the remaster of the second game to play on the playstation in my backlog ^_^
  13. I need to find out my discord login details 😄
  14. until

    Oh trust me GTA was my go to game for many years for the tomfoolery 😂 To be fair there are a few from the group I used to play with that still regularly play, in fact @Ally used to play GTA with us every now and again (and might have been one of the first games I played with her?)
  15. My brother went to a gig last night and sent me a couple of videos of a band he saw, just so happens it is a band I used to listen to a lot when I was in my teenage years, obviously it got my reminiscing and I am sure at some point I will create a playlist dedicated to those years! What I want to see from this thread, tell us what sort of music you are into today and then tell us what you were into in your rebellious years, let's see if you have changed and by how much 😄 My go to these day's tends to be country music (though I will listen to almost anything), I mean who doesn't love Shania Twain? 😄 My teenage years however was much more emo / metal, the band my brother saw last night was bullet for my valentine but I used to listen to a lot of Slipknot, system of a down, Tool, Metallica and one of those groups that I was probably the only one of my friends list that knew of them, I loved Nightwish.
  16. until

    Not necessarily the setbacks, I am not sure I could pintpoint anything in particular, I just don't enjoy the game mode ^_^ But that's fine, that's why I put myself as a maybe, it don't bother me too much I can just miss a Friday, I play enough with you "fine people" as it is (substitute in whatever word you want or think I would say in place of "fine people" 😄 ) GTA Races I would enjoy so I could get that reinstalled ^_^
  17. until

    I put myself down as a maybe, I want a heads up if we are playing gun game cuz if so I cba with that shit and will go play something else 😄
  18. Got lucky getting it in a care package tbf but the first time I had one in this video, came at the right time to help us win the match!
  19. Just a couple of recent goals on clubs with you guys.   I have a few other clips that I need to go through so might upload a few the next week or so, but yeah enjoy 🙂
  20. Sorry forgot to say thank you, this did work 🙂
  21. Another one for the test @GazzaGarratt Loading…
  22. They were lucky I bought this one, I have enjoyed it but I think I have said before it will feel a little like the way customers were treated with BF2042 and that really left a sour taste for me. I don't think it will be likely I will buying the next one as I just feel it will be such a rush job and will result in another half attempt at a game. Like @phil bottlesay's there are a lot of games coming out this year all fighting for my limited time and I suspect my time will be better spent elsewhere and at more affordable prices as well.
  23. Wondering if there is an apetite for this, something that I have seen done elsewhere is a shared google sheets where everyone could add games they think everyone should play at some point in their lifetime. Considering there seems to be some appetite for retro games too it could end up suggesting games to each other that you may never have heard of or played before or maybe even genre's you have never played before (i.e. a lot of my suggestions would be rpgs / jrpgs, but someone else might suggest horrors as it is their preferred genre and I find something new in what they have put up ^_^ ) So we could sort the sheets so that it is by console allowing people to look at games related to consoles that they have access too, I imagine between us on here we cover a lot / most of them! What do people think? ^_^
  24. So I completed the story the other day, it was decent and the ending had that Harry Potter feel too it. I think the game lost some of it's charm doing the trophies as it was a lot of go from point A to point B to kill monster A or to collect chest 139 etc. That said I have only 3 trophies to go which require me playing through to the map chamber with the other 3 houses, can't imagine it will take me too long to do that so might actually have another platinum come this weekend ^_^ My final thoughts on the game - Exploring Hogwarts is magical, as someone who grew up with the franchise it is just incredible seeing it brought to life in a new way. Collecting the various chests etc in Hogwarts was also great fun, finding little passageways, puzzle rooms and interacting with some of the paintings and such. The story was better than I expected I think, I did not really expect much as I thought the whole focus would be on Hogwarts and thus not leave much for other aspects of the game. Though it won't happen I would not mind seeing what happens to the main protaginist after his time at Hogwarts. Visually it was great, the first time seeing Hogwarts is one of those gaming moments you won't forget (despite it looking even better on the big screen). The combat grew on me, as you learn more spells you can combine them to do more damage and such and hitting a troll with his own club is always funny. That said it is not clear some of the things can be done in combat, it could have done with a bit more to try and show you how creative you can be with the combat as it is so easy to just use your preferred spells and then never discover that you can pull a Dugbug up into the air by it's tongue. There were some great little details, just the way you open the kitchen was as you would expect, the way you could run into Peeves getting up to mischief almost anywhere. The wider open game area was really quite badly done I felt. Camps were never explained, treasure caverns were somewhat pointless, a lot of the exploring of the map was just to find collectibles and there were no real stories or side quests to be found out there. It just felt quite lifeless because of it. The game did not feel finished, maybe rushed so that it did not suffer another delay. Quidditch missing seemed absurd, I imagine it will be brought in as DLC now but the cheapness of why it wasn't in the game with the bed in the hospital with a note and it all saying redacted by the headmaster. Harry almost died in the films and yet they never cancelled quidditch did they? The other thing that irked me somewhat is that in what school would a teacher (Fig) encourage their student to be galivanting around the countryside going into undead crypts, fighting Trolls and fighting Goblin rebellions. Though Dumbledore was grooming Harry the rest of the teachers would not have allowed it yet in the game it's somewhat encouraged, why was there not more sneaking out of the school to go and search said crypt and avoiding prefects or teachers to get out. Oh and from what I can tell you can't really play a good or evil playthrough. I tried to play a good playthrough and then you use the ancient magic on an enemy only for it to bash said enemy's head off the floor or turn them into something small and stamp on them. Equally so there is one storyline where you can see someone going down a dark path and even up until the last decision the character is somewhat defending and justifying what he is doing. It just feels like whatever way you play it, it would not have any impact on the game. I reckon if I went around killing people with the killing curse everyone at Hogwarts would treat me the same and that just doesn't feel right in modern open world games. Heck back in the first Fable game if you were evil then npc's would respond differently so it's not a new idea or new tech. My thoughts are me keeping the HP tinted specs off, as a HP fan it would be easy to just claim this as the best game this generation so far but there have been better games over the past 10 years. I will do my plat trophy now and then maybe do another full play through once any / all dlc has come out 🙂 It's a good game I just felt that they could have done so much more / better, but I suppose this is the studio's first proper open world isn't it? So they have things to learn.
  25. I did yes, a volvo s60, not the most exciting to drive but it ticks a lot of boxes in comfort, economy and all the gadgets i could ever want. I have added a bit of structure because otherwise I just won't play half of them, I have decided I will pick like 3 games and see which I am feeling when I complete Hogwarts so that I am not tied to just 1 game. So they will all be different genres and it will be whatever style of game I fancy when I get to them. I like the idea of us all picking a game, essentially a bit like a book club ^_^ Maybe put up a poll for several games and see what the majority have available to them and pick one of those.
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