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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. I think the flying has always had some picky bits that can really make you hate the game at certain moments. I somehow got stuck in a horrible spinning loop under attack and there just wasn't an easy way to get out of it so it just ended up blowing up eventually. Outside of that, I think the map updates that Phil mentioned to me previously can't come quick enough as it can get tough going finding a way around it. It gets away with it because the game is so god damn beautiful that I look forward to turning it on just to see whats around me in the space i've spawned.
  2. In fairness, how do you follow up Stone Cold coming back on night one? Don't really watch it anymore but I still hope that it is fun for all to watch. Can't get my head around splitting it over 2 nights? Seems strange.
  3. Happy birthday Sam!! @Capn_Underpants Hope its a fantastic day...hopefully have some birthday races later!! 😎🎉❤
  4. Jesus! Well done mate! Already?!! How much more can you explore after doing this? I thought it was ridiculously huge? I think you said the other night you completed a playthrough. How did you find the ending? I've briefly seen a quote on Twitter saying you can get different ways to end the game, is that true?
  5. It's ridiculous how big every single planet's details are. I think it's one of those games you can get sideblinded by all the fantastic views and things to explore on it.
  6. Legends MP part is quality. I think its just better if you find people to talk to so we can play through it together. @LordBaguette took me through it for a few hours once and i was taken back by the content and levelling up you can do with your characters.
  7. How far in is this? I struggled to get past the basic cover and shoot tutorials and lost my way on the first mission because it felt so long to get into the meaty stuff. If i'm not far aware I'd be inclined to boot it up again.
  8. @phil bottle this seems a great update. When is it coming? Would love to jump back in soon. I'm always blown away by the game when I get on it.
  9. Worth while watching this zero episode first to understand the setup of all the characters and game. I've got it on in the background whilst I work...and also getting my cheeky fix on Chad and Sarah @Riff Machine @Rumelylady 😍
  10. Yeah, mentioned on Discord that I just can't see me getting this. Borderlands is a funny series that I should really love, given it has some great praise for things like looting and shooting and all the different weapons. I just always struggled with the story and gameplay unfortunately. Tried playing BL4 abit with Hector and enjoyed it for a short while but didn't give me the wow factor like Destiny did unfortunately. At least they usually are offline games too so you can play it at anytime and the campaign and levels are all there to complete whenever you want.
  11. This 1 million percent, Sarah @Zaxzar . FG will always be here and ready to help, support and chat with you whenever you feel the time is right. Or even if it isn't. Once an FGer, always an FGer mate. Stay safe and we'll await your glorious return! 👊❤️
  12. Lets not forget you're also out on a 'business' trip in November too 😎
  13. Cheers for sharing Paul. I'm sure we briefly spoke about getting Hood some months ago when it came out but I think @jordie1892 tried it and it was pretty broken at the time iirc? Will happily download it and try it at some point though if people do want to try it. Other than that, clearly the PS Plus enhancement they just communicated has impacted what's on offer this month 🙁
  14. Very true what you say there - but perceptions are usually based on the driver's skill in my mind first and foremost. Yes, cars are different but if it was just that, we would see the Sainz, Checo, etc up there in a huge dogfight which isn't the case so far. Yep, but that is the facts. Reliability got them the points so they should still be smiling given how far they are behind on pace alone. Results like the first race can really end up mattering at the end of the season. Really want to see Haas do well so I don't mind the Ferrari engines being so powerful right now. Its like he has no pressure on himself whatsoever given the circumstances how he came back into F1. You can see how that translates already to his driving. He's become more fun to watch inbetween too, as he used to be a little harsh back in the day I felt. I'm with you there. He looks like a man on a mission, really do think he has a big chance to beat Hamilton already.
  15. I play old games for nostalgia and experience, but as you know me here, that nostalgia also comes from getting the console, disc, controller, etc out too. Its the same reason I don't get on with many cheap indie games, I play the PS5 to try and play the latest games that have the best graphics and gameplay. Usually only a few games like Minecraft are the exception. I'll be staying on my usual, unless the next available tiers do something like make Destiny and all its expansions free forever. Problem is even with that statement for me is that the games are a rental service, which is why I don't use gamepass for xbox either. Need to understand more over time, as always, it will be the titles that dictate what tier people buy.
  16. Its been a great start so far tbh @G_dub52 , better than expected for sure. Leclerc really is giving it back to Verstappen and fair play. He knows its a long season and I think he seems to know how to challenge him in a fair yet tough manner. Can't for Australia either! I'm liking this too, my only comment though would be it feels like it works because we have 3 DRS points so far on the first 2 races. Already not looking forward to Monaco again 🤣🤣 Do you think Australia will have enough places for DRS? Defo agree with this. I'm pretty disappointed McLaren are way way back too as they were hotting up to be a real contender I felt this year. This purpoising really has nailed the speed of some of the cars. With all the issues that Mercedes have, I did find it interesting that they are still 2rd in the Championship when they've considered to have their worst ever start for 8 years. Long ol' season to go.
  17. As Blackburn are playing Coventry (at Coventry), then i've managed to get some away tickets so i'll likely be on after the match if you're still around. Be good to get more of us on for sure. Looking forward to seeing all the different flags online!
  18. So the good news is then i'm assuming we can all play GTA Online for no extra cost, unless we want all the perks that this pass gives us? If that's the case they can carry on....although the amount of suckers that will do this will be insane. Never seen a cash cow gushing milk like a water hydrant like this - and still have more people craving for more milk. I did find it funny though that this price is still way cheaper than Fallout 76's subscription package 😄
  19. Thanks to everyone who so far started an FG Membership ❤️ I did the draw earlier today whilst at work and stuck it straight onto YouTube so you can see the winners: Well done to @J-Lurch @Misneach_ @techno @TurboR56Mini and @RenFengge. Let me know what game you would like or if you want to gift one of the above games to another FGer. ❤️ Memberships of course will stay around and whenever anyone gives it will always be appreciated. Much more FGFGF to come I'm hoping to make us smile. (Note for existing FG Membership peoples....keep giving me feedback on how the payments are working please - it may take the recurring payment or it may send an invoice to resend one.)
  20. I couldn't see what specifically they are doing to this? Hopefully it will add something like Qualifying though as I missed that the other night with us. Other than that, looks like welcomed changes all round. It says from beginning 1st April but we had a patch didn't we already for GT this past week? I wonder if selling cars will be for all cars, gifted and bought too.
  21. Very sad if so. As much as it has its problems, healthy competition out there is always needed in the FPS scene and this game had, and still imo, so much potential to be great. Who knows, in 2024 we'll most likely be playing this game more so every other week after its had some large updates to it over the next few years.
  22. Hey Riley! Welcome to FG, finally officially! 😄 Looking forward to having you around the place a whole lot more - someone needs to keep your Dad in check 😎
  23. Great raid completed yesterday after reset last night FG! @Capn_Underpants @Horrible_Hector @igotmollywhopped @Kemp210 @Teenwolf25 great run and it was good to try the first Raid Challenge now they are out. Funny that this week's is to kill all 3 Unstoppable Ogres at the same time in the first encounter so whilst midway through it, Hector shouts 'Kill!'....when others not realised that it was the callout for our Tower rather than actually killing the Ogres! Thanks Bungie for giving us that callout RNG luck 🤣 Seems straightforward enough challenge though, just needs a tiny more co-ordination than normal. Raid engram available to all clan members anyway! 😄 Looking forward to hearing how the FG teams get on this week!
  24. Agreed. Seasonal activity is the more accesible content for everyone so even if its harder, matchmaking should be allowed, or just have what the Battle Royale games which is an option to 'Fill' or 'Not Fill' the fireteam. Can't see it hurting anything else like servers or population. Which is this btw? Psi Ops or Wellsprings or both? I saw there was a Legend Psi Ops now, just not done much Wellsprings at all even though it looks decent.
  25. This is super, @Mikepjbell , well overdue a little ol meet up! I'm asking Hayley what 2-3 dates are best to meet up because I think that will also help us narrow it down for us all. Otherwise we'll never get a date in! August may be a struggle just because of family holidays and I personally have Hayley's birthday in June but there should be a good few dates to choose from. I'll also see if we want to bring the family too as we've never had a catch up with everyone. @jordie1892 , as you live around in the area, is there a place like a campsite near the Go Kart place that we could maybe congregate and possibly stay one night camping so its a bit easier perhaps? That way it could be cheaper for some to travel to one place i'm thinking. Milton Keynes is fairly central so i'm comfortable to do it here. We can always do more at different venues at different times - the thing with these is to just get one in the diary and organised, so on that note cheers for getting the ball rolling Mike!
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