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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Understandable. Even though I would say we're still small, we are a large tight-knit group and no one wants to fall out, conflict is a real waste of energy these days. However, good debates and discussions should always be had, thats what places like this are for. Its just extremely difficult if any person at any moment takes something personally when all/most here don't say stuff to antagonise anyone. Speakers Corner worked once in the past, and possibly could again, but the main issue for me is Moderation. We very rarely do that here and lucky not to. However, even when you politely get threads back to OP discussions, you'll still find someone immediately gets angered, which shouldn't be the case. Also not sure I have the energy to help stick my head in when something gets out of hand in that 😅 Sorry, slightly derailed the convo above! But thought as we haven't mentioned much about politics type threads in ages, I thought I'd let you know where I stand. I'd love to learn more from you all and be educated by good debates here. At the same time it could prove more trouble than its worth. I've still not been stopping them as they come up every so often though. Lastly, I wish everyone could type as eloquently and debate like @phil bottle and @Plumbers Crack above. Would make everything so much easier! After all, we do have Didds...😅
  2. We had great success with the first all for fun 'FG Germany Cup' with 8 of us, I created the next one a while back to try and get up to 16 of us for the FG France Cup! As per the last one, when names are finalised, I'll do a team randomiser for us all in the French league to see who we all get. We've got 11 signed up so far (tagged below) and looking for 5 more people! Happy for this to still be on FIFA 22 unless we all we all have FIFA 23? Lets give it a week and if we don't fill the last 5 spots fully, I will fill the remaining spots with a BYE for the first round for some people! Roll call so far are: @Macca89 @LordBaguette @James5497 @Findmartin @G_dub52 @Luseth @JamaicanSteve @jordie1892 @Tadnothad @GazzaGarratt @Antpool84 Let's hear who else wants to get involved for the fun and lolz! Everyone tag anyone else you know who should come and have a laugh. P.S. To enter you just need to create a Team on the Tournament page. If you're struggling, please drop your name here and I will help you create it so we can get you in!
  3. View this giveaway January 2023 FGFGF Giveaway A £10/$10 Game voucher of your choice! Choose either: Playstation Voucher Xbox Voucher Steam Voucher Good Luck FGers! Submitter GazzaGarratt Expiration Date 14 days and 3 minutes Submitted 01/14/2023 Category Monthly FG Giveaways  
  4. Type: Giveaway


    • 1 Prize
    • 13 Participants

    A £10/$10 Game voucher of your choice! Choose either: Playstation Voucher Xbox Voucher Steam Voucher Good Luck FGers!
    Nothing beats a good Icarus streak
  5. Mate, i'm so used to running around like an absolute madman to get the control point or hardpoint or tags, my mind just forgets where to go. Cheers, I will ask for one game everyone else can PTFO for me so we can win aswell 😅
  6. It feels like forever since we've waited for it and now its nearly here it feels like I didn't expect it so soon lol. It will be interesting to see how it works - it really is a gamechanger though because I think the one thing that stops us using crossplay so much is the voice chat PITA process. This removes all of that and we get a better quality chat.
  7. Got the RPK and TAQ-V Gold tonight so not many LMGs to go. Nearly got Minibak (Closer Blueprint) although the Point Blank kills are killing me. Even on shipment can't seem to get up close enough. You've literally got have their face as your pixels on the screen and nothing else.
  8. Wasn't even anger 🤣🤣 but now I know what you like...😘 Also, I'm surprised your coined phrase 'New Content Everybody' hasn't come out here yet. Especially when you used it a billion times in Destiny threads. You happy with the content so far?
  9. Stick to the OP please (reminding myself at the same time based on my early replies and Gary @techno trying his hardest to do the same lol 😅). I think Season 2 info, which I can't see why we wouldn't get something in the next few weeks given Season 1 finishes around then, should help us see how much content is likely to drop regularly into MP. I'm waiting patiently and also not going to hype it up as we know how previous CoDs have gone. As the talk about this one was supposed to be the only CoD this year is still not guaranteed, I think its okay to sit on the fence until we hear more info about content drops. I'm hoping for one brand new map at least next Season, alongside 2 older maps coming in - considering the Warzone large map clearly has another 2-3 old maps already situated on it. The map rotation isn't getting stale just yet for me though, but it won't be long I'm sure. I'll probably switch to more DMZ at that time.
  10. This won't make me buy a gamepass i'm afraid. No new news on making the port better than what we've seen not long ago.
  11. In my opinion none of them are of the same calibre as the one we have today. I think my criticism to help Chris' point from a negative view (which i never like talking in but hey ho) is that the quality of the CoD games have been very poor, including their content over the past 7-8 years....although BO3 had quality just not much content. It has nothing to do with how many have been sold because thats a different story as you say. Sticking to the OP which is all about content and good content this is what my response was bringing it back to. In isolation, the game hasn't got tons of content, but it has enough for me which in turn is linked to value for money statement. I think we can say we want more content (maps for sure) but what we have so far for 2 months is a pretty damn good game with good content. IMO of course 😘
  12. I fancy sticking my Xbox One on at some point. I'll take a look at the sales for Forza Horizon 4. Seems to hold its value well though atm.
  13. Ah good point. For some reason forgot about that. However, the campaign is always something quite large for people to play and can sometimes be the only content in a game. And it was very good if you asked me, campaigns can be non-realistic at times cos thats what games are for, to see things you only expect in fantasy land, etc. I don't think Pat @cyberninja2601 is defending them though, hes just saying a response to what the OP said regarding content which in his eyes, there is more than what those videos explained. 'Is it enough?' maybe is the right question? I think then you fall back on other stuff that matters to gamers like what is value for money, etc. Do I think this CoD was worth the money? Absolutely. Could it do with more maps and a few extra gamemodes? Absolutely. Its not praising Activision, but we should be able to talk about the positive things when a game has really landed well and say I haven't lost out money wise by buying this game. If it helps from a negative viewpoint if we wanted to talk in that way, I'd say that its very telling that Activision have took nearly 10 years to make one decent CoD game, which isn't great at all really is it.
  14. Absolutely - I knew what it would be too but I'm glad you still posted it! (Remember, it would be boring if we all agreed 😉) As a general rule, it really has been a hit with more casual players than hardcore. Doesn't mean all casual players will like it (yourself included 😄) but thats okay. Majority of the casual core players enjoy it because its more accessible. Now, the way I view stuff is that I try to put myself in other people's shoes. When I do for these youtube guys, I need the game to be killer for me so I can make awesome varied content to my audience and play it non-stop to make money. Many people that are shit at DMZ/Warzone and only play CoD MP in the content game will struggle, but I think thats more down to SBMM. They hate SBMM as do most top players do (I know @jordie1892 would say something about that...) but whats great about it is that casual core players like most of us here don't get slammed every other game due to SBMM. In fact, the daily group up games we've been playing here have really shown that we dominate in many games and then have some tight games where the most fun comes from. I think like most other games (looking at you too Destiny) that if you play on your own on this, its not going to be as enjoyable as others are finding it. BUT, some here are really enjoying their solo experience too, and the fact the 'buzz' feels kind of back abit around FG for a CoD game is probably enough for me to see through the YouTube guys and not get influenced by how they play the game as they don't play it the same way I do or as many of us do here too. I like this discussion. Some good stuff from either side.
  15. Best endeavors and all that....😅 I'm trying to sort January and beyond out this week and next so I'll pop in here and ask soon when is a good time to rally the troops to help us noobs.
  16. This is the right question all along on the back of sharing those videos Gaz @techno . And based on your answer I would expect a few maps to be coming in a months time as it'll Season 2 out by then. So when we get a few more maps soon, what else do you think it needs? Genuinely interested to know because I'm enjoying the fact that the game as multiple gamemodes, in Multiplayer but also outside of that with Warzone, DMZ and Raids. Equally it has the Campaign they had to make along with the rest (I finished it last night and i'll post thoughts separately - tldr, I really enjoyed it). This is totally where I stand. That doesn't mean its an unbelievably amazing game. However, based against previous CoDs its miles ahead of them. Outside comparisons to other FPS games with other modes, I actually think it still holds strong too. Destiny 2 is a fantastic shooter but its PvP is in a horrible state and has been for about 2-3 years. Overwatch 2 doesn't feel like its changed much from 5-6 years ago. Still feels good to shoot but limited on gamemodes and now reducing party size to 5 for me really is lost a lot some of their shine due to it now feeling very harsh when its not going your way. This CoD is the most accessible game for casuals they've had - and I feel this is why those people who create content or play exclusively these games and nothing else will feel that way. Same way if you played Destiny 2 exclusively. Its not the games fault if you don't play Campaign, DMZ, Warzone, which is a large chunk of it. But even then Multiplayer rotates maps extremely well, and it has Tier 1 if you want Hardcore - even though really I feel like this games Core MP is the best from any i've played in the last 8 years. The guns have lots of variety with tweaks that can be made that do make differences, at the same time being able to use stock guns and not feel like a loser straight off the block. Those content creators are focusing on the 1% crowd that is themselves and not thinking of the playerbase. They exaggerated 10-20 minutes of video to just say the menu options aren't great, and to tell us 'ah, I don't play them modes'. They come across as salty to me because essentially they're 'work' isn't getting them paid. Only place I'd say it needs a lot of work is Private Games as we need better options to choose from. Currently no proper Gun Game, One in the Chamber, Prop Hunt, etc which would give people hours of content to make if they wanted a revenue from it.
  17. until

    I'll be on after footy training so around 9pm as usual.
  18. How much is he being offered for the Switch and the Xbox One S separately out of interest?
  19. Does the cash just give you XP? Or something else for your inventory?
  20. You should think about what you want to stand out and think of a few ways on how you want to show them off. Using some of what @James5497 has said above, you can then effectively test a few different views to see what works for people coming to your site. Here, I wanted (and still want 😅) people to realise what we have to offer and get involved in together. That made me think of the blocks that I felt would work. That doesn't mean I've successfully nailed the objective as I think the jury is out here still on what makes people check stuff out and get involved. I think every 3 months you should what you can add, improve, change which allows your website to evolve rather than just stay the same until a big update every few years. Its hard striking the balance but Trial and Error will always be the way forward. Shout up here if you have an idea of a visual 'thing' you want to create and we can help think of ways you can implement it.
  21. I know a few played the original on console so unsure how many will try it on PC. Looks very good on first viewing but I'd probably wait to see what others thought first. @tronic44, one for you to keep an eye out for your PC when you get time 😅
  22. Some pretty decent goals at Real Madrid for sure.
  23. until

    I've said I'm going but i'm a maybe as I won't know what fit state Hayley will be in as its the Funeral first thing in the morning. If i'm not there, i'm sure you can crack on without me 🙂
  24. Just quickly grabbing the screenshot so its easier for everyone to grab the attachments you need to make it a monster as per the video.
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