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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Like I said before, I think sometimes we are sitting only on one side of the fence and thinking 'they just held it back so they could deliver it as new content' which I don't think is exactly true. Sometimes we have to at least try and put ourselves in other people's shoes to try and understand decisions and thought processes (crazy, I know, thinking of others rather than ourselves). My logical reasoning would be that they created a brand new gamemode Tier 1, and needed to test it in the water with a large playerbase. They knew that if it went out straight off the bat against Hardcore mode, most people would go to their comfort zone and ignore Tier 1. This is literally one of the main reasons loads of games have rotational playlists so all content is being played at some point which gives them valuable feedback in what players like and dislike - they can then pull it out and rework it where possible or even just leave it out if players hate it that much. Now they have the unanimous feedback so far on Tier 1 that it hasn't quite worked, we're now seeing HC back. I'm cool with that and don't be surprised if Tier 1 gets a little rework in the future because its something new and they now have some feedback on the mode from more constructive players rather than the large majority moaning about just wanted HC back. I don't think they've done a fanfare about HC returning. They haven't said 'New mode incoming which is HC!'. The tweet above just says, HC is back and thats it.
  2. Never thought i'd see the day of being able to play CM3 on a PC these days....but I now can and its glorious! 😎 This was one part of my childhood that I really do miss and the earlier Football Manager games really hit the spot, after the MS-DOS days but before later managing games added far too much detail and dials to tinker with. CM3 was the 98/99 season with 15 leagues you could actually load up at the start and move to other countries if you felt like a job overseas mid-game. Also was the days of the Foreign player restriction rule which meant you could only have 3 players classed as foreign to that league in the team at any one time. I know a few people love these types of games and its probably within reach for some if you have the following elements: A CD version of Championship Manager 3 A CD disc reader (ofc!) A patch (v3.04e) to be downloaded from here Windows 10 I found some great advice from another website that told me to download the patch otherwise you get a compatibility error when it tries to run. Once the patch is downloaded, unzip the file and run the Setup.exe file in there. It will do what it needs to do and remove some quick files which leaves you to finally just right click the shortcut on CM3 and enter the Properties. Once in there, select the Compatibility below for this game and click Apply. Then run the game to sit back and listen to that crowd noise at the start and cheer along with them! A few pics below of the game and installing! Can't beat some nostalgia...and Marcelo Salas on the Home Screen 😄
  3. Now this is a popcorn moment. My money is now on this was a social behavioural experiment 🍿😄
  4. That looks cool as hell. I'm definitely getting this one as I've loved the movies but its great to see it has its own storyline topped up with great graphics....and that combat in the first video you shared James looks pretty sick, ngl. Lets hope these Quests have good depth to them too as on first looks they seem pretty solid.
  5. until

    Private Matches make a whole lotta sense, we know its true!! ❤️
  6. Whenever a developer selects where their keys go to, its always a warning sign as to what to expect so not surprised most (not all) that did receive it have rated the game decent but not setting the world alight.
  7. Great thread @Tove . I think sometimes these gamemodes can be really intense, so to ensure that fun is actually had rather be anxious of the impending stress caused by getting angry at the game, I just go for squads when we see them 9/10. The off chance the common sense decision is to do whatever the other thing you are doing instead because maybe its extracting, etc. But other than that, its better to set yourself up not getting too attached to all the stuff you get because thats when the game hurts you most. People who run Warzone with me already know I like to set our own little fun mini goals such as 'Top 10 squad with 15 total squad kills and complete 6 contracts!' or something like that. To win those modes is a small %, so why get down about it? Make up your own rules of fun and the win becomes a great bonus if you get near the end. Similar with DMZ imo.
  8. Hardcore is back for Season 2 The only think I can think of by releasing it later than Tier 1, was to allow Tier 1 to have a chance at a bigger playerbase to see what the reaction was. Based on this news, I reckon Tier 1 won't be supported for much longer. You must be slightly smiling now @techno ? 😅🤣
  9. Yep thats the one everyone got free!! That means most of you other lot should have it too....even @phil bottle!! 😅
  10. I'd like to try and start it this week if possible, or at least make the draw. I think if we can get 2 more people then I can add 3 ready made 'BYE' teams which allows the people who get that draw a free pass to the next round. 5 people would be ace still though! Any help you can give would be awesome.
  11. Now this came up on my TikTok and I can't find it anywhere online!! The guy must have created that himself, its truly incredible. I absolutely love the spinning controller storage so much, its exactly what i've wanted to try and create for my own place, just not as amazing as that (or as a Nintendo Switch, much prefer a Sega Mega Drive or just a bespoke non-gaming looking one). Links please from anyone that has found where we can make this for everyone here! 😄
  12. I'm not quite sure who is responsible for the decisions or how they've come about but I do think they've got an element of gaming in them as you don't just relieve tons of developers on games that are being actively supported and have a good multi-year longevity to them. Halo Infinite, to use the example that has been impacted by redundancies, is likely not to have the same live service roadmap that something like Fortnite or Destiny has - and I can only imagine that is because the top dogs somewhere along the line have seen the projections and how its performing and think they have to go in a different direction. I follow a lot of developers on Twitter and you can see that its nice that at least the competition has been offering people to come and apply in the hope that these guys and girls won't be out of a job for long.
  13. Just being Diddums ofc 🤦‍♂️ He'll be back as per usual. It helps him play his neglected PC though for a bit now.
  14. My tl;dr initially said it is disappointing to wait another 4 weeks to hear what's incoming so I think I'm slightly with you on the wait for new content. I've never seen the dev boast but if they did (i won't doubt you), that seems so strange to do so as its clearly not 3000 gameplay devs working on it. Roadmaps seem to be the thing that everyone wants but in games and everyday working environments, we seem to not be able to get them unfortunately. Usually my experience is that the roadmap promises stuff and then other things happen or become more important whilst we wait for the later roadmap things. I get it, its damned if they do, damned if they don't but I would agree that some form of roadmap is actually nice to see...maybe with some confidence levels alongside each thing to help manage expectations. 🤣🤣🤣 In a month's time we'll be loving every minute then! 🤣😄 I just hope they can add One in the Chamber to Private Games. It will certainly mean we'll play this game on an FG Friday a whole lot more.
  15. Oh poop. Looks like just me then that can't remember that one (I don't remember many tbh until I play them!) Learning maps is something that most games don't drop on you all of a sudden. Not saying its not acceptable...but I understand it by putting myself in their shoes. Maybe its just me though. Hang on, it came out in November right? And 3 years is actually a small development cycle. Don't deny they have many devs but i'd love to know how many actually work on the game as i'm not sure its 3000. I was close to quoting an old phrase ppl used to use back in the day 🤣🤣 Agree to disagree on this. People have now even changed their tune about Taraq (not me, but most FGers really like it now).
  16. I don't think the map rotation is too bad even though I would agree we need more maps - and they've said they're bringing them. Just probably nearer to 3 maps than 5 imo as you don't just dump a load of maps in overnight. In some ways, having 5 maps to get used to straight away is always difficult so there is an advantage for them to be released over time. I think sometimes it depends on what people are selecting to play in their playlists. We've been having Hardpoint, Domination, Kill Confirmed, Prisoner Rescue and Knockout all in the rotation which definitely helps you rotate the maps more often than maybe just playing Dom on its own. Found this info above which helps to understand a little more. Gunfight is definitely fun with 2 or 3 of you depending on the rotation, Gun Game is badly needed for Private Matches, I'll take a new Castle Map and then hope that they'll be more released outside of this. As said in a separate thread, I would expect 2 old maps returning based on the large Warzone map info we already know about and I certainly think they'll get hit with negative feedback if its just the one map as above tweet. tl;dr - Its not all bad as more decent content is coming. Slight disappointment we have to wait nearly 4 weeks to see what it actually is.
  17. Thanks for all the kind messages and wishes all! ❤️
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! @Macca89 @phil bottle @Bluebear @LordBaguette
    This one actually gets 6 stars because it has an amazing killfeed too 😎🤣 Great streak and great movement around that middle building. I love games where you can use that building to full effect.
  18. The VTOL also did crazy damage on this one too!! 😅
  19. Every bloke watching that universally checked their phone was on silent 🤣🤣🤣
  20. Great episode. Haven't finished it all yet, as I usually struggle to get time to watch full episodes, but love the coverage on the gaming tables and then also the interesting chat about boss battles. ❤️
  21. Understandable. Even though I would say we're still small, we are a large tight-knit group and no one wants to fall out, conflict is a real waste of energy these days. However, good debates and discussions should always be had, thats what places like this are for. Its just extremely difficult if any person at any moment takes something personally when all/most here don't say stuff to antagonise anyone. Speakers Corner worked once in the past, and possibly could again, but the main issue for me is Moderation. We very rarely do that here and lucky not to. However, even when you politely get threads back to OP discussions, you'll still find someone immediately gets angered, which shouldn't be the case. Also not sure I have the energy to help stick my head in when something gets out of hand in that 😅 Sorry, slightly derailed the convo above! But thought as we haven't mentioned much about politics type threads in ages, I thought I'd let you know where I stand. I'd love to learn more from you all and be educated by good debates here. At the same time it could prove more trouble than its worth. I've still not been stopping them as they come up every so often though. Lastly, I wish everyone could type as eloquently and debate like @phil bottle and @Plumbers Crack above. Would make everything so much easier! After all, we do have Didds...😅
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