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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. I haven't gotten my big boy pants yet, still waiting on Amazon. I think if one person dies we all have to wipe. If you wipe do you orbit?

    Sign up for Prime, free two day delivery.[emoji6]
  2. It's a matter of everyone knowing what to do.

    Knowing what to do, and not going down. That's what makes it so hard. One person goes down and it gets harder for everyone else, then a second goes down and you're fucked. Proceed to nearest cliff.

    I'm down though, pulls up big boy pants and nods in direction of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls Platinum Trophies.

  3. I've tried Hard Mode with a team of five 29s and me at 30. All veteran raiders. We got demolished.

    You need fully upgraded raid gear and raid weapons (bonus oracle damage, bonus super energy for killing oracles/minotaurs, etc.).

    Oh, and there's no reviving. If you go down, you're done until the next checkpoint.

    I'm totally willing to do it, but we're going to get wrecked. Hard mode is for 6 level 30s that can do the normal raid blindfolded with broken thumbs.

  4. This has bugged me for a while.  I wish that upgraded gear gave better rewards/materials/etc. for dismantling.  

    If you put shards/energy into something, you'll get more for dismantling it. I sharded some boots last night and got 5 shards, but it wasn't enough to recapture what I had put into it. As far as non-ascendant upgrades, it doesn't seem to increase the number of shards you get.


    @Sennex - The single biggest factor in determining a weapons effectiveness in PvE is the Attack value.

  5. Elaboration on my earlier rant.


    I played several games of TDM and went positive or nearly so. I wasn’t getting blown out, so my rant wasn’t just the sour grapes of sucking.


    Every map is a cluster fuck. I feel like there’s no space to step away from the action and even if your head is on a swivel, you’re constantly getting killed from behind, or above, or from someone head glitching on the other side of map with their zero recoil <insert name of any AR>. The graphics are sharp, but sterile, everything looks like it’s made out of plastic. The guns sound like they’re shooting tic tacs, no recoil and sissy sound effects makes them feel like toys, which goes well with the plasticy look.


    The menu system, create-a-class, armory, supply drop, weapon variants, all of it together is an unnecessary disaster of complexity. Granted, it could be overcome with time, but still, poor design. It’s all part of the more is better mentality that pervades the game’s design. The jumping doesn’t bother me, but I don’t think it adds anything either and learning the various dashes just piles on to the learning curve.


    UAVs are impossible to find and shooting them down is suicidal. The Stinger is slow firing and maps are so freaking chaotic, that you’re better off just saying fuck it and not even equipping a Stinger. This is very disappointing from the perspective of someone whose bread and butter has always been team support. Most of the perks seem useless, even more so considering the one dimensional play style the game encourages. Not having separate lethal and tactical grenades is just awful. It leaves those of us who need to take a more tactical approach hung out to dry.


    For all its complexity, CoD has been dumbed down to the least common denominator. Primary weapon twitch skill. 

  6. Also if 2 get ported to oracles it is possible. It just involves the oracle holder to drop the oracle and spray for a few seconds, pick it up, drop it again, rinse and repeat

    Not necessary if you've got the right kit. Nev and I had a successful two man teleport and I'm confident we could do it either side, all day long. But... I have a fully upgraded Corrective Measure with bonus Oracle damage and belt big enough that I can kill all the Oracles without reloading.

    Also, the relic holder can use their super to take one out.

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