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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. My lowbie just hit level 11, but if I am on I will group up.


    I am going to roll another Titan or a Hunter here soon, just can't decide which. I meant to ask Jsin, his thoughts on it for min/ maxing

    Classes in order of preference:

    1) Warlock

    2) Titan

    3) Hunter


    If getting to level 30 is something you want to accomplish sooner rather than later, then I recomend making a second of whatever your primary class is. In your case, that would be two Titans I guess? That lets you share one set of level 28/29 armor between and run the Raid twice a week as a Titan, doubling your chances of getting Titan raid gear to drop.


    Hunters I have no use for, though I maintain one. It was my fist character. He's a 28 now and I have one piece of Raid gear for him. I keep him around as a change of pace and because he's already geared up to level 28 it's another NIghtfall/Raid worthy character. Plus you never know what the Hunter's third sublcass will be like, could be awesome.


    Why I no likey the Hunter:


    Throwing Knife is fun but relatively ineffective. So you can precision melee from a distance, bid deal, you can also precision shoot from a distance. It doesn't give you a useful buff like Warlock and Titan melees. If you miss, that's it, you get no benefit and have to wait for the TK to recharge. If you miss with a Warlock or Titan special melee, it doesn't set off and remains available. Knife Juggler is fun versus trash, but again, not effective when SHTF.


    Golden Gun is crap. Ice Breaker does substantially more damage. Buzzkill. Yeah, Imma dump my super on this mofo, here it comes *bam* *bam* *bam* ...wait... that just did less damage then when I was sniping him... -_-


    The Gunslinger's best abilities are Chain of Woe and Gunslinger's Trance which improve reload speed and stability with each precision kill, stacking up to 3 times. This is incredibly amazing for Hand Cannons and Scout Rifles, and as a HC lover, it pretty much makes up for the class's deficiencies.



    PvE = Suicicde

    Both the Bladedancer's super and special melee put you in the face of your enemy, unfortunately, the Hunter is ultra squishy. Arc Blade is totally worthless versus boss enemies unless your goal is to die; it's decent versus trash but will leave you very exposed when time rounds out.


    In PvP it's a good class, though unlike everyone else, I do not believe it's overpowered. That said, I still prefer Warlock or Titan in PvP.

  2. http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/11/22/microsoft-is-losing-xbox-one-momentum-due-to-343s-halo-master-chief-collection-misdeeds/



    Microsoft Is Losing Xbox One Momentum Due To 343's 'Halo: Master Chief Collection' Misdeeds
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    Earlier this month, I wrote a piece saying that there was a never better time to buy an Xbox One than now. That was in the wake of Microsoft MSFT +0.59% announcing a price cut of many of their most popular bundles from $400 down to $350, which, factoring the cost of a game you’d buy anyway, made the effective price of the console $300.
    I made the case that though the PS4 is a big-seller, the tables have somewhat turned as I’m not sure the argument can be made that Sony's system is worth $400 to Xbox One’s $300, as the two are nearly identical. And after all this time, Sony’s best exclusive is still probably Infamous Second Son, while the Xbox just recently came out with the one-two punch of Sunset Overdrive and Halo: The Master Chief Collection, the latter of which was the definition of a “system seller.”
    Fast forward to today, where I am no longer playing on my pre-release review copy of Halo, home to gorgeous campaign missions and supervised multiplayer sessions with 343. Now, Halo: The Master Chief Collection is heralded as probably the single biggest video game disaster of the year, with a launch that continues to be a never-ending nightmare in a way that makes even Ubisoft’s Assasin’s Creed Unity release look smooth.
    It’s hard to overstate just how bad this launch has been, with Halo: MCC literally not having a working multiplayer since its debut, which is the primary draw of the game for players who were excited to relive Halo’s glory days on remastered maps and blended playlists. Instead, they were treated to an exercise in frustration and the best example of a company completely and utterly dropping the ball when it comes to what should have been a slam-dunk.
    Halo: The Master Chief Collection, when it works, is the definition of a perfect remastering. It is an absolutely insane amount of content for $60, and features one of the most classic series in all of gaming being repolished with tender care as each area has been visually updated for the present day. The nostalgia factor is so great, I actually got a little choked up re-experiencing some parts of the campaign or seeing old favorite multiplayer levels. That’s how strong emotional connection can be with Halo.
    And yet, all that’s done is make this an even greater tragedy. Assassin’s Creed Unity, outside of its technical glitches, is kind of a ho-hum game that needed to work on more than just bug squashing to capture player attention. But Halo was a perfectly cooked steak that fell off the plate onto the floor, and now players are waiting for someone to pick it up and clean it off. Even then, they may have lost their appetite for it.
    343′s attempted fix of the problem has been a comedy of errors, as we’re approaching two weeks after launch with still no permanent solution in sight for the multiplayer issues. This week, 343 tried to implement a huge patch to fix the problem, yet after a few properly played games, players started experiencing a whole new host of errors, and patch has apparently broken the game even further, snapping the last bit of patience fans may have had with the game and the developer trying to make it playable.
    This isn’t just bad for 343, who has been trusted with the Halo legacy now that Bungie has moved on to Destiny, but this severely hamstrings the Xbox One’s newfound momentum. With two great exclusive titles and a low price heading into the holiday season, it seemed like this could be Microsoft’s year to make up some serious ground on Sony. But those $350 bundles? Many of them were for Halo: The Master Chief Collection, and the Xbox One’s “system seller” is still completely broken with no end in sight (and in a turn of bad luck, the other big bundle is with Assassin’s Creed Unity). I mentioned yesterday how games with broken releases can see their star fade quickly when released in a uber-competitive holiday season, and that’s exactly what’s happening with Halo now, as players have simply given up on the game after two weeks of idiocy, and have moved on to Far Cry, Dragon Age, Smash Bros. or one of the billion other games that came out this fall, and also happen to work.
    In an age when broken game releases are unfortunately becoming the norm, the Halo: Master Chief situation is the worst of them all. Here you have a game that by all accounts is close to perfect in concept and execution, but a complete technical meltdown destroyed its launch, is continuing to destroy its entire release window, and may very well destroy its legacy if players don’t come back when the game finally is fixed. And for Microsoft, they’ve just lost perhaps the single biggest reason to pick up an Xbox this holiday season, and they have to be fuming.
    Fix it quickly, and there still may be hope, but if this continues much longer, all 343′s work might be for nothing.
  3. http://www.ibtimes.com/sony-hacked-psn-safe-computer-system-offline-after-malicious-threat-report-1729073



    Imagine sitting down at your office and turning on your desk computer only to be met with an image of a skull accompanied by a threat. That’s exactly what happened to employees at Sony Pictures Entertainment, which announced that it had no choice but to shut down its computer system Monday out of self-preservation.

    Word of the hack originated with an anonymous Reddit post and was later confirmed by Deadline. The origin of the hack is still being investigated, Sony said, but the size and seriousness of the situation was never in doubt.

    Employees around the world were instructed to disconnect their computers and stay away from email thanks to a message reading, “We’ve already warned you, and this is just a beginning. We continue till our request be met. We’ve obtained all your internal data including your secrets and top secrets. If you don't obey us, we'll release data ... to the world. Determine what will you do till November the 24th, 11:00 p.m. GMT.”

    The threat was signed “Hacked by #GOP,” which stands for Guardians of Peace. The hacking group claims that it will release a trove of “secrets” if its unmentioned demands were not met. Employees told Variety they were instructed that the technical issues, which come at the dawn of the holiday shopping season, could take three weeks to resolve.


    The infiltration also comes after a high profile data breach on the PlayStation Network in August as well as another in 2011 that resulted in the loss of millions of Americans' personal information. Sony has denied that the PSN has been hacked again.

    “This is bad for Sony’s reputation, and it could be potentially worse if customers suffer financial loss and litigation follows against the competency of the company whose responsibility it is to protect their customer data,” Mark Skilton, a Warwick Business School professor who specializes in cybersecurity, said. “Providing a solid cyber strategy is getting harder when intrusion monitoring and prevention is clearly insufficient, as it appears to be in Sony’s case.”

  4. I prefer Voidwalker. Nev makes some good points about Sunsinger, but I prefer more aggressive play. Rather than resurrect, I'd rather nuke a pile of enemies before they kill me. Having Orbs of Light laying about is also incredibly helpful for the relic carrier and therefore, everyone. 


    For weapons:

    Primary: whatever you have that is max upgraded and you're most comfortable with. All types are equally effective. Now that I think about it, I've run through VoG with each class of primary at least once.


    Secondary: Max upgraded sniper, doesn't have to be Void, this is for clearing out Hobgoblins. If you don't have a high octane sniper, then a Void fusion rifle would be good.


    Heavy: Void LMG no question. I know some prefer launchers but I think they're a recipe for disaster. One misfire into the back of a teammates head or into the Templar's bubble and you're screwed. They're also not good at ammo conservation. With a Void LMG you can pull it and unload on a minotaur/praetorin just enough to drop its shield, then switch back to primary or finish it off with your heavy depending on ammo situation.


    I'll be arriving home from vacation some time late Friday night, but I'd be available for Saturday and itching to get my game on.

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