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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Nope, it's Team America World Police I'm thinking of. Both comedies, both involve the killing of North Korea's leader, mentioned by name, neither meant to be taken seriously. What's the difference? I don't remember the furor around Team America.

  2. My biggest problem with Megadeth isn't really the music, it's Dave's voice. I don't think he should sing. lol

    Understandable, I don't mind it, but I can see how it wouldn't be to everyone's liking. Geddy Lee is like that as well, lots of people hate his voice, but I quite like it.

    Rust in Peace and Countdown to Extinction I think are both incredible albums beginning to end. I find their other stuff very inconsistent.

  3. You know when the perfect time to play Destiny will be? After House of Wolves, when all the content is on the table, the Light level becomes a stationary target, attack values hit their ceiling, and just generally speaking, all the dust has settled. That's the perfect time to _start_ playing.

  4. Dark Below as I would've liked:

    New areas of the world to explore, preferably a new planet, but at least sizable new areas.

    Story missions that help flesh out your character, the factions, and why/how things are the way the are.

    More multiplayer maps, strikes, and a raid.

    Lots of new gear.

    Rotating inventory at all vendors.

    Revised loot system for Crucible.


    >Light level increases to 32, which can be attained through Crota's End Normal Mode raid gear and/or upgraded Exotic Gear.

    >Crota's End Normal mode maxes at level 31 enemies, and is perfectly doable by level 30 characters.

    >Light level of vendor armor remains as is.

    >Exotic Armor can be upgraded through Xur by completing bounties and then trading it in. Any piece can be upgraded at any time, he doesn't need to be offering it that week. The bounties should be difficult, along the lines of exotic weapon bounties. When complete, an additional upgrade path is tacked on to the end of your existing armor. Upgrading this last path takes loads of xp and is expensive, but uses the same materials we've been using right along.

    >Weapon attack values remain unchanged, so that we can focus on grinding new weapons instead of the same weapons over again.

    >Level 30 Nightfall, Weekly, and Daily activites are offered in addition to existing level 28 activities but with greater rewards and more difficult modifiers in addition to the higher level, making them ultra-hard.

    >The new content never _replaces_ the daily/weekly/nightfall activity, instead, it is offered as an alternative to people who bought the DLC. This alternative option is locked for people who did not.

    >Get rid of commendations.

    >Increase weekly mark limit to at least 150, preferably 200, so that we can buy a weapon after a week of grinding.

    >drastically increase size of vault.

    >Make vault accessible from orbit.

    >Provide matchmaking for ALL activities, and put in place a kick player feature like ME3, where if everyone votes to kick someone, they're gone and then replaced by someone else.



    I kind of strayed outside of just what I would want Dark Below to be, but you get the idea.


  5. Since we can't have an independent/third party president, I think the only way to keep things centered is to alternate left/right/left/right. Dems stay in power too long and taxes go up to pay for every kind of special program, Reps stay in power too long and they start legislating morality and looking for a war to fight.

  6. It makes me sad to see you guys blast through the content so fast that you then grow bored, but I knew it would happen.

    Personally, I wasn't bored, not at all. I still had normal mode VoG stuff I wanted and I had yet to even run VoG hard. I still had gear I was leveling, lots of exotics I didn't have. My problem now is one of discouragement, not boredom.

    //I've never played and MMO.

  7. Well, I'm back out on the ledge. I got invited to run Crota's End today and made it to the part before Crota. I even got a chestpiece. I didn't like it nearly as much as Vault of Glass, didn't really like it at all. My emotional reaction to getting the chestipiece: whatever. I don't like it, I don't want to wear it, but I have to if I want to keep up with everyone's light level and be able to partake in all the content. Fuck that. They are too many really, really good games out there to keep banging my head against this wall.


    So onto the PS3. Stopped reading discs, so I took it apart to clean the lens. That went smoothly enough, but when I put it back together it wouldn't even accept a disc. Great. I've taken it apart and reassembled several times now; I can't sort out what's going on with it. At least they're only $250 or less now. Looks like I'm in the market for a new PS3.

  8. And a great shame it is. "III Sides to Every Story" is easily in my top 10 albums of all time, it's just incredible, and got zero airplay. They have become defined by a song that represents only a tiny fraction of what they are.


    If you're interested in discovering Extreme's full range, listen to this:




    It is the the third "side" of III sides, the sides are "Yours", "Mine", and "The Truth". Three songs linked together musically and thematically about the most basic concepts of life. The first two sides have to do with politics, war, love, family, religion, etc. all from a neutral/questioning point of view. It's brilliant beginning to end. I promise, 21 minutes well spent.

  9. I'm Jason, just turned 39 years young. I'm an industrial engineer in Massasschusetts, it pains Chris greatly to like me due to my profession. I'm married with no kids and lots of pets: 2 retired racing greyhounds, 1 cat, 3 rats, 3 angora rabbits. I own lots of guitars but don't play nearly as much as I should and through a strange set of circumstances, I learned to crochet and quite enjoy it. I've had three gaming periods.

    1) Atari 2600 thru Commodore 64

    2) Super Nintendo thru PS1

    2.5) In college I enjoyed playing Doom, Quake, and Myst on my friends' PCs.

    3) PS3 thru present


    My third gaming phase started with CoD4: Modern Warfare and CoD was central to my gaming up until Black Ops 2, after which I had had enough. My all time favorite online shooter is Battlefield: Bad Company 2. My all time favorite multiplayer game is Mass Effect 3. Right now I'm knee deep in Destiny, but I've also played a wide variety of single player games (I refer you to my PPR for a complete list).

  10. I'm kinda in the same boat as Techno. The wife and I may buy something for "us" and my mom will get me a bunch of little things, but there's nothing I really want that I wouldn't just go out and buy. Christmas for me is about siting around my parents house with my wife and brother and two dogs. Eating cookies all day and drinking cocoa. 

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