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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. I actually prefer the Lord of the Rings films to the books. I find Tolkien to be too wordy and the books drag at times, becoming progressively more exciting as you go. Of the three, only the Return of the King was a can't stop page turner for me. I think Peter Jackson distilled the books down perfectly into a more concentrated form of awesome.


    My fear (again, I'm kind of speaking out my ass here because I haven't seen any of the Hobbit films, but hey, discussion is fun) with the Hobbit is the opposite of what you're suggesting Steve. I'm not worried that PJ changed the story or didn't stay true to the book, I'm worried that he stayed too true, not to the Hobbit, but to the peripheral stuff. The Hobbit is like a pamphlet, you can read it in a day. There's not enough there for three movies. But Tolkien wrote and wrote and wrote all kinds of history, lore, fables, myth, short stories, sketches, poems and on and on. Stuff that never appeared in any proper book, but published as a view into the history and lore of middle earth. That stuff wasn't in the books because it wasn't good enough, or didn't belong. So why is PJ bringing it in the movies?


    Again, speaking out my ass. I may end up finding them to be the best things ever.

  2. I love, LOVE the LotR movies, watched all the extended cuts as well as Pete Jackson commentary. I have not seen the Hobbit yet, but when I first heard that it was going to be three movies, I couldn't even comprehend it.


    The Lord of the Rings in total is about 1,400 pages.

    The Hobbit, less than 300.


    So they took a story nearly 5 times shorter and made a series of movies of roughly the same length...  :mellow:


    Now my brother who is incapable of criticizing anything Peter Jackson does (along with Christoper Nolan and Kevin Smith) says oh but they include all the stuff from the appendices. Have you read the appendices Joe? No. 


    I have, and I've read the Silmarillion. The vast majority of this material is not movie worthy. So consider me extremely skeptical.

  3. I actually find the art style its most appealing feature. lol


    I'm playing BL2 at the moment and I played BL1. I put them in the good, but not great category of games. Hector loves them to pieces. So you've got love to hate and everything in between covered. You probably won't know if it's for you unless you play them. I like the art style, I like the humor and I like the gameplay. What I don't like is that the missions and enemies all feel samey same after a while, though this is a problem that plagues most FPS games I've played. The plot is also pretty thin, particularly the first one, BL2 has some twists and turns but you have to play quite a while before you get to said twists and turns. The class you choose will also have a big impact on your enjoyment. In BL2 I found Assassin nigh unplayable, but I quite like the Gunzerker. Haven't tried the other two.


    That ramble probably doesn't help you much does it?

  4. Whoa, whoa, let's back this truck up. A Michael Bay film given props for a good plot? This has to be a first. xD



    Watched Captain America: The first Avenger and Thor. They were ok; I was entertained. Best movie I've seen in the past year is easily The Last of Us. I'm not trying to be cute either.

  5. I'm 50/50 like Sennex. Well, I guess I lean towards against, but I don't feel very strongly about it. I see where it could go south and cause some tension between individuals, but I like to think we're better than that. Personally, I give stuff to friends and sell stuff on ebay—don't like mixing business and family. "Don't ask me about my business Kay"



    That said, you should check out this fantastic deal.

  6. Weeeellll, I woke this morning,

    Had a stroke of my duck,

    Well, I woke up this morning

    Had a stroke of my duck,

    Saw this pretty girl out walking

    Thought I'd try my luck

    I said " Hey, hey baby, you wanna kiss my duck's beak?"

    I said " Hey, hey baby, you wanna kiss my duck's beak?"

    She stared me in the eye

    Ans slapped me across the cheek



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