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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. You get to be the Gotdamned Batman!


    But seriously, the stories are linear in that you have to accomplish X before doing Y, but in that regard GTA is Linear, so is Assassins Creed, and a ton of other games. You basically get a Sandbox environment and then you choose what to do and when to advance the story.


    For the real Batman is amazing experience, you should try it out on "Easy" mode. Anything else is annoying once you get to the badguys with guns sections.


    I didn't enjoy Asylum nearly as much as City. Origins was fucking horrible to be honest.


    City is just badassed all around

    So apparently my problem with the Batman games is that I play them on hard, because I find them more annoying than enjoyable.  :wacko:


    Question for the Batman experts, is his cringeworthy dialogue an essential part of the comic book character? Arkham City had some real groaners in it. Like, almost physically painful dialogue.

  2. I got nothin'. Sounds almost like an old-school dot matrix printer. Based on just the noise, I say it has something to do with the mechanisms that draw in and spin the disc, but doesn't seem like that fits with what you've observed.

  3. I can't watch either of them anymore. Why did it have to be cancelled?

    I mean honestly

    I know, sheds tear for Wash

    But Zoe voices the Warlock Vanguard chick and Mal voices the Hunter Vanguard guy. "Wish I could be there with you, but I can't". So we've got that, right? Right? :(

  4. Didn't we already assume this? I'm sure there's a way to get one to spawn on that far off platform just after the jumping puzzle. I'm also sure it requires some incredibly difficult and arbitrary requirements. Like you have to get the first secret chest to spawn by preventing the templar from teleporting, you have to let three vex sacrfice themselves on the left conflux, no one in the party can die, one minotaur has to be killed be being punched to death by three Titans while blinded inside a bubble of blinding, the third Gorgon on the right must then be killed using 5 Corrective Measures and 1 Bad Juju, once dead, the gorgon will birth a miniaturized Phogoth named Phigit that has 57 thousand million hit points, he is to be led to the jumping puzzle and pushed off the ledge, this is why the pushing mechanic exists in the first place, as he plummets to his doom his bowels release in fear which allows a ancient ghost to escape from his colon. In gratitdue, this ghost will transmat a chest on the aforementioned sacred mountain. It will only stay for 90 seconds, which isn't enough time for anyone to make there, and even if you did, it contains only 2 Ascendent Energies. Thanks for playing Destiny.

  5. They listen, but it's not like they're going to invest a lot of time and money fixing the things that people don't like about Destiny. If anything, they'll build those improvements into Destiny 2 rather than rework a game that is already written and which has already brought in most of the cash it's going to.


    Everyone who has hit the proverbial wall should play something else for a while and then reevaluate how they feel about Destiny. $.02

  6. I think Ryan's point, and I agree, is that he is the face of Bungie to the community rather than the face of the community to Bungie. In reality, he's both, but whenth he interacts with the community he tries to put the best possible spin on everything Bungie does. The community wants to feel like they have someone on their side, who will fight aggressively for their interests. Deej does not install that confidence. He comes across as a Bungie stooge, which is probably not his fault, I'm sure he's doing what his managers want him to do.

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