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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Wow, while there is obviously many unknown facts, this seems to be a large serving of weaksauce on Bungie's part. On multiple levels, I feel like Bungie disrespected me and what makes it most maddening, is that it all seems so unnecessary.



    //By the way, your sig, too awesome.

  2. I think most of the people bitching about Xur selling Red Death, probably have Red Death and they're sad that they won't be a special snowflake anymore.

    Remember the ol' MW2 days. If you were 10th prestige, you were Lord Balls, if someone else was, they were a hacker or a no life basement dweller.

  3. My problem with Mass Effect 3's ending, by Jason Wilson.


    What is Mass Effect all about? Yeah, killing the Reapers, saving the galaxy, blah, blah, blah. That's the plot. What are the overarching themes of Mass Effect? What are the ideas and concepts that drive the narrative? There are a bunch: racism, artificial intelligence, genetic modification, and so on. But there is one, that to me anyway, stands above all others. For me, Mass Effect is a tale about the power of teamwork. It is about accepting each other's differences and embracing the unique talents that each individual brings to the table. It's about believing in each other and the cause and persevering in the face of overwhelming odds. It is about Shepard's ability to bring out the best in people and to bring them together, to accomplish what no single person ever could. There are two trophies in Mass Effect 2 that summarize it perfectly: "Against All Odds" and "No One Left Behind"


    Which brings us to my problem with the ending of the series. It all comes down to: we can't do it through teamwork, we can't do it at all, we need the Prothean's tech and a star child to do it for us. Shepard makes the final choice, but it doesn't have to be him. It could have been anyone or no one who makes the final choice with zero change in the outcome. All that matters is that in the end, teamwork, loyalty, and friendship aren't enough to get it done. And that my friends, flies in the face of everything the Mass Effect series is about right up to that final moment.

  4. Why do you care? You despise the game, we get that, but if other people are still enjoying it, why does that bother you?

    I'm not trying to be confrontational, I'm just legitimately puzzled why people feel the need to bash what others enjoy.



    I'm not taking anything personally. It's just an honest question. I don't even check the subforums of games I'm not inteterested in. Everybody has a right to their opinions. Like I said, I'm just curious what the point is of taking a swipe at the game and the people who like it. Why bother wasting any of your time on it?

    I don't despise it at all; I feel sad more than anything else. Nor does it bother me that people still enjoy it. I was just busting balls man, although I honestly do think some of you would benefit from taking a Destiny break.


    As for why I would frequent the forum of a game I don't play... I frequent any forum where people I'm interested in are having a conversation, the topic doesn't matter, the participants do. Consider also everything you know about me and how I feel about this community, and ask yourself if you really think my intention was to take a swipe at my friends? 


    Now, way back in the day, MK UL7RA would absoutly shit on Bad Company 2 just to piss me off. He'd also poop on PS3 to get a rise out of people. I never much cared for him. There, I said it. xD

  5. I think I need Raid gear to hit level 32 at this point.


    Be Legend


    leg·end (lĕj′ənd)


    1a) An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.

    1b) A body or collection of such stories.


    2a) A renowned Guardian of the City who has dedicated their lives to pushing back the darkness, but who is otherwise indistinguishable from all the other upper echelon Guardians.

    2b) A max level Guardian; requires upgraded raid gear from the most recent DLC.

  6. For me, Alien told the whole story. Aliens was a really solid action movie with some classic Bill Paxton, but it could have just as easily taken place on some other world with some other alien enemy. It did bring some closure though to the original movie since those pods were still out there. Three to me felt like a forced and out of place money grab, haven't seen the others.


    Take your creative energy and come up with something new because the movie that best told the Alien story is Alien, and no other film will ever do a better job.

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