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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. You should've seen me last night, just staring at the Crucible vendor's inventory and its lack of Lord High Fixer, trying to will it into stock. Looking for the "Inventory refresh in XX:XX". I even went to the Gunsmith to verify where the inventory refresh timer is and what it looks like, then I went back to the Crucible vendor and checked again. Nope. For fuck's sake. You expect me to exchange my Lord High Fixer for this pellet gun you call a Hand Canon? Fuck Off. I was so incredibly disappointed.


    I can almost swallow all the other issues, but man, that sucked the wind right out of my sails. The situation would be slightly better if you could equip multiple exotics, at least in PvE. Then you could run Thorn/The Last Word along with Ice Breaker, but the way it is, if you run an exotic primary, you're going to be constantly switching it out because Ice Breaker is so damn indispensable. Exotic primaries are a borderline hindrance (not that I want them to nerf Ice Breaker).


    This game has so much potential and I want to play with you guys, but last night I was left with this feeling of just not even wanting to play anymore. I switched over to Injustce: Gods Among Us and once again failed to block 5 consecutive attacks in the fucking TUTORIAL. To rub insult into injury, my PS3 seems to have stopped reading discs and I still have a mountain of games or it. FML.


    So what's next...

    1) Diagnose the issue with my PS3.

    2) Give Destiny one more try, but fuck the new guns. If I can't get it done with the weapons I enjoy using or I'm still not feeling it, then I'm walking away forever and not looking back.

  2. That's it guys, I'm out. I've completely lost the passion I once had for this game and all that's left is apathy.


    They've taken the Raid gear I worked so hard for and made it utterly irrelevant, inferior to what can be bought at any vendor.


    They've taken away content I once had access to until I finish the shitty Eris story missions, and what they've done to people who didn't buy the dlc is even worse.


    They've taken the exotics I worked to upgrade and set them back to zero for no reason at all except to force me to play they're game more despite its lack of things to do. Grinding is fine, grinding the same pieces of gear over and over is not.


    They've nerfed my favorite weapons, like the Lord High Fixer and given me no avenue to upgrade them or buy new ones. The Hand Canons being sold by the Crucible and Vanguard vendors are rubbish compared to the Lord High Fixer and Devil You Know.


    All the wonderful guns from the Vault of Glass have been nerfed in comparison to the new higher attack value weapons.


    They've nerfed their own content. There's hardly any point to running the Vault of Glass now which is an absolute shame, because it's a ton of fun. But good luck finding a group of six people who want to run it just for fun's sake.


    They've made it clear that we're supposed to become attached to our guardians, we're supposed to grow together as player and character. But what they've failed to understand is that our guardians are not defined by our face at the tower, a couple exotics, and a shader. Our guardians are defined buy the sum total of all our favorite gear, and with this expansion, they've taken the gear that we've grown attached to and made it worthless. Perhaps they think we'll enjoy they're new loot and forget about the old, but to do such is in essence asking us not to become attached to what makes our guardians who they are. Herein lies the hypocrisy.


    I feel betrayed and I'm left neither sad nor angry, but apathetic. I feel nothing for Destiny anymore, I feel nothing for Bungie. It's time to move on.

  3. Ohhh, I forgot about Tuesday reset. Derp. That said, I think that day should be all about trying to do the hardest shit. HM VoG and Crota's End. Stuff that could potentially take several hours to complete.

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