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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. I believe he's simply saying that one party will always try to show the other party in the worst light no matter what the actual truth is. At least that's my take on it. Both parties do it to each other.

    Of course, but there's only two possible options here. Let the Republicans sweep it under the rug. Or let the Dems shine the light on it and then the Republicans and CIA can refute. At least it's out there now and hopefully the back and forth debate will get us closer to the truth.
  2. I have mixed feelings about this on the one hand a terrorist shit head probably deserves to have his balls tied to a camel and get pulled around the town square. On the other hand, I feel like we're supposed to be better than this. That not resorting to barbarism is what makes us the "good" guys. I don't know, haven't given it a ton of thought, but my initial gut response is that we as a civilized nation need to be above this.

  3. My problem with every album AFTER the final cut is that it is really no longer Pink Floyd.



    @Jsin - I never really got into guitarists when I was younger. Now though I really pay attention to play styles and passion. I used to think that Eddie Van Halen was a god. Now, I think he is a really good technical player, but the dude has zero soul for music from what I hear.


    Marty Friedman - Dude! He never got the credit he deserved from Mega Dave! Don't get me wrong I love MegaDeth, but Mega Dave is a dickhole and he burns his guitarists out.


    Yngwie Malmsteen (Sp) - Give him a try - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yngwie_Malmsteen

    I actually really like Marty, the solo from Tornado of Souls stills slays me. Perhaps I chose bad examples, but my larger point was as I've grown older I've started admiring musicality much more than virtuosity.


    Now just need to make some time to listen to music, not enough hours in the day man.




    @Plumber - I had already seen that video, but I agree completely, chills all over.

  4. Epic post Bart, just epic, and exactly the kind of I was looking for to figure where to go next with their catalog. Thanks for that.



    I'll have to report back with my listening results, but everyone please share your stories, your favorite songs, what they mean to you, even critical musical analysis, whatever.



    As a guitarist, David Gilmour has rocketed to the top of my short short list in recent years. When I was young, I was into all the shredders and metal: Jason Becker, Marty Friedman, Metallica, Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai etc. I thought Jimmi Hendrix was a talentless hack. I just wasn't mature enough yet to understand the finer points of musicianship and musicality. Now I can't even really stand to listen to those guys.

  5. Activision are greedy bastards, they'll get their due in the end. I don't really blame Bungie for this, but they have to take the brunt of the criticism. It is what it is, I still love the game, I've gotten my money's worth and then some from the normal game, now I'll get my money's worth from the expansion. 



    I think if Activision put their customer first and strived for expansive, engaging, technically sound games, they'd make more money in the long run. How many potential Destiny players did they lose because of all the (largely justified) negative press? They've already tarnished a brand that shot out of the gate with so much good feelings and excitement. 

  6. Kyle brother, it's the same shit every year. Do we need a CoD intervention where we all show up at your house, take your CoD discs and force you to play Destiny? If you want that competitive something, the PvP is actually fun and there's nothing as thrilling as your first successful Raid. Now I just need that elusive hard mode raid...


    You won't be way behind, I just started a Titan couple weeks ago and he's almost right there with everyone else and for PvP, level doesn't even matter

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