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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. I bought C0D4:MW for the PS3 recently as a change from Ghosts before Destiny dropped and it was quite good fun. I'd be up for that say once a month.

    Weekend would be good when our afternoon/evening is your lunchtime/afternoon

    It's hacked all to hell, totally unplayable IMO, as is WaW and MW2. Black Ops is the farthest back we can go.
  2. Honestly, I cannot say a single good thing about this game. The sound sucks, the graphics suck, the menus suck, the gameplay sucks, the lag sucks, the guns suck, the nades suck, the perks suck, the maps suck, the music sucks, the community sucks, the mute options suck... I wish I were exaggerating, but there is not a single facet of this game that is better than say MW3. It's a huge step backwards and is without a doubt the final nail in the coffin.

  3. Would anyone be interested in a weekly or monthly retro game night, where we agree on some older title and have a go at it? I'm mostly thinking of older CoD games or Zombies, but everything is on the table. I know some guys used to have fun playing Shoot Many Robots.

  4. You get 2 or 3 shards for dismantling legendary/exotic gear. Upgrading it may help, but honestly, it seems random to me. I've upgraded and gotten two shards and bought dismantled straight away and gotten three.

    Raid takes 90 minutes give or take depending on your group's gear and raid experience. When are you usually on?

  5. Raid will get you a lot of ascendant materials. Having multiple characters helps a lot. I've bought at least a half dozen exotic armor bits from Xur and sharded them. It just takes time.

    A second character of the same class will help more than anything else IMO.

  6. So....Raid Thursday? 9pm GMT start/4pm Central? I think we have...



    Stretch (i think?)

    Anyone else available? Btw i would have done this on the calendar but I've noticed not many take a look at it now....

    I think it would be 3pm central, 4pm eastern. I could do 5pm eastern for sure, 4pm possibly, I can try to pull some strings.
  7. I played the first mission and thought it typical of the genre's lackluster campaigns. If I'm excruciatingly bored, I'll play some more of it. The only CoD campaign I thought I was any good at all was CoD4, it's been all downhill from there.

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