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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Won't matter eitherway I won't be getting one!

    Nice of them to cater to the pub stomp channels.

    It amazes me that more people don't talk about this. CoD is specfically designed so that better players can wipe the floor with all the casuals like a herd of three-legged sheep. And yet... the cattle keep coming back for more in the vain hope of one day becoming the wolf.

  2. Jump up then hit R2 for Ground Smash, the Relic's most powerful attack. Other than that, keep your teammates cleansed. Number one bit of advice is that when teleported to Venus side, one extra person needs to help dispatch the Praetorian ASAP, the relic holder cannot do it alone. If either of the Oracle killers has the super up, they should just smoke the Praetorian straight away and then go back to shooting oracles.


    Don't try to congregate on the center platform, too risky to have people fall off. Congregate just behind the center platform, directly in front of the door you came in. With about 3 seconds remaining with Time of Vengeance, the home team just needs to move forward, the away team can stay right where they are.

  3. Xur has smiled upon the Owl. I was hoping to get the Voidfang Vestments. Now I can easily switch between it and Heart of the Praxic Fire for Voidwalker and Sunsinger. I might pick up the Crest of Alpha Lupi too, just because Wolf, fuck yeah.

    Ffs I've been waiting for the souros and I only have 12 coins :(

    How is this possible? I spent 26 strange coins last week and I'm back up to 57. Have you done the weekly heroic strike yet? There's 9 coins right there if you do it on lvl 28. Do it with two characters and boom, 18 coins. The Nightfall will occasionally give a stack of coins as well. You can also hammer the Tiger Strike playlist for blue engram's, Rahool will turn some of them into coins.
  4. well hell, I just hit 9, so its gonna be a while

    If you want help powering through missions, hit me up, otherwise I patiently await your ascendance.

    You don't need to be 28, once you get to 26 we can start carrying you along on lvl 28 stories and strikes. That'll help you rack up the shards to get to 28.

  5. It seems like Sunday starting at 10pm EDT (eastern daylight time) works for:

    Owl, Sheez, Tommy, and Chris with possibly Gary. Please confirm or deny guys.

    Friday night is getting mixed signals. Lee and Owl are on board, Gary after 10:30pm UK, but it's a bit late for Sam and no for Dave.

    How about we try another Saturday session at 3pm EDT / 8pm BST.

  6. That's fine with me, so long as anyone else has no issues. I didn't know you'd been spreading the word!

    The one i got today was Berndguggi(?). I'll accept and see how it goes

    Don't recognize that name, but like I said, I've been openly advertising us.
  7. I've been actively recruiting people there. Today for instance I got a nibble from a chap named darthraynaldo, 43 years old, seems like a good dude. I tell them all to come here, but if they opt to go through the bungie group, that's fine. I wouldn't turn anyone away. I'd say add 'em and then start working on getting them to come here. If they turn out to be shitheads, we kick 'em.


    What are the usernames?

  8. I've now got (or will shortly) three characters to raid and nightfall with. Everyone else (except Hector) needs to get with the program. I want to do that shit thrice a week, and not with randoms.

    The easiest thing to do is just make a second character of the same class as your primary character. You can then share your armor and have two level 28 characters without dropping a single shard.

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