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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Man, if I have to work in old titles, this is gonna be a challenge...

    • Heavy Rain
    • The Last of Us
    • Demon's Souls )*(
    • Dark Souls )*(
    • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed )*(
    • Final Fantasy VII
    • Mass Effect 2 )*(
    • Valkyria Chronicles
    • The Legend of Zelda
    • Metroid
    I don't know, it's really hard to compare more recent games to ones I played 20+ years ago.
  2. That's an interesting theory, smells of truthiness. The problem is, if they wanted PvP to carry the game, then they needed to make PvP a hell of lot better than it is, starting with the atrocious matchmaking and abysmal net code. I really don't see the point of PvP, there's nothing to unlock, no advancement, no incentive to win other than pride and 15 rep.


    I'm disappointed in the amount of PvE content, but I've still got plenty to do for the time being. Just got my Hunter to level 28, so now I have two characters to do Nightfalls and Raids with.

  3. Yeah, that's how you do it.


    My biggest take away from that is on the Venus side, one of the other players in addition to the relic holder helped kill the Praetorian right at the start, including using supers on him. It's too much for the relic holder to take care of all the enemies on that side. It also helps that none of them ever glitched going through the gate. Why vault hate me?

  4. I already dismantled raid boots, lol, as I get more I'll just chuck it in the vault and level it up on the side. When it's eventually maxed out, I'll pop it on, raid, and switch back to my normal armor.

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