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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Thoughts and observations on my first Vault of Glass run.

    First, it was a fucking blast, even though it kept me up way past my bedtime.

    Second, the inside Gate team has a much easier job than the outside team. The weakest offensive players should be the ones teleporting. There should also be an inside gate team captain who keeps an eye on the timer and makes sure the inside gate team moves back before the teleportation happens.

    Third, never ever ever open a fucking chest until everyone is there!!

    Fourth, ideally, we have a crystal clear delineation of responsibilities. For example, I should know going in:

    Part 1, I’m center plate

    Part 2a, I’m left side, focus on oracles

    Part 2b, I’m relic holder

    Part 3a, I’m inside left gate team

    Part 3b, I’m center minotaur duty

    Part 3c, I’m inside teleport team, focus on oracles.

    If each of us clearly knew our role at each phase and didn’t have to think or worry about what anyone else was doing, it would go much, much smoother.

    Fifth, for the Oracle part of the Templar battle, we should have three teams of two, left, right, and center. One person’s job is solely to kill ads, the other person helps with ads but focuses on oracles. We kept having issues with people grouped up, not spread out enough.

    Sixth, I personally think it would be good to have one person as the designated commander, who can issue orders when necessary to help keep the confusion down and respond more quickly to a fluid situation. If we were to do this, I nominate jSyn as a Vault of Glass General. He has an excellent “battlefield” presence and seems to me at least to be a pillar of calm in the middle of the shit storm.

    Seventh, never ever ever open a fucking chest until everyone is there!!

  2. Loot chests are always spawning randomly. The Gold Chests are in fixed locations and stay there until collected. Every character gets their own set of gold chests. You get mission rewards the first time you complete a story mission but never again unless it's a daily heroic. (You didn't use to get rewards for the daily heroic but I thought they patched it, could be wrong on that one though.)

    You always get stuff for strikes and raids.

  3. Alright you sorry gaggle of turds, we ain't doin' this if our shit isn't wire tight.

    First of all, what's your class and level, post it right fucking now. Then we'll form teams. We will get this sorted before anyone heads into orbit, because I'm not staying up until 2:00am while we scramble around like blind mice in a burning building.

    //tough love <3

  4. God damn you America! I assume the times on there are local to me.

    And why is my icon two baseball players?

    Edit: or three? What the hell...

    I set it so that it shows times local to the user. I deliberately put that Saturday VoG there for the UK folks, just to kick start discussion.
  5. OK, we can change this as we go, but here's what I propose.



    First and most importantly, if this is going to have any chance of working, we all need to use it!!

    Second, there is no account or sign in necessary to use the calendar, you just need the link I will provide below.



    How the calendar should be used:

    There are currently two "calendars", they are PS4 Destiny #1 and PS4 Destiny #2. If we were to expand to other games and/or systems, I would add the necessary calendars. The #2 calendar is only for situations where two different events overlap, otherwise, just use calendar #1.


    If there is something already on the calendar that you want to be a part of, do the following:

    • Open the event and adjust the time if necessary. You can push back a start time, or pull in the end time. In other words, as long as your times fit inside the times already there, you're good, adjust them accordingly.
    • Add your name to the comment section, perhaps your class and level too if you want.
    • In the title, add one to the number on the left. So if you're the second person to join a three person event, you should change the title from 1/3 to 2/3. When something is 3/3 or 6/6, everyone else will know that the event is full.

    If you would like to add a new event:

    • Use calendar #1 unless it is going to overlap an existing event, in which case, use calendar #2.
    • In the title, put the type of event and either 1/3 or 1/6.
    • Make the time window as wide as possible so your odds of linking up with someone are better.
    • In the comments, put your name and any other info you think helpful.
    • Wait for other people to join your event!

    If there is an event already on the calendar, but you would like to change something about it, either moving the time outside the current window or changing the nature of the event itself. Simply write your proposal in the comments and stick a '?' in the title. You can also ask right here in this very thread.





    The link to the calendar:


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