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Posts posted by JsinOwl

  1. Care to elaborate? I'm finding it a bit rough going but hoping it is to do with being the first day

    It’s not the game or the community, I’m just done with that whole scene. I’ll probably give Battlefront a go, but I cannot picture myself ever buying another CoD or Battlefield game. On second thought, I'll say that it’s partly the game and the trend towards increased complexity in CoD. I prefer simple, clean mechanics, simple loadouts, and lots of weapons with individual character. Advanced Warfare fails in every respect to meet my preferences. If CoD4 wasn’t overrun with hackers I’d probably still play it, because it’s the pinnacle of the franchise as far as I’m concerned. MW2 was fun but broken in so many ways. I think I’d rate them:

    1) CoD4

    2) MW3

    3) MW2

    4) BO2

    5) BO1

    6) AW

    WaW, Ghosts did not play.

  2. Don't worry Dave, nobody cares about kills in domination.

    You mean except for the 80% of the CoD community made up of obnoxious, squeaky-voiced, grandma raping, fag obsessed, teat suckling, shit for brains, dill holes?

  3. Suddenly a return to Destiny looks appealing! :(

    lol. She's waiting for you with open arms, not like CoD that'll stick in a knife in your back while shaking hands and saying "how do you do?". Not too bloody good with your dagger in my spine mate.

  4. Good call Steve. No matter how careful you try to be in these discussions, there's no getting around the fact that me saying I believe in X implies that you're beliefs in Y are wrong. People tend to get agitated when foundation of they're existence gets assaulted.



    Adam, the world is filled with shitheads. They exist on the far left, far right and everywhere in-between. Some groups get themselves organized and make more of ruckus, but they're really no different than all the other shitheads. Best thing to do is ignore them completely and if they get violent, well... somtimes you need to kick some ass.

  5. We need to get more people up to speed with the relic, so I'm to write up a brief guide of sorts, but for starters who is comfortable with using it already?

    Jason (owl)





    Bradical (not a member yet but I'm working on him)

    Who else

  6. Sword of Crota is a great analogy, makes wielding the relic seem less intimidating. I'm comfortable using it, but as a Voidwalker and with bonus Oracle damage I feel I'm better suited to busting minotaurs and orbs.

    Ideally, you have four players competent with the relic, so no matter who teleports someone knows what they're doing.

  7. Patience and time sounds good but would it replace Ice Breaker? Probably not for me

    Didn't get Voidfang last time round as the grenade it modifies isn't the one i use on my Voidwalker class. I like the statis affect on the grenade as it creates a barrier between me and the enemy as well as the damage. Maybe it'd be a good PvP exotic?

    Whenever Arc Burn is active or versus Arc Shields it would be the better option. I think I'm going to pick it up. Seems a touch better than my Epitaph-2261. Though the Epitaph causes enemies to go boom when killed with precision damage, so I'm conflicted as to which is the better Arc sniper. P&T can also be upgraded to a 6 round mag where Epitaph has only 4.

    Someone give me a compelling reason one way or the other.

    Think I'll also get some chest armor to shard and an exotic engram to shard.

    Edit: Hector gives a pretty compelling reason, I'll get it.

  8. Just FYI, they're four hours ahead only until clocks change this Sunday, then it's back to the usual 5 hour difference between GMT and EST

    /and daylight saving time is ending, not kicking in. :P

    //pet peeve, referring to eastern time as EST when it's actually EDT.

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