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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. I'm really surprised at the amount of attachments that have severe negative aspects to them - so many seem to have 1 or two positive and 4 negative and just two attachments with the same negative can severely impact your gun. Even if you unlock all the attachments and customise your gun entirely, 99% of the time you are simply negating the benefits so much so, it's the same has having one attachment when actually having 5. I ran two attachments that reduced by ADS time on an AR yesterday and it literally made the gun unusable. Actually better off not running any at all aside from a sight it seems.
  2. Oh blimey! I knew I went on a tear but I didn't think it was that much. Got off to a nightmare start too! I've had shit lobbies ever since though so maybe it wasn't such a good idea..
  3. I'm getting increasingly irritated at the unlock system plus there is way too much attachment bloat. It's silly that I have to level up a gun in one category to unlock an attachment in something completely different. Also the interface is making what is already an extremely convoluted system even more confusing. They've streamlined the camo which is great but they they go and do this!? It doesn't make sense. Also the camo unlock interface is bloody horrendous - hard to see what's unlocked and locked plus you have to scroll for an hour just to go to the final page. Some design decisions have to be attributed to developers smoking some weird substances when making this game.
  4. Got my first nuke today - called the MGB or something. Wasn't really paying attention or even going for it so I don't know what the requirements are for it. I was on a fairly long streak that's all I know
  5. Jazz JackRabbit 2 Collection FREE on GOG Jazz Jackrabbit 2 Collection on GOG.com WWW.GOG.COM JAZZ IS BACK! The nefarious turtle, Devan Shell, has built a time machine as part of a d
  6. Amsterdam hotel could take legal action over appearance in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM The five-star Conservatorium Hotel doesn't appreciate being the scene of countless virtual gunfights. Pretty big cock up by Activision if they've done all this without permissions. The race track map was touch and go whether it was gonna even appear as all pre-release marketing material was pulled. It may still not remain. The museum map (another real world location) has also gone walkies.
  7. It's almost like they didn't finish designing it🤣 Shockingly bad map and the spawns are completely broken on that too. I swear the museum map is missing from the full release as I haven't played on it once yet. Even the hotel one I've only done once.
  8. Oh and another thing that really needs changing is the post-match unlock screen. It’s some sick irony that the one bloody thing you actually want as a Windows 8-type panel layout is the only thing that isn’t. Making it look like a battle pass is so tacky - some corpo brainlet has designed it this way as some sort of trendy enticement but actually it acts as a horrible deterrent for people who just want basic information. Gimme a wall of my unlocks, even multiple pages will do - just so I can clearly see. It’s bad enough that your unlocks i.e perks, attachments don’t have a ‘new’ notification which disappears once you’ve at least highlighted or selected the new item. Tracking each thing manually by memory or one-by-one is just inconvenient and frustrating. it all ties in with the interface as I’ve already mentioned but it just goes to show how so many glaring UI and UX features are missing. This feedback was huge in the beta and it should’ve been a simple user-friendly inclusion as we’ve had in every COD.
  9. Another thing I forgot to mention is the spawns - on some maps they are utterly horrendous. On the race track map which is actually quite big, I've sometimes spawned literally in front of enemies who are already shooting someone else. I also managed to kill the same guy 3 times in 7 seconds on another map!
  10. Yet Activision are happy to host convicted cheaters in their tournaments and events because they have a big viewership base or tits🤣
  11. I'm kinda in two minds - in terms of gameplay, it's pretty decent with solid and more grounded mechanics. I was getting sick and tired of Treyarch's knee sliding and corner jumping propped up by SMG's and being able to run 18 perks. The Warzone sweats may be upset but it's for the good of the wider COD audience. Aside from a couple of truly woeful maps, they are all reasonably playable albeit nothing special plus I'm a little disappointed with the lack of terrain variety. On the whole though, the gameplay is solid enough and despite people playing in very annoying ways. I am really shocked at the lack of missing staple features with no explanation to their current omission. There's also some bugs which have caused crashes plus the interface is an absolute disgrace. I just wish they would do the work in-house instead of sourcing shitty media employees off LinkedIn with their corporate waffle trying to over-complicate simple things. I also don't think it's as refined as MW2019 in some areas but at least more thought has gone into the core design this time. Whoever designed the border crossing map should be jailed though.
  12. No challenges, no camo stat tracking, no leaderboards, no after action report, no combat record, no XP token time tracking, no hardcore mode, plus more These are basic staple features.
  13. There's also a new contender for the worst map in COD history.
  14. Game is definitely less refined than MW2019. Interface is a catastrophic mess - it doesn't even tell you what XP tokens you have currently activated for instance. Everything else seems completely and unnecessarily bloated. This is what happens when you hire TV streaming clowns when it could be done in-house through common sense. The rest of the maps seem absolute garbage - haven't seen a spec of snow or anything - it's all South American/Middle Eastern terrains which fits the campaign but doesn't provide any variety. The weapon unlock and progression system just limits customisation too. Cold War was definitely way more polished than this although not technically as impressive.
  15. The didn't even check that he was dead after all that either! Really uninspired and outdated boss fight overall. We've already seen a similar boss battle in 1998's Metal Gear Solid with Vulcan Raven where you challenge a tank in the snow surrounded by hidden Claymores and have to aim the C4 or grenades in the turret hole. I also refuse to believe that a tiny bit of C4 in MWII battle could destroy a tank like that especially when it barely makes an explosion.
  16. 6/10 on IGN Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Single-Player Review - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’s campaign is a lackluster follow-up to its refined predecessor, saved by its best-in-class shooting.
  17. You can also just select the individual missions in the campaign menu along with the difficulty which is handy for filling in any leftover achievements without having to go through the whole game again.
  18. Haha you got away lightly! The boss fight was a pain when it works - getting shot to shit by a tank in front and then spawning enemies behind whist you're desperately running round trying to locate orange toolboxes with conveniently placed C4 in them. I think it took 4 hits and 4 enemy waves including armoured ones plus you had ensure the C4 was down and not only hope the tank went over it but time the detonation right. the buildings don't provide much cover either.
  19. Just put it on the lowest difficulty setting - you can literally takedown the 3 enemies in the alley with melee and not die the AI is that bad. There are ways to do it on veteran but it requires lots of research, luck and patience plus collecting crucial crafting items.
  20. Modern Warfare II Campaign (2022)
  21. Did your tank stay still Phil? Mine was driving round all the buildings and you had to intercept/lure it into the C4 after fending off a wave of 4-8 enemies after each successful it. There was quite a few random bugs - mission 3 I couldn't get on the barge and the Chicago level I couldn't even reload my weapon at one point. I can't believe the big showpiece was me running around a skyscaper armed with a briefcase and some booby traps🤣
  22. What also shocked me is it takes literally 12 missions before you actually have a level where you can run and gun without having some on-rails gimmicky event dominating the mission. Even then, the next mission after that is a stealth+crafting one which was utterly painful. Also got sick and tired with the amount of enemies that wear body armour in the very few missions where you're actually shooting - the developers literally have a hard-on for Warzone fodder nonsense in this game. The tank boss battle was also hilariously bad - you wouldn't see this amateur garbage design even in Call of Duty 3. The oil rig mission that I was really looking forward to turned out to be nothing more than musical chairs with cargo containers too! Every time I get to a new mission and think this looks interesting it turns out to be nothing more than rage-inducing trash with some tacked on garbage mechanic or infuriating combat encounters with bullet-sponge enemies. The checkpoint system is also a joke - on some missions it saves literally every 15 seconds even if you're just about to be shot and on the worst missions you can be set back many minutes of torture.
  23. I just did the convoy mission and it's probably the worst mission I have ever played in the franchise. Far too drawn-out, repetitive and boring plus the whole thing is practically on-rails. The premise is ridiculous too - agent gets captured by most the most feared terrorists and you and your team of 4 manage to capture her back the very next day battling 40 vehicles, helicopters, mines, drones and a tank literally. The upside-down section was also laughable and served no enjoyment. Despite the visuals impressing, the gameplay is almost rooted into 2007 and feels even more conceptually archaic but this time with the most horrendous level design and writing imaginable. I've heard there's a worse missions after this too which really doesn't bode well. I was gonna play a few missions tonight but this one has ruined me mentally.
  24. There’s some really bizarre mission design choices. The most ridiculous level I’ve done so far was the AC130 one where you and your team are tasked with capturing a known terrorist whilst providing Overwatch support - this resulting in the deaths of about 50 suspected assailants, wiping out an entire compound and then destroying a village. All this to capture the person, interrogate him in a desert at night with the usual chit-chat for 2 minutes and then letting him go because of not having any evidence!? It’s almost a TLOU2 standard of error-strewn amateur writing. The mission after that begins with some promise although it painfully tries to mimic/tribute All Ghillied Up and then deteriorates into you raiding buildings with about 10 enemies in each but despite being on your own to do this and the bases being on high alert, the 30 or so enemies are too scared to confront you head on as you easily wipe them out from above. Also Price just leaves you to your own devices without any logic - not that the AI provide any meaningful help in any mission. Don’t think I’ve played a mission yet that isn’t let down by shocking AI, archaic design or incredibly frustrating gameplay issues.
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