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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Seems to be a very convoluted situation The GoldenEye Re-Releases are a Weirdly Convoluted Situation - IGN WWW.IGN.COM Two different versions of GoldenEye are being released on two different consoles, but neither are the recently leaked remaster. It’s a weirdly convoluted situation. Basically the Xbox version gets 4K, Local MP, 60fps plus achivements and the Switch gets online multiplayer but a far weaker experience in regards to framerate and resolution as expected. The absolute killer for both versions is that NEITHER are the remaster that was leaked last year on PC which was an excellent ground-up reworking plus like with Halo and it's MCC versions, you could switch to the old appearance in the press of one button. So basically both devices get the old N64 port with varying quality and MP features but nobody gets what was finished back in 2008 which was the Xbox Live Arcade version made to the same standard of the outstanding Perfect Dark remastering. Seems everyone is gonna get the short straw with this but at least Rare Replay owners will get it for free. It's such a travesty the unreleased version from 2008 will never legitimately see the light of day and those money men clowns who own the IP's don't know the opportunity that they've let walk by.
  2. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
  3. Definitely worth continuing - the most depressing part of the game is probably the cheesiness but it's definitely a unique experience seeing through.
  4. I've done the game on a N64 emulator and the XBLA leaked version and it's good to revisit but I'd never put more than a few hours into it. Definitely has not aged well in places although it's still fun and a big challenge to complete on 00 Agent especially if you're going for the cheats.
  5. Finally Too bad it's just for Xbox and Switch but at least it's been done. Hopefully we'll see a PC port in the future.
  6. The problem is they took PES as far as they could under the Fox Engine which saw PES 2021 release as a season update rather than a brand new game. People were then under the assumption that them moving to the Unreal engine was to realise the next gen potential however it's been clear that this was a bait and switch and it was simply to bring the console and mobile versions closer together. Now Konami look like utter planks trying to roll with a mobile game on hardware pushing 4K. Only way they can truly salvage something is if they move to Unreal Engine 5 and work on a proper current gen title but doing this will mean they have to separate from mobile. This will definitely go down as one of the worst decisions ever made in the history of gaming - 7 years of hard work and keeping toe to toe with FIFA all undone just because they thought people wanted a shared console v mobile platform rather than a groundbreaking football experience. It's also utterly idiotic that you can't play more than 5 minute matches plus there's still only 9 teams. I can understand them not having the balls to charge full price for such a stripped down version (demo as you say) but the F2P model is not worth anyone's time. Given EA an open goal for the next 3 years at least I'd say and they will be milking the shit out of their next game without having to adhere to FIFA brand regulations.
  7. Seems like only 5 minutes since I made a thread about the 3000 range but that was going back a couple of years. Now the 4000 one is all but confirmed with some leaks with the 4090 expected to release as soon as next month with the 4080 and 4070ti to follow in November and December respectively. So much for the chip shortage eh....
  8. Looks pretty interesting but as mentioned in the video, the marketing behind this game has done it a complete disservice - I just hope people can see past that and that the game delivers to its potential. If anyone hasn't seen some of the marketing on social media in recent weeks, don't bother as it's absolutely mortifying.
  9. Post-launch support of this game has apparently been the worst ever seen of a live service. Two maps added in almost one year, lots of unfinished and missing aspects plus the awards to incentivise retention are woefully embarrassing. The studio head has just left and there's no sign of any worthwhile future content with over 90% of players departed. 343 have literally destroyed Halo - this has been their 4th chance and they've failed harder than ever before. Time to bury the series altogether IMO. Still cannot believe this is the biggest budgeted game of all time.
  10. UFL Football has been delayed until 2023 (probably a year from now if we're lucky) and I am really not convinced by it. The devs are way too quiet and evasive, and when a game can't provide worthwhile updates or gameplay footage in any state, it just adds to a suspicion that things aren't going well behind the scenes or the game doesn't really exist in much of a degree. Looks like we're gonna be stuck with FIFA rebranded and this eFootball shite for years to come. The roadmap of eFootball seems to be them slowly working towards what PES2020 was so if they keep as it is, by the year 2025, they would have remade PES2021 againπŸ˜‚
  11. Absolutely love Dark Souls 3! Spent 75+ hours in total and some of the locations and bosses were legendary. Still think this game is miles ahead of anything they did in Elden Ring. One of my most favourite locations in the whole series
  12. Still absolute wank by the look of things Pitch looks like 2D carpet.
  13. So I managed to chalk off Mafia: City of Lost Heaven the other week and then instantly went through it again start to finish with the community mod pack. Almost unheard of that I do the same game back to back but this one is particularly enjoyable and especially as the mod makes such a significant overhaul to the games initial weaknesses. Remarkable game if you can get over the slow-ish start and some jank. Vanilla Modded
  14. I'll probably play the beta on Steam and dust off the PS5 and try it on there too. No way am I preordering though.
  15. Out later next month and should be a good one Paradox also ran a near-4 hour stream recently which covers a hell of a lot
  16. It's been such a long time I can barely remember. I think I spent most of my time in tutorial island of Ireland😎
  17. Some more Mafia with the 2.1 Community Patch
  18. As soon as I saw the initial reports about her health early afternoon I knew she passed away and it was a matter of protocols being completed before the death was announced. The media would've looked utterly ridiculous had she made a recover so it's safe to say they knew to a degree and I think a lot of people expected it. She had a great innings and accomplished so much around the globe and I was somewhat taken aback by the amount of statues all around the globe in locations where she made a difference. She's been at the helm for many people's entire lives so it's gonna be weird not having her presence in every day lives especially once money changes over along with stamps. I'm not even sure what's gonna happen to the national anthem either. On a lighter note, I'm kinda pissed off that the TV and sports schedules have now gone tits up aside from horse racing (i wonder why...) but she does deserved to be remembered for all that's been accomplished over many days to come.
  19. More of Mafia (2002) but with the community patch 2.1 that enhances textures, restores music and improves draw distances.
  20. Shadow of the Tomb Raider FREE on Epic but gotta be quick as it ends today https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/shadow-of-the-tomb-raider
  21. Surprisingly just an old PC in 1080p😎
  22. Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven (2002)
  23. Pre-order currently Β£47 on Amazon as opposed to Β£65 on PS Store Gotham Knights (PS5) : Amazon.co.uk: PC & Video Games WWW.AMAZON.CO.UK Buy Gotham Knights (PS5) from Amazon.co.uk. Everyday low prices on a huge range of consoles, games and accessories. Good deal but there is no way I am taking the plunge unless I see some reviews.
  24. I had Attitude on Dreamcast and the only good thing about it was the huge visual step up at the time. Other than that, the controls were clunky as hell and the atmosphere was really dead. Smackdown really brought everything to the table but the forward roll to get back to feet made it lose some realism factor although it kept the fights flowing.
  25. Some of the maps look a bit better but in all honesty all they've done is add a few containers, barrels and ammo boxes for cover and moved a few trees around. It's really desperate and tragic although they do look less open and barren now. It's also taken way too long for this to happen - DICE were already working on their 5th map expansion pack by now for BF4 yet in BF2042 they only have about 3 new maps in 11 months. It's pitiful really. I still think the textures look extermely low quality and plain and the game is desperately missing map-changing levolution elements and naval maps. The team that's taken over the game are clearly working hard but there's just way too much to be done to turn this around whilst DICE who fucked this up every step of the way are currently working on their new game.
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