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Everything posted by J4MES OX4D

  1. Graphics look amazing
  2. Kingdom Come Deliverance FREE on E**c Games
  3. Game is free on the Epic Store right now!
  4. New ARPG out today on PC. Looks interesting and has co-op too. Similar to the likes of PoE and Grim Dawn
  5. E3 has been struggling in recent years with many big names doing their own show or just skipping it altogether. Now the face of it for the past 25 years wont be attending either. Industry vet Geoff Keighley is skipping E3 for the first time in 25 years WWW.THEVERGE.COM Another big departure. I've not enjoyed the show for a long time and it started going wrong when companies like Activision and Microsoft started buying up large exclusivity stage slots - they'd have too much time and not enough material to fill the spaces so the presentation and show as a whole would turn into an absolute bore. Other games who's owners didn't pay an exposure premium then had limited time to showcase which left people annoyed and wanting more. Another thing is event being so corporate and journalist-heavy that real gamers were just left alienated. Sites would do a bad job of conveying information or not ask the burning questions which left people feeling screwed or frustrated. The likes of EA play are no better but it just makes sense if publishers do their own thing especially with all the media available to them and most having a major presence in the industry. E3 has been great over the years but I really think it's run its course in the current format especially with big names missing. Ideally I would like to see smaller games get visibility and done in a fair, unbiased way but if the event doesn't make much money then I think they'll pull the plug altogether. Gamescom and PAX seem to be thriving still so maybe E3 needs to take a hard look at itself.
  6. Considering you can spawn trap and kill on even the massive maps in MW, it doesn't surprise me this one is a nightmare. Rust in MW2 worked fairly well and users always had some form of spawn protection and trapping was rare - at worst you die to a random nade but otherwise even with someone on the top of the structure, it was so rare to be spawnkilled. They could've chosen High Rise, Afghan, Terminal, Sub Base and Scrapyard but they go for the fad maps which are only good to escape the exhausting big ones and for quickfire fun now and then. They'll probably release Free Fall from Ghosts next.. Also well done to Lee for expanding my original post with all the confirmed details!
  7. How does Rust play these days? Seems like they've added more cover in places and the outskirts of the map has more structures which make it harder to spot players at range.
  8. Haven't tried it with a controller yet but apparently it works well although they are still making improvements. Will hopefully try later and see the difference.
  9. Worth picking up for a fiver and I'm sure everyone will get their money's worth but it all feels a bit desperate and there's always a better game out there to be enjoyed. I can't see myself bothering even if the game was free. BioWare are absolutely threadbare as a studio right now but the ones remaining may be able to conjure up something half decent just like Sledgehammer did with WW2 but with so many games coming out in the next few months, the revival might be short-lived and a lot of damage has already been done. The studio is too expensive to cull but to barren to make a brand new game it seems - DAI4 news never materialised in December, so supporting Anthem is all they can do and the community bloody deserve it.
  10. Bought this last night and it's just such an incredible game! Probably the biggest hidden gem out there. The weapons are absolutely fantastic and every run feels unique. Some amazing action and truly satisfying gameplay! Very tough but once you get a rhythm going and earning some upgrades/unlocks then it becomes even more interesting.
  11. This was in the Steam sale all last week and I was really tempted to get it but picked up Synthetik instead. Definitely will look to pick this up in the near future as it looks pretty nice and well worth the money.
  12. This game is slowly growing in popularity on PC There is a demo/starter version which is free to play right now which is great fun SYNTHETIK: Arena on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Face the varied challenges of the Machine God Zir in ARENA, a standalone expansion for Synthetik: Legion Rising! Leverage the next... I've done a few runs already and it's a very unique and polished game. Takes a little time to get into the rhythm of things but it's really challenging and enjoyable. I'll probably pick up the full version in the sale. Wish I picked it up before as it was once a fiver and in the Humble Monthly. It's now about £17 but it has had a lot of work done to it since so it feels like a brand new experience than what it was on release it seems.
  13. If you're in need for a cheap mobo to tide you over Tommy, I'd just go with whatever but if you are looking to possibly start upgrading part by part in the next couple of years then I would consider exploring the higher-end ones within your budget.
  14. Rust returns Can't wait to see the fuck up they make remaking Rust. There has to be something they do that totally ruins the map and I can't wait to see what it is. They'll probably add a few doors somewhere for starters and I guess we'll see a few new headglitching spots. EDIT: Full Season 2 Patch Notes What's New • New Operator: Ghost! • New Weapons: Grau 5.56 and Striker 45 Playlist Update! • CDL Playlist (Hardpoint, Domination, Search and Destroy) • Realism Ground War (previously Realism Mosh Pit) • Adding Boneyard into Ground War rotation • "I have Rust Issues" - 6v6 Mosh Pit Gunfight Snipers 3v3 • Rust: available in 2v2 and 6v6 playlists • Atlas Superstore: available in 6v6 and 10v10 playlists • Regiments! (check them out in the Social menu!) • New Trials! • Special Ops Survival: Azhir Cave (Sony Exclusive!) • Akimbo Weapon Perk! (available in Gunsmith) * A note from the team: Bazaar and Gunfight Tournaments will go live later in the season! General Fixes • Fix for the "Focused" challenge not tracking properly Krovnik Farmland • Added back into rotation • Removed access to the second floor in a handful of centrally located houses (see the locations below marked in red) • Fixes for various exploits across Ground War maps • Fixed an issue where players could team kill Care Package owners and teammates capturing Care Packages • Fix for Platinum and Damascus camos sometimes having a blinding glare when in certain areas that contain sunlight • Fix for a rare bug that could prevent players from accessing the barracks, weapons, and/or Operators tabs after matches • Disabled the "Copy Loadout" feature Field Upgrades • Trophy System: Deploy time has been reduced by about half a second Call of Duty: Modern Warfare review - punchy gunplay in a camper's paradise • Fixed a bug that allowed players to get infinite Weapon Drops by cancelling Killstreaks. Killstreaks are no longer usable when the Weapon Drop grenade is equipped • Fixed a bug where objectives were not giving Field Upgrade progress Perks - Rebalancing Perk 1 Slots • Overkill: Switched places with Killchain and will now be in Perk 2 • E.O.D.: Removed hacking ability (added to Spotter perk) • Double Time: Double the recharge rate of Tactical Sprint • Quick Fix: Reduced health regeneration delay - any kill will immediately start regeneration Perk 2 Slots • Ghost: Remove Snapshot grenade immunity (moved to Battle Hardened) • Restock: Change the equipment recharge rate from 30 to 25 seconds • Killchain: Switched places with Overkill In Perk 1 • Pointman: Increase the score gain for Scorestreaks across all modes Perk 3 Slots • Tune Up: Increase Field Upgrade cost reduction • Spotter: Added hacking ability (from E.O.D.); we're currently working on the ability to hack through walls. • Battle Hardened: Added Snapshot grenade immunity (moved from Ghost) • Added Gas grenade resistance: Cough is no longer played when a player enters gas • Reduced slowdown under gas effect • Reduced blur when under gas effect Weapons Crossbow: • Fix for some kills not tracking properly when attempting to unlock the Crossbow • Fixed explosive Fury crossbow bolts to not kill Juggernauts in one hit • Very slight tuning to the reload speed. We're still fine tuning this one, so more adjusting is in the works! • Fixed a bug where the Crossbow did not do any melee damage to Deployable Cover SA87 • Smoothed out recoil, increased damage • Increased RAM-7 extended mags ammo count from 45 to 50 *A note from the weapons team! The Solozero NVG Enhanced is supposed to see through smoke, but a rendering bug broke this one optic temporarily. We'll have it fixed shortly! Special Operations • Operation Harbinger: Fixed an issue with a checkpoint that could cause players to spawn under the map Keyboard and Mouse • Added Change to Loadout keybinds for Custom Loadouts 6 to 10, allowing players to quickly switch to any of their favorite Loadouts with the press of a button. • Fixed a visual issue where highlighting the usernames of multiple people in a lobby with the mouse cursor could lead to multiple Emblem/Player Card/Level UI elements appearing and overlapping each other. Call of Duty League • Removed Specialist restrictions COD Caster • For Keyboard & Mouse Codcasters, it is now possible to bring up player Field Upgrades by pressing a key in the same way as they can with Killstreaks. This also shows the exact progress until each player unlocks their respective Field Upgrade. • Player health levels are displayed in the background of their portraits • Player numbers are now displayed in the minimap and are larger when viewed on the full map SEASON 2 ROADMAP
  15. Shipment classic was always a clusterfuck but at the same time it was designed in such a way that you could build streaks. Line of sight spawn killing was rare and matches had a degree of flow in the carnage. The new Shipment is a testament to the new IW's lack of understanding which was highlighted in Crash where they even manage to fuck that up completely with just a couple of small but significant changes. LOS killing and spawn momentum trapping shouldn't be a thing regardless of how small the map is and if it is then the map shouldn't exist. IW really don't get that and that's why so many of their maps are just crap nowadays. If they were to remake Nuketown themselves, they are the sort of people that would remove the houses!
  16. Very well made video and a cool concept
  17. What a mess this entire game has been. I've had it since day one and I look back some old threads and it just highlights what a calamity development has been throughout. Bohemia have the staff and they have the money so I'm not sure why this project has been so neglected and/or poorly managed. Dean Hall leaving early on, nobody knowing what is going on, roadmap being put back, broken promises, delays. internal restructuring, engine changeover, console port distraction etc...so much has happened and I still can't work out if the final version is anything more than an alpha still. They did make a lot of progress in recent times granted but I have to wonder now if they are winding down because the money just isn't coming in. This game still needs so much more and the potential is huge but people are long fed up.
  18. Blizzard is offering refunds for Warcraft 3: Reforged | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM Normal refund limits are being set aside for this one.
  19. What a household name Houser is in this industry and what an impact him and his team have made in the last couple of decades. I just hope his departure wont impact the studio going forward too much as so many iconic developers have been overridden by the corporate aspect in recent years which has soured brands and studios. Co-founder of Rockstar Games leaves WWW.BBC.CO.UK Dan Houser founded the studio behind Grand Theft Auto with his brother in 1998.
  20. I knew this would be an issue on Shitment in this game because you could practically ADS spawn kill people even on the big maps like Euprates and Piccacuntingdilly. I thought all this had been long eradicated from Black Ops onwards but IW really brought back a lot of old school issues in this game.
  21. I thought he'd be playing if he wasn't cup tied but apparently you have to name the same squad that played the first game or something to that tune and that match was before they signed Rose and one other player so they were both ineligible.
  22. Oxford 2-3 Newcastle What an amazing game of football that was! We did so well to claw it back and then threw everything at them. Such a shame they nicked it but none of us wanted penalties
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