In regards to the article, my first thoughts are; why weren't there videogame scholarships back in my day😅
I actually think the whole thing is stupid (videogame scholarships) really - bit like how in China they have Influencer Degrees for TikTok and other social media shit. Not sure if it's because I haven't moved with the times but I'd rather see investment in people for crucial life skills that they cannot earn outside of their household. Anybody can pick up and play a videogame but you can't become a Doctor or Scientist without some extensive paid education and encouragement. This whole charade sounds like a quick cash-in for Universities and Colleges a bit like how real sport teams now have an e-sport team on the side for that extra pocket money.
In regards to the gender gap, although a lot of females play videogames, it's still dominated heavily by males because more opt to play professionally within the popular games and many have been around for a long time. There are some excellent and highly-skilled female streamers and content creators around but many opt against playing in this space. E-Sport firms are also perhaps reluctant with female talent because there is no barriers between the genders and the big games house so many established names and there is endless male talent coming through. It would help if more females watched e-sports and Universities actively encouraged and backed players moving into this space as much as they were eager to chase the money in the industry through 'scholarships'. Mandatory mixed teams could also be a consideration and would set an example for other teams and competitions to follow.
I think a few female pro gamers and streamers in existence have put a lot of males off watching and females from entering the industry because of behavior on the likes of Twitch and during competitions previous. This has been another factor that has had a serious ongoing impact and perhaps why they wouldn't be trusted or taken seriously when there is big money up for grabs. Womens MMA has proven there is a huge market to tap into and I think e-Sports is something that can print money but the videogame industry in regards to pro gaming is a pile of unregulated and classless shite. It's all about the money first and foremost and until the very foundations of the concept are improved, it will sadly remain this way. A lot of people buying into this space like universities are fucking clueless as it is - they just see the bottom line and to hell on how it is earned.