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Event Comments posted by RenFengge

    Deep Stone Crypt


    omg... split focus is terrible when doing the challenges. I SO SORRY. I was not expecting to be juggling calls with my IT team, Marketing team, and external PR firm after the first 30 minutes.............


    Thanks, @Venom for basically salvaging from my screw ups.

    DSC Raid


    @Baabcat , @Venom , @Kemp210 , @Ajay , @Bluebear , @TurboR56Mini  - I am leaving this up because the RSVPs are slightly different. Please note:


    1 January 24, 2021 Raid will be at 8AM ET/1PM GMT. You are the 6 people in the raid. Raid is Last Wish (or switch to DSC if you want).


    I will be online but playing Ghost of Tsushima. If you need me to hop in, cool. If not, I will be continuing to be all samurai/ninja in my game lol. 

    DSC Raid



    3 hours ago, Baabcat said:

    So, @RenFengge , what do you think we should do - blast through DSC at 1pm maybe, then do Last Wish?  Or just try and get a full clear of Last Wish done? Happy with either


    We will have a full raid team tomorrow. And, it will probably be the usuals for this group.


    I, myself, would like to get as competent with Last Wish as I am with DSC. We've done the run on DSC this week, and I think some in our group is looking to get some Last Wish weapons like 1K? (yes, I'm figuring this out in my brain as I type).


    Maybe, Let's focus on Last Wish tomorrow at 8AM ET/1PM GMT. What time is your cut off until you and Charlie have to get back to real life?

    Lolz... great run! The 4-ball strat at the end seems so much easier and less chaotic.


    However... there was a reason why I said I wouldn't be running solar... because I knew I would forget to switch to Stasis. Hahaha.


    We'll get it next time! Thanks for the other triumphs!

    DSC Raid

    1 hour ago, RedBeardCG said:

    Well....if it's at 7AM EST I'll have to pass.  Need a little bit more sleep since I'm working later that night lol

    We'll figure this out...

    1 hour ago, Baabcat said:

    In fact I'll make it 8.30 so we can get the sparrow bit done while you are on your way. We know have to do the sparrow bit legit so could be carnage the first time! wont go past the first chest!


    DSC Raid

    On 1/19/2021 at 8:33 AM, Baabcat said:

    Yeah 4pm not a good time for me and Charlie , 2pm much better, not sure of people’s availability but Charlie and I should be around sundays and maybe Saturday. Could also do a DSC on the evening say Thursday 

    Baab - what if we run this at 7AM ET/12PM GMT? 

    Last Wish - Full Run

    17 minutes ago, Baabcat said:

    Hi @RenFengge  i'd be struggling with this one - could we do 2pm GMT sunday perhaps, the earlier we start the better for me but appreciate 9am is a lot to ask


    I'm also struggling for the DSC raid at 5pm, so i'll set one up for Thursday night ad see if people can make it - think we need a stasis run, but its also the hardest challenge for those going for the seal 


    I think 9AM ET is perfectly fine. Again, we're typically awake by 7AM thanks to our ogre of a dog who gets super restless if we stay in bed past 7:30AM ET lol. I'll adjust this to be 2PM GMT.

  1. Well, I didn't think we would get to the final encounter... so that's the only part of the video i didn't watch. Shame on me, but that's to everyone else's patience with it! (I promise, guys, I will watch it, so I know where I'm going with the heart!)


    Cool to finally do it. I can see how we could run this in an hour or a little more than an hour if we get as solid as we are in DSC. Need to do the eggs, but I'm not mentally into D2 at the moment. Probably once the next season starts tho!


    Thanks, @Ajay for stepping in!

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