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Everything posted by Dattebayo

  1. How the hell am I supposed to upload my emblems now? And I made a group that uploads PRIMARILY on this Elite! F*ckling Activision!
  2. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTYgpTswNCUIF6MbsIizGzbviijTCs39GeF8J1GOmzh-L_5PU3xfoYQ8gNah, just....you keep changing your name... x)
  3. We'll probably have to wait until 3ARC'sinstallment 1 year from now.Unless, of course, you trust Sledgehammer. Ponies?
  4. Beyonce? You mean Jay Z.2? Nope! Not clicking! x) My brother is was a huge Beyonce fan, and he is disgruntled at the fact that she's succumbed to the whole twerking/swagf*ag thing. Sometimes I whisper "Swervin on dat wood, twerking on that good" to piss him off. x) Let Beyonce be a lesson to all of you rising stars, boys and girls.
  5. Found this: I remember one that said "you gonna cry carl? Cry like a biiiiiiiiiiiiitch?" but I couldn't find . Sorry for getting your hopes up by thinking someone replied to you, bees. x)
  6. Oh yeah, I had a lot more fun playing those two modes than the showcased Conquest and Rush in the beta. Way faster paced. Even in my last days with BF³, I had more fun playing TDM in that shipyard map than in the whole combined week.
  7. Oh, that last bit was directed in general. x) /one man's "boring" is another man's "consistent".
  8. Hell, why not have both? When I had BFBC2 and it wasn't a CoD type of day. I'd merrily play that, and vice versa. It's all a matter of what you're in the mood for, really. At least for me.
  9. @Cyber Comparing BF to CoD is like comparing an Apple to an orange. It's just silly. If I were silly, I could say that the action in BF slows to a crawl way to frequently and you can't find anyone in those giant maps and that vehicle whores are always mucking e everything up, while the action in CoD is always fast paced and engagements end quick enough for you to spawn and get right back into the action.... But that'd be silly. I'm not defending Ghosts, nor am I attacking Battlefield. I'm protecting the idea of different tastes.
  10. Apocalypse Now Redux. Personally preferred the original. A lot less faffin'. Still good, though.
  11. Apocalypse Now Redux. Personally preferred the original. A lot less faffin'. Still good, though.
  12. Ha, no, oomph as in the feel of the guns. x)Everyone always talks about the connection, I found it to be perfectly playable.
  13. Sometimes I envy your job, Doc. These are the times I don't .x)
  14. I know, it's something I can't really explain. x) Like explaining color to a person who's been blind his whole life. From the first time I shoot a gun in any game, I can tell whether or not I'm gonna like it. I'm not weird. Shut up. x)
  15. Can't really help Jordie, but I feel your pain. There are a few connected folks here, and most of them in the UK area, hopefully they can help.
  16. I'm far from a BF fan (at least not the current ones), so my words aren't biased when I say this: The guns don't have the "oomph" that 3ARC's weapons have. All they do is lay there when you shoot, and if they do have recoil, it's generic and just feels like the gun is moving lazily. I feel removed from the experience, and frankly, that's their greatest sin. Compare, say, BO2's weapons to Ghosts. BO1, even. Waw too! They have a real presence. That "oomph" that I crave.
  17. A top secret ESO Beta stream that got Bro Team banned from Twitch (apparently, you're not supposed to stream this game yet or something). Enjoy it! It looks pretty...bland. Good enough for the subscription? you decide.
  18. At this rate, it'll be a relatively nice and easy 300 by the time I can get one in 2016. Maybe less, Microsoft? ;o
  19. What the hell are you doing man, that's too much Sabbath for one video!
  20. Good 'ol 'Murica will help him.
  21. I'd probably be on that other team. :'(
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